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Title Ref Date Date Added
1 SalterWaveSinkDocuments4H... HPAC reading lists (2023) 11/28/23
Extreme weather is 'smacking us in the face' with worse to come, but a 'tiny window' of hope remains, say leading climate scientists
2 theguardian.com/environme... 'Off-the-charts records': has humanity finally broken the climate? 11/6/23 11/5/23
Anzai Kantentsu - nanobubble technology
株式会社 安斉管鉄
3 r4rJKypLijA (9) [NHK] Nanobubble technology 3/3/24 11/5/23
Life on planet Earth is under siege. We are now in an uncharted territory. For several decades, scientists have consistently warned of a future marked by extrem
4 academic.oup.com/bioscien... 2023 state of the climate report: Entering uncharted territory 11/5/23
The former NASA scientist James Hansen says in a new paper that global temperatures will pass a major milestone this decade, faster than other estimates predict.
5 nytimes.com/2023/11/02/cl... 35 Years After Addressing Congress, James Hansen Has More Climate Warnings 11/3/23 11/13/23
plain language description from a professional climatologist
some key studies on solar irradiance and volcanic issues
Schmutz, W., Changes in the Total Solar Irradiance and climatic effects, https://doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2021016
Dudok de Wit T, Ermolli I, Haberreiter M, Kambezidis H, Lam MM, et al. 2016. Earth"™s climate response to a changing Sun. EDP Sciences, France ISBN 978-2-7598-1733-7. https://doi.org/10.1051/978-2-75981733-7
Owens MJ, Lockwood M, Hawkins E, Usoskin I, Jones GS, Barnard L, Schurer A, Fasullo J. 2017. The Maunder minimum and the Little Ice Age: an update from recent reconstructions and climate simulations. J Space Weather Space Clim 7: A33. https://doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2017034
6 LYdvn2pGyOw (12) 5 factors behind the Global Heatwave 2023, and it's not just El Nino 8/4/23 11/5/23
As an outcome of a workshop following Hurricane Katrina this paper extends ideas submitted to the Royal Society Call for Submissions on geoengineering. The frequency and severity of hurricanes rise sharply if the surface temperature of the sea exceeds 26.5 C. This is because of our definition of hurricane categories rather than having anything to do with atmospheric physics. If we can pump warm water downwards to below the thermocline perhaps we can have gentle hurricanes. Designers of overtopping wave plant for energy generation want a high product of head and flow. But the head of water needed to overcome the density difference due to the temperature drop with depth in many hurricane breeding sites is often less than 200 mm. This means that we can use the horizontal movement of sea waves to move water through a wall of non-return valves into an enclosure with a down-tube reaching to the thermocline. The warm water from above will mix with cold, nutrientrich water, giving a mixture of an intermediate temperature which will rise until is reaches the level of the same density, from where it will spread sideways. If this layer is at 100 metres below the surface there will be enough daylight to allow the growth of phytoplankton. These are efficient carbon absorbers and the start of the marine food chain. Keywords: Climate change, wave-energy, nutrient pump, thermocline, hurricane suppression, phytoplankton, marine food chain.
7 Hurricanes carbon and fish A 20 GW Thermal 300-metre3/sec Wave-energised, Surge-mode Nutrient-pump for Removing Atmospheric Carbon dioxide, Increasing Fish Stocks and Suppressing Hurricanes. 1/1/23 11/28/23
Given the clear need to inform societal decision-making on the role marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR) can play in solving the climate crisis, it is imperative that researchers begin to answer questions about its effectiveness and impacts. Yet overly hasty deployment of new ocean-based climate interventions risks harm to communities and ecosystems and could jeopardize […]
8 aspeninstitute.org/public... A Code of Conduct for Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Research 11/2/23 11/8/23
9 Design4KenyanBuoyantFlake... A low cost mesocosm design (2023) 10/13/23
10 KeepKrill A thought experiment (2022) 10/13/23
11 BFOFAbstract Abstract (2015) 10/13/23
Summary ? Climate risks are cascading, non-linear and underestimated. Tipping points are happening faster than forecast; some have already occurred at less than the current 1.2°C of warming. ? To provide maximum protection for the places and peoples we care about requires returning to a climate similar to the relatively stable Holocene conditions of the last 9000 years when carbon dioxide (CO2 ) levels did not exceed 280 parts per million prior to 1900. ? A “three levers” approach — “reduce, remove and repair” is required: ? Reducing emissions to zero at emergency speed; ? Removing carbon by drawdown to return atmospheric conditions to the Holocene zone; and ? Urgent research to identify safe interventions that protect and repair vital systems and, in the shorter term, aim to prevent warming reaching a level that triggers a cascade of calamitous tipping points that are irreversible on human timescales. ? The harsh reality is that the first two levers alone — zero emissions and drawdown — are not sufficient to stop the Earth system charging passing 1.5°C within the next decade (nor 2°C in all likelihood), regardless of the emissions path. ? Even as the world moves to zero emissions, and CO2 levels start to decrease by natural processes and by CO2 removal, albedo modification for a limited period can flatten the level of peak warming — and perhaps help avoid existential climate impacts and extreme damage — until the other processes fully kick in.
12 breakthroughonline.org.au... Accelerating climate disruption and the strategy to reduce, remove and repair 8/1/23 11/5/23
Abstract. Compared with 2019, measurements of the global growth rate of background (marine air) atmospheric methane rose by 5.3?ppb?yr-1 in 2020, reaching 15.0?ppb?yr-1. Global atmospheric chemistry models have previously shown that reductions in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions reduce levels of the hydroxyl radical (OH) and lengthen the methane lifetime. Acting in the opposite sense, reductions in carbon monoxide (CO) and non-methane volatile organic compound (NMVOC) emissions increase OH and shorten methane's lifetime. Using estimates of NOx, CO, and NMVOC emission reductions associated with COVID-19 lockdowns around the world in 2020 as well as model-derived regional and aviation sensitivities of methane to these emissions, we find that NOx emission reductions led to a 4.8 (3.8 to 5.8)?ppb?yr-1 increase in the global methane growth rate. Reductions in CO and NMVOC emissions partly counteracted this, changing (reducing) the methane growth rate by -1.4 (-1.1 to -1.7)?ppb?yr-1 (CO) and -0.5 (-0.1 to -0.9)?ppb?yr-1 (NMVOC), yielding a net increase of 2.9 (1.7 to 4.0)?ppb?yr-1. Uncertainties refer to ±1 standard deviation model ranges in sensitivities. Whilst changes in anthropogenic emissions related to COVID-19 lockdowns are probably not the only important factor that influenced methane during 2020, these results indicate that they have had a large impact and that the net effect of NOx, CO, and NMVOC emission changes can explain over half of the observed 2020 methane changes. Large uncertainties remain in both emission changes during the lockdowns and methane's response to them; nevertheless, this analysis suggests that further research into how the atmospheric composition changed over the lockdown periods will help us to interpret past methane changes and to constrain future methane projections.
13 acp.copernicus.org/articl... ACP - COVID-19 lockdown emission reductions have the potential to explain over half of the coincident increase in global atmospheric methane 11/8/22 11/2/23
14 acp.copernicus.org/articl... ACP - Marine cloud brightening - as effective without clouds 11/6/27 11/5/23
15 IceArrayConstruction Aerial View of Ice Array (2017) 10/13/23
Gigablue is accelerating the return to balance, by elegantly combining science, AI and nature’s way to secure our planet's future. We believe the climate challenge demands massive action, on a massive scale. Implementation barriers must be drastically lowered to achieve a price point that is both affordable and feasible to operate. Most importantly, however, the solution must be effective and long-lasting, for our generation and all those to come. One planet, one last chance, one solution.
16 gigablue.co/ Affordable, planetary-scale carbon capture and removal. 11/1/23 11/15/23
Presentation by Alan Gadian of his Marine Cloud Brightening research at the Healthy Planet Action Coalition General Meeting. Alan is a Visiting Professor of Dynamical Meteorology at the University of Leeds and Senior Scientist at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS). In addition to pursuing his own MCB modelling research, Alan is working closely with Stephen Salter and others on trying to move this potentially important direct climate cooling method forward.
17 lRJqQfrbgP0 (1:27) Alan Gadian Marine Cloud Brightening HPAC 5 October 2023 10/8/23 11/5/23
The risk of points-of-no-return, which, once surpassed lock the world into new dynamics, have been discussed for decades. Recently, there have been warnings that some of these tipping points are coming closer and are too dangerous to be disregarded. In this paper we report that in the ESCIMO climate model the world is already past a point-of-no-return for global warming. In ESCIMO we observe self-sustained thawing of the permafrost for hundreds of years, even if global society stops all emissions of man-made GHGs immediately. We encourage other model builders to explore our discovery in their (bigger) models, and report on their findings. The thawing (in ESCIMO) is the result of a continuing self-sustained rise in the global temperature. This warming is the combined effect of three physical processes: (1) declining surface albedo (driven by melting of the Arctic ice cover), (2) increasing amounts of water vapour in the atmosphere (driven by higher temperatures), and (3) changes in the concentrations of the GHG in the atmosphere (driven by the absorption of CO2 in biomass and oceans, and emission of carbon (CH4 and CO2) from thawing permafrost). This self-sustained, in the sense of no further GHG emissions, thawing process (in ESCIMO) is a causally determined, physical process that evolves over time. It starts with the man-made warming up to the 1950s, leading to a rise in the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere--further lifting the temperature, causing increasing release of carbon from thawing permafrost, and simultaneously a decline in the surface albedo as the ice and snow covers melts. To stop the self-sustained warming in ESCIMO, enormous amounts of CO2 have to be extracted from the atmosphere.
18 nature.com/articles/s4159... An earth system model shows self-sustained thawing of permafrost even if all man-made GHG emissions stop in 2020 11/12/20 11/8/23
On behalf of renowned climate scientist, Dr. James Hansen, we are pleased to share this virtual event entitled "An Intimate Conversation with Leading Climate Scientists To Discuss Ground-breaking New Research on Global Warming".
Ahead of the upcoming COP28, renowned climate scientist, Dr. James Hansen, and his co-authors present the novel findings of his new paper "Global Warming in the Pipeline."
Read the paper: https://academic.oup.com/oocc/article/3/1/kgad008/7335889
The event was moderated by Professor Jeffrey Sachs and features interventions by the following individuals:
- Dr. James Hansen, Lead Author and Director, Climate Science, Awareness, and Solutions, Columbia University Earth Institute
- Leon Simons, The Club of Rome Netherlands, "˜s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
- Dr. Norman G. Loeb, CERES Principal Investigator, NASA
-Dr. George Tselioudis, Author and Research Physical Scientist, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
- Dr. Pushker Kharecha, Author and Associate Research Scientist, Director, Climate Science, Awareness, and Solutions, Columbia Climate School
About the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN):
The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) was set up in 2012 under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General. SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. SDSN works closely with United Nations agencies, multilateral financing institutions, the private sector, and civil society.
Connect with us:
19 NXDWpBlPCY8 (1:13) An Intimate Conversation with Leading Climate Scientists To Discuss New Research on Global Warming 11/2/23 11/4/23
Microbial metagenomes are DNA samples of the most abundant, and therefore most successful organisms at the sampling time and location for a given cell size range. The study of microbial communities via their DNA content has revolutionized our understanding of microbial ecology and evolution. Iron availability is a critical resource that limits microbial communities' growth in many oceanic areas. Here, we built a database of 2319 sequences, corresponding to 140 gene families of iron metabolism with a large phylogenetic spread, to explore the microbial strategies of iron acquisition in the ocean's bacterial community. We estimate iron metabolism strategies from metagenome gene content and investigate whether their prevalence varies with dissolved iron concentrations obtained from a biogeochemical model. We show significant quantitative and qualitative variations in iron metabolism pathways, with a higher proportion of iron metabolism genes in low iron environments. We found a striking difference between coastal and open ocean sites regarding Fe2+ versus Fe3+ uptake gene prevalence. We also show that non-specific siderophore uptake increases in low iron open ocean environments, suggesting bacteria may acquire iron from natural siderophore-like organic complexes. Despite the lack of knowledge of iron uptake mechanisms in most marine microorganisms, our approach provides insights into how the iron metabolic pathways of microbial communities may vary with seawater iron concentrations.
20 doi.org/10.1371/journal.p... Analysis of the Global Ocean Sampling (GOS) Project for Trends in Iron Uptake by Surface Ocean Microbes 2/1/23 11/5/23
21 CounteringWOFObjectionsv2 Answers to likely objections (2014) 10/13/23
West Antarctica is headed for decades of rapid melting no matter how quickly humans cut greenhouse gas emissions, and 2023 shattered records for missing sea ice around the continent.
22 apple.news/AuvUxaxIaTdaBx... Antarctic ice is disappearing, threatening massive sea level rise : NPR 10/27/23 11/8/23
Promoting ways to restore planetary temperature and climate to Holocene norms
23 planetaryrestoration.net/... Articles | Planetary Restoration 11/5/23
Abstract. A simple heuristic model is described to assess the potential for increasing solar reflection by augmenting the aerosol population below marine low clouds, which nominally leads to increased cloud droplet concentration and albedo. The model estimates the collective impact of many point source particle sprayers, each of which generates a plume of injected particles that affects clouds over a limited area. A look-up table derived from simulations of an explicit aerosol activation scheme is used to derive cloud droplet concentration as a function of the sub-cloud aerosol size distribution and updraft speed, and a modified version of Twomey’s formulation is used to estimate radiative forcing. Plume overlap is accounted for using a Poisson distribution, assuming idealized elongated cuboid plumes that have a length driven by aerosol lifetime and wind speed, a width consistent with satellite observations of ship track broadening, and a depth equal to an assumed boundary layer depth. The model is found to perform favorably against estimates of brightening from large eddy simulation studies that explicitly model cloud responses to aerosol injections over a range of conditions. Although the heuristic model does not account for cloud condensate or coverage adjustments to aerosol, in most realistic ambient remote marine conditions these tend to augment the Twomey effect in the large eddy simulations, with the result being a modest underprediction of brightening in the heuristic model
24 acp.copernicus.org/articl... Assessing the potential efficacy of marine cloud brightening for cooling Earth using a simple heuristic model 10/1/21 11/20/23
25 imo.org/en/OurWork/Enviro... Assessment Framework (2019) 10/13/23
How close the world is to a catastrophic collapse of the giant ocean currents is unknown, making halting global warming more critical than ever, scientists say
26 theguardian.com/environme... Avoid Gulf stream disruption at all costs, scientists warn 8/25/21 11/5/23
Although the 2015 Paris Agreement climate targets seem certain to be missed, only a few experts are questioning the adequacy of the current approach to limiting climate change and suggesting that additional approaches are needed to avoid unacceptable catastrophes. This article posits that selective science communication and unrealistically optimistic assumptions are obscuring the reality that greenhouse gas emissions reduction and carbon dioxide removal will not curtail climate change in the 21st Century. It also explains how overly pessimistic and speculative criticisms are behind opposition to considering potential climate cooling interventions1 as a complementary approach for mitigating2 dangerous warming.
27 https://eartharxiv.org/repository/view/6244/ Bad science and good intentions prevent effective climate action 11/11/23 1/25/24
Record heatwaves have scorched parts of the planet. What are the impacts of these events?
28 bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m00... BBC Inside Science - The wide-ranging effects of climate change - BBC Sounds 11/5/23
Record heatwaves have scorched parts of the planet. What are the impacts of these events?
29 bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001... BBC Radio 4 - BBC Inside Science, The wide-ranging effects of climate change 11/5/23
Carbon emissions need to fall to zero by 2050 but can the world achieve that goal?
30 bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001... BBC Radio 4 - The Briefing Room, Can we meet the net zero challenge? 11/5/23
31 OOMCalc BF order of magnitude effects (2022) 10/13/23
32 OceanFertilisationCondens... BFOF Condensed (2014) 10/13/23
33 FlakeEconomicsv4 BFOF Economics (2014) 10/13/23
34 BuoyantFlakeExperimentation BFOF Experimentation (2016) 10/13/23
35 OIFValidatingExptsv2 BFOF Experiments (2014) 10/13/23
36 FlakeProductionDisseminat... BFOF Logistics (2020 updated to Nov 2022) 10/13/23
37 DraftMinicoyExptOutline BFOF Phased Trials (2016) 10/13/23
38 MinicoyDeliveries BFOF Phases (2016) 10/13/23
39 OFBFv2 diagram BFOF sea trials (2016) 10/13/23
40 BFOF draft BFOFProjectDraft (~2017) 10/13/23
The Blue Cooling Initiative is about buying time for humanity to bring our ways of living in harmony with the earth’ carrying capacity. We want to achieve this by temporarily cooling the planet via a technology called Marine Cloud Brightening. BCI contributes to the technical development and political/societal acceptance of MCB. BCI wants to deliver the evidence MCB is possible and governable using nature-based solutions. We acquire funds for technical development & organize societal/political landing creating coalitions between scientists, politicians, NGO’s, businesses and the public.
41 bluecooling.org/ Blue Cooling Initiative 11/1/23
42 BuoyantFlakeFertilisation6 Brief to the UN (~2014) 10/13/23
43 GlacialSolutionsv2 Brief to the UN (~2015) 10/13/23
44 vimeo.com/128378154 Bru Pearce's IMO audio presn (2015) 10/13/23
45 Presentation for OFS Bru's IMO slides  (2015) 10/13/23
46 FiztopTheoryv3 Bubble powers?? (2019) 10/13/23
47 BFTheses Buoyant Flake Theses (2022) 10/13/23
Our paper reported only 6 years (one mostly gone) of current emissions to stay below 1.5C. What does that mean for the Paris agreement? In the Paris Agreement, governments agreed to
48 scienceisshiny.wordpress.... Carbon budgets: how hard is the Paris Agreement now? 10/30/23 11/5/23
Fossil fuel emissions threaten a key climate threshold sooner than previously thought, a report says.
49 bbc.co.uk/news/science-en... Carbon emissions threaten 1.5C climate threshold sooner than thought - report - BBC News 10/30/23 11/5/23
Explore a database of 100+ knowledge gaps across the field of durable carbon removal. Find relevant gaps using the filters, add/edit/upvote gaps, and take action to fill them. Learn more about how to use this tool Read an overview of the five types of gaps this tool includes Browse ecosystem resources to find potential collaborators, funding opportunities, or relevant programs View and download the full database content in Airtable This database includes questions that, if addressed, could improve existing carbon removal approaches or lead to entirely new approaches. Please liberally edit existing gaps, or let us know about gaps that are missing altogether. Questions? Interested in collaborating on these problems? Email us at info@frontierclimate.com.
50 gaps.frontierclimate.com/ Carbon removal knowledge gaps 10/26/23
51 prwatch.org/news/2017/07/... Carlin "Save the Ice" PRW article (2017) 10/13/23
Catalytic production of chlorine atoms from iron salt aerosols (ISA) has been suggested as a means of achieving atmospheric methane reduction (AMR). The feasibility of this approach its efficiency and the optimum conditions for deployment must be determined. Success is not obvious because it depends on nonlinear atmospheric free radical chain reactions; under some conditions added chlorine is known to increase methane lifetime. Here we evaluate the catalytic efficiency of atmospheric methane oxidation, initiated by the photocatalytic conversion of chloride to chlorine by iron chlorides Fe(III)Cl(3-n)n , using a OD box model. While HOx and high NOx behaviours are well known, a new regime is characterized by high ClOx conditions ypified by CH3O2 reacting with ClO rather than NO or HO2. We find that at NOx mixing ratios below 50 ppt or above 390 ppt, methane removal per iron atom is always net positive regardless of the Cl2 addition rate. However, between these NOx mixing ratios and for a chlorine production rate below 1×10^6 Cl2 /(cm3 s) the net effect is negative, increasing CH4 concentrations. The efficiencies seen in the model range from -0.26 to 2.63 CH4/Cl.
52 chemrxiv.org/engage/chemr... Catalytic efficiencies for atmospheric methane removal in the high-chlorine regime 10/12/23 11/8/23
53 docs.google.com/document/... CDR cost comparison WP 11/5/23
This chapter outlines what happened to research into a new and unorthodox energy technology that could have helped displace traditional energy supply methods by extracting energy from the waves at sea. The project received funding filtered via the administrative structure of the traditional and competing energy system—nuclear power. The funding source constantly delayed and obstructed the supply of funds making day-to-day operations difficult to manage and the results of the research were assessed by experts who worked within the old technology and so had vested and conflicting interests. This case offers an example of trying to do research with integrity while the researchers were placed in a ‘no win’ situation. Considerable ethical reflection is required to fully understand the context in which the research had to be conducted. The lessons are apt for innovative disruptive technologies that are framed by political, economic and ideological constraints. Those constraints, together with the evident research misconduct that took place, can only be described as sabotage. Again, such actions must be understood in terms of the balance of many interests, most of which failed to live up to standards of professional research integrity. Keywords:Wave power, Stephen Salter, Renewable energy research, Transparency, Funding agencies
54 ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NB... Chapter 8The UK Wave Power Project: Salter’s Duck 11/3/22 11/28/23
Stanford Professor Chris Field, an advisor to the Climate Overshoot Commission (COC) is our guest at the Healthy Planet Action Coalition meeting Thursday, September 21 for 90 minutes.
Mike MacCracken moderated the conversation.
Access to previous HPAC meeting conversations is at https://www.healthyplanetaction.org/
The Commission, a private entity sponsored by the Paris Peace Forum, has 12 members from all over the planet drawn mostly from those who previously held high-level governmental positions, including several with strong backgrounds in climate change.
Their previous Director Dr Jesse Reynolds spoke with HPAC in January.
Jesse Reynolds
The COC report Reducing the Risks of Climate Overshoot was released on September 14.
While the COC did not solicit public input it did hold a series of meetings to learn and discuss the full range of questions facing the international community in dealing with the risk of climate overshoot.
Their 4-part high-level recommendations were summarized in the acronym CARE, for Cut (emissions), Adapt, Remove (CO2), and Explore (SRM).
Specifically, its recommendation on climate intervention advocated expanding research while placing
55 RATVY9v7vsI (1:25) Chris Field Conversation with Healthy Planet Action Coalition 21 September 2023 9/26/23 11/5/23
Carbon dioxide receives a lot of attention because it is warming the climate. However, we think it’s also important to understand the cooling processes that occur naturally in the troposphere. For example: What is the process that removes powerful greenhouse warming agents such as methane and soot from the air? What makes bright clouds form in the air? Moreover, could these processes be safely increased to delay or even reverse today’s melting of Earth’s polar ice sheets? If so, they could prevent the catastrophic effects of carbon dioxide not being drawn down fast enough. Our solutions aim to do that using the same or similar methods that have been operating naturally in the troposphere for millions of years.
56 climatearks.com/ Climate Arks 1/1/23 11/20/23
Climate catalyst is a nature-based method that can be used to provide powerful cooling interventions. It employs the same substances and chemistry that have operated in nature for millions of years, especially during the glacial periods, to bring about the same cooling effects. All of its processes operate in the troposphere and biosphere, albeit they benefit the stratosphere, enabling it to recover a healthy ozone layer. We regard it as a potentially important mechanism for delaying or even reversing the onset of tipping points such as catastrophic polar and mountain ice sheet collapse, and the collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).
57 DisplayDocument.aspx?id=7 Climate Catalyst FAQs and Technical Summary7c 9/26/23 11/12/23
Climate catalyst, the main aerosol described herein, is designed to remove methane and other powerful warming pollutants from the air, adding to its cooling effect.
58 DisplayDocument.aspx?id=6 Climate catalyst White Paper3 10/31/23 10/31/23
Present since the last ice age, most of the world's glaciers are now shrinking or disappearing altogether as the climate gets warmer.
59 climate.gov/news-features... Climate Change: Mountain glaciers 11/5/23
We have a historically unprecedented climate emergency. The planet is now heating so fast that the Paris-agreed ceiling of 1.5°C global mean temperature is liable to be reached next year and 2°C within a decade or two. This rapid heating will be boosted by Arctic meltdown: with less sunshine reflected by snow and ice, and with the release of the potent greenhouse gas, methane, from thawing permafrost. Arctic meltdown also affects the jet stream: we can expect the double-whammy of increased global heating and stuck jet stream patterns to produce ever more extreme heatwaves, droughts and wildfires. The climate crisis is indeed spiralling “out of control” (the Guardian headline on 6th October). Our only chance of seizing control, before catastrophe becomes inevitable, is through rapid, emergency cooling intervention. We owe it to the young people of today that we grasp the nettle and prepare for solar geoengineering: injecting sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere to mimic the cooling action of major volcanic eruptions. Experimental injection could even start next year: injection anywhere between 45N and 65N would safely limit the lifetime of the aerosol produced to a few months according to climate models. The risks from rapid full-scale intervention could prove tiny in comparison with the risk of leaving intervention too late to prevent catastrophic climate change for much of the world. To boot, a variety of appropriate interventions, together with a drastic cut in greenhouse gas emissions, could restore the planet to a safe, sustainable, biodiverse and productive state within the lifetimes of our young people.
60 Word Climate crisis “out of control” (Letter sent to the Guardian containing SAI proposal but not published) 10/10/23 11/26/23
Having good chance of limiting global heating to 1.5C is gone, sending 'dire' message about the adequacy of climate action
61 theguardian.com/environme... Climate crisis: carbon emissions budget is now tiny, scientists say 10/30/23 11/5/23
The Climate Foundation is dedicated to moderate and reverse the effects of climate change in critical ecosystems.
62 climatefoundation.org/wha... Climate Foundation: Marine Permaculture 11/20/23
The ocean is one of the principal regulators of global climate, but much of what it does occurs out of sight, deep beneath the surface. Learn about the biological carbon pump"”the living ocean"™s role in moving carbon out of the atmosphere and into the depths"”and the ways humans can help or hinder this natural, vital part of Earth"™s carbon cycle.
Kristina Gjerde
Senior High Seas Advisor, IUCN, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
Ken Buesseler
Marine Radiochemist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Deborah Steinberg
Ecology Professor, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Kakani Katijaa
Principal Engineer, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Kilaparti Ramakrishna
Director, Marine Policy Center
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Event recorded Friday, September 15, 2023
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
63 fBNAqtT55Y0 (1:35) Climate Hero: The ocean's super-powered carbon pump 9/22/23 11/20/23
Current data on emissions, atmospheric concentrations, global temperatures, and widening impacts are frightening. Even so, some of the most worrying science has been downplayed, while the emissions curve continues to rise. Clearly, such brightsiding, not only limits the climate agenda, but is neither scientific nor ethical. Dr. Jem Bendell exposes the danger of imagining that we can ignore facts, playing games with nature, because nature always wins.
Dr. Ye Tao explains why efforts towards net zero, while essential, have the effect of reducing the global dimming that is the result of polluting particles, which is actually cooling the planet significantly: a terrifying dilemma that has been largely ignored. Yet many influential organizations criticize people for being "˜too negative"™ about the current and future impacts of
64 vw85K7MjwYk (26) Climate Honesty - Ending Climate Brightsiding 11/13/22 11/8/23
The growing problem of changing environmental conditions caused by climate destabilization is well recognized as one of the defining issues of our time. The root problem is greenhouse gas emissions, and the fundamental solution is curbing those emissions. Climate geoengineering has often been considered to be a "last-ditch" response to climate change, to be used only if climate change damage should produce extreme hardship. Although the likelihood of eventually needing to resort to these efforts grows with every year of inaction on emissions control, there is a lack of information on these ways of potentially intervening in the climate system.
65 nap.nationalacademies.org... Climate Intervention 1/1/25 11/11/23
In our weekly podcast and public radio program, Climate One from The Commonwealth Club engages advocates, influencers and policymakers in empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the climate emergency — the individual and the systemic, the scary and the exciting — to deepen your understanding of the most critical issue of our time.
66 https://www.climateone.org/ Climate One - Addressing the climate crisis begins by talking about it. 1/1/24 1/25/24
Air pollution, a global scourge that kills millions of people a year, is shielding us from the full force of the sun. Getting rid of it will accelerate climate change.
67 apple.news/AI4_ptBvmR1ydA... Climate's 'Catch-22': Cutting pollution heats up the planet 11/8/23 11/8/23
68 michaelmann.net/content/c... Comments on New Article by James Hansen 11/4/23 11/5/23
69 OceanFertilisationMethodC... Compares the traditional method that uses ferrous sulphate with that of buoyant flakes with multiple nutrients (~2014, updated 2020) 10/13/23
Dissolved-iron availability plays a critical role in controlling phytoplankton growth in the oceans1,2. The dissolved iron is overwhelmingly (∼99%) bound to organic ligands with a very high affinity for iron3,4,5, but the origin, chemical identity and biological availability of this organically complexed Fe is largely unknown6. The release into sea water of complexes that strongly chelate iron could result from the inducible iron-uptake systems of prokaryotes (siderophore complexes)7,8,9 or by processes such as zooplankton-mediated degradation and release of intracellular material (porphyrin complexes). Here we compare the uptake of siderophore- and porphyrin-complexed 55Fe by phytoplankton, using both cultured organisms and natural assemblages. Eukaryotic phytoplankton efficiently assimilate porphyrin-complexed iron, but this iron source is relatively unavailable to prokaryotic picoplankton (cyanobacteria). In contrast, iron bound to a variety of siderophores is relatively more available to cyanobacteria than to eukaryotes, suggesting that the two plankton groups exhibit fundamentally different iron-uptake strategies. Prokaryotes utilize iron complexed to either endogenous7,8,9 or exogenous siderophores9, whereas eukaryotes may rely on a ferrireductase system10,11 that preferentially accesses iron chelated by tetradentate porphyrins, rather than by hexadentate siderophores. Competition between prokaryotes and eukaryotes for organically-bound iron may therefore depend on the chemical nature of available iron complexes, with consequences for ecological niche separation, plankton community size-structure and carbon export in low-iron waters.
70 nature.com/articles/23680 Competition among marine phytoplankton for different chelated iron species 8/26/1999 11/5/23
71 DZFOConstructionv2 Constructing DZFOs (2019) 10/13/23
72 ThePinebankAssessment Contextualises BFOF with other climate methods 10/13/23
73 ArcticMethaneControlv2 Controlling CH4 ebullition (2018) 10/13/23
Earth is a cool place Earth is home to nearly 9 million species of plants and animals, 8 billion humans and surely the most beautiful and diverse nature in the known universe. We can be proud of our incredible planet. Our planet is in need Earth is under threat. Global temperatures have risen by around 1.2 degrees since the industrial revolution; the consequences of this warming are already dramatic, but they are minor in comparison to what lies ahead.
74 https://cool-planet.earth/ Cool Planet Earth 1/1/24 2/1/24
75 GreeningSinaiv4 Cooling and watering coastal deserts (2021) 10/13/23
76 myccnews.org/noac/documen... Cooling Return on Investment (CROI) - these slides demonstrate the energy infeasibility of DAC (by 2 orders of magnitude) 1/1/23 11/7/23
77 ModifiedSeatomiserv26 Cooling with sea salt (2021) 10/13/23
Costs determine scalability, and costs vary by a factor of 30,000
78 docs.google.com/document/... Cost-Effectiveness of Carbon-Dioxide Removal Methods 11/1/23 11/26/23
Framing IPCC and the fossil fuel industry Climate crisis looms Denial of need for cooling intervention Cover-up of global warming crisis Cover-up of Arctic situation Best interest for humanity Hope for the future The urgency for cooling intervention could not be greater, nor the rewards.
79 myccnews.org/noac/documen... Cover-ups by IPCC on behalf of the fossil fuel industry: 11/1/23 11/8/23
Human survival depends on this iconic ecosystem, and only one thing will save it.
80 apple.news/AkaEHp_E0TpKu5... Deforestation is pushing the Amazon rainforest closer to a point of no return 10/8/23 11/8/23
81 IceShieldStrategyV59 Description of the ice shield concept (2015) and its applications 10/13/23
82 DiffuserMarkets Diffuser markets (~2019) 10/13/23
Healthy Planet Action Coalition
Title: Model Simulations of Climate Interventions Aiming to Offset Future Warming: Insights and Uncertainties

Speaker: Associate Professor Douglas MacMartin, Cornell University

Talk Overview
Decadal-average global warming is approaching 1.2 C and it is likely that the 1.5 C goal from the Paris Agreement will be passed in the next decade or so. Global warming is now being experienced through the increasing likelihood of severe weather, more intense storms, destabilization of major glacial streams, increasing rate of rise of sea level, and more, all driven by the ongoing emissions of greenhouse gas emissions.
With the present and projected pace of emissions mitigation, global warming is projected to at least double before net-zero emissions are reached up to a few decades after mid-century, with corresponding increased impacts and risks.
With all nations committed to the goal of keeping global warming to no more than 1.5 C and climate intervention becoming the only option for preventing further warming, modeling studies have started looking at climate intervention scenarios that would offset further warming, stabilizing the climate at 1.5C, or restoring back to 1.0C or lower.
Professor MacMartin reports on the status of climate stabilization studies using stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), providing an overview of what would be involved, including options such as more polar-focused deployments, what the resulting stabilized climate would be like and how long it might take to reach a desired cooling, what the key uncertainties are and how they might compare to the types of consequences that might trigger calls for intervention, and what research is needed to provide the firmer information needed for early rather than late-stage emergency intervention to be considered as a potential policy scenario.
The recording includes a powerpoint presentation followed by question and answer with the audience.

Biography (from https://www.mae.cornell.edu/faculty-directory/douglas-macmartin
Douglas MacMartin is an Associate Professor in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell University.
His research focuses on Sunlight Reflection Methods (SRM, also known as climate engineering, solar geoengineering, or climate intervention), with the aim of helping to develop the knowledge base necessary to support informed future societal decisions in this challenging and controversial field.
He has published extensively on the subject, and in addition to public and academic presentations has provided briefings to the UN Environment Program and testimony to the US Congress, and he was a member of the US National Academies panel that made recommendations on both research and governance in March 2021.
Doug received his Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT in 1992; previous positions include United Technologies Research Center (1994-2000) and the California Institute of Technology (2000-2015). His research is funded by NSF and by the Cornell Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.
83 hVHrTlbfwNQ (1:22) Doug MacMartin HPAC 2 Nov 23 11/2/23 11/5/23
84 Constructing the fiztop D... DZFO mass production (2018) 10/13/23
85 ScalingFlakeFormulationMa... Economical phasing of manufacture scaleup (2023) 10/13/23
In their Perspective article 'Global warming in the pipeline', Jim Hansen and colleagues [1] review a wide range of climatological information to quantify the e
86 academic.oup.com/oocc/art... Editorial on Hansen et al. 'Global warming in the pipeline' (this issue) 2/14/23 1/2/24
Abstract. The avoidance of hitting tipping points is often considered a key benefit of Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) techniques, however, the physical science underpinning this has thus far not been comprehensively assessed. This review assesses the available evidence for the interaction of SRM with a number of earth system tipping elements in the cryosphere, the oceans, the atmosphere and the biosphere , with a particular focus on the impact of SAI. We review the scant available literature directly addressing the interaction of SRM with the tipping elements or for closely related proxies to these elements. However, given how limited this evidence is, we also identify and describe the drivers of the tipping elements, and then assess the available evidence for the impact of SRM on these. We then briefly assess whether SRM could halt or reverse tipping once feedbacks have been initiated. Finally, we suggest pathways for further research. We find that SRM mostly reduces the risk of hitting tipping points relative to same emission pathway scenarios without SRM, although this conclusion is not clear for every tipping element, and large uncertainties remain.
87 egusphere.copernicus.org/... EGUsphere - The interaction of Solar Radiation Modification and Earth System Tipping Elements 10/10/23 11/8/23
Abstract. The avoidance of hitting tipping points is often considered a key benefit of Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) techniques, however, the physical science underpinning this has thus far not been comprehensively assessed. This review assesses the available evidence for the interaction of SRM with a number of earth system tipping elements in the cryosphere, the oceans, the atmosphere and the biosphere , with a particular focus on the impact of SAI. We review the scant available literature directly addressing the interaction of SRM with the tipping elements or for closely related proxies to these elements. However, given how limited this evidence is, we also identify and describe the drivers of the tipping elements, and then assess the available evidence for the impact of SRM on these. We then briefly assess whether SRM could halt or reverse tipping once feedbacks have been initiated. Finally, we suggest pathways for further research. We find that SRM mostly reduces the risk of hitting tipping points relative to same emission pathway scenarios without SRM, although this conclusion is not clear for every tipping element, and large uncertainties remain.
88 egusphere.copernicus.org/... EGUsphere - The interaction of Solar Radiation Modification and Earth System Tipping Elements 10/10/23 11/5/23
James Hansen, Makiko Sato, Reto Ruedy, and Leon Simons Abstract. September 2023 smashed the prior global temperature record. Hand-wringing about the magnitude of the temperature jump in September is not inappropriate, but it is more important to investigate the role of aerosol climate forcing – which we chose to leave unmeasured – in global climate change. Global temperature during the current El Nino provides a potential indirect assessment of change of the aerosol forcing. Global temperature in the current El Nino, to date, implies a strong acceleration of global warming for which the most likely explanation is a decrease of human-made aerosols as a result of reductions in China and from ship emissions. The current El Nino will probably be weaker than the 1997-98 and 2015-16 El Ninos, making current warming even more significant. The current near-maximum solar irradiance adds a small amount to the major “forcing” mechanisms (GHGs, aerosols, and El Nino), but with no long-term effect. More important, the long dormant Southern Hemisphere polar amplification is probably coming into play.
89 columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailin... El Nino Fizzles. Planet Earth Sizzles. Why? 10/13/23 11/5/23
90 climategamechangers.org/w... Elsworth BFOF Recap (2018) 10/13/23
For decades, a Scottish engineer has labored to answer a question: Could spraying seawater into clouds to make them reflect more sunlight lead to a brighter future for the planet?
91 whowhatwhy.org/science/en... Engineer Pitches Cloud Brightening to Stem Arctic Melting 8/25/21 11/20/23
Envisionation is a unique thinktank and consulting group made up of an international network of critical system thinkers, climate scientists, economists, business entrepreneurs and journalists, working to understand the functioning of the Whole Earth System and the full extent of the human impact on it. We draw the individual components together to provide an overarching view of the whole, providing our clients with essential information to navigate the future, enabling them to identify threats, contingent liabilities and the vast opportunities that restoring Earth’s biosphere present.
92 https://www.envisionation.org/ Envisionation -Foreseeing and Forming the Future 1/1/24 1/24/24
Official reports on the state of the climate and progress toward meeting the 2015 Paris Agreement 1.5°C and 2.0°C targets for limiting global warming set the stage for COP28 opening on November 30. The findings were alarming to many, but apparently, not alarming enough for negotiators gathered in Dubai to accept reality. Bottom line, the temperature is rising at an accelerating pace and progress toward meeting the Paris targets is sorely lagging. It may not be as bad as it could have been if we did nothing, but that is a poor excuse for COP28 refusing to admit that the current global climate strategy is an epic fail.
93 docs.google.com/document/... Epic Fail at COP28: Time for a New Approach! 12/1/23 1/6/24
Abstract. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments are the trusted source of scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement that will conclude at COP28 in December 2023. Evidence-based decision-making needs to be informed by up-to-date and timely information on key indicators of the state of the climate system and of the human influence on the global climate system. However, successive IPCC reports are published at intervals of 5-10 years, creating potential for an information gap between report cycles. We follow methods as close as possible to those used in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Working Group One (WGI) report. We compile monitoring datasets to produce estimates for key climate indicators related to forcing of the climate system: emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived climate forcers, greenhouse gas concentrations, radiative forcing, surface temperature changes, the Earth's energy imbalance, warming attributed to human activities, the remaining carbon budget, and estimates of global temperature extremes. The purpose of this effort, grounded in an open data, open science approach, is to make annually updated reliable global climate indicators available in the public domain (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8000192, Smith et al., 2023a). As they are traceable to IPCC report methods, they can be trusted by all parties involved in UNFCCC negotiations and help convey wider understanding of the latest knowledge of the climate system and its direction of travel. The indicators show that human-induced warming reached 1.14 [0.9 to 1.4]?°C averaged over the 2013-2022 decade and 1.26 [1.0 to 1.6]?°C in 2022. Over the 2013-2022 period, human-induced warming has been increasing at an unprecedented rate of over 0.2?°C per decade. This high rate of warming is caused by a combination of greenhouse gas emissions being at an all-time high of 54?±?5.3?GtCO2e over the last decade, as well as reductions in the strength of aerosol cooling. Despite this, there is evidence that increases in greenhouse gas emissions have slowed, and depending on societal choices, a continued series of these annual updates over the critical 2020s decade could track a change of direction for human influence on climate.
94 essd.copernicus.org/artic... ESSD - Indicators of Global Climate Change 2022: annual update of large-scale indicators of the state of the climate system and human influence 6/8/23 11/8/23
Abstract. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments are the trusted source of scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement that will conclude at COP28 in December 2023. Evidence-based decision-making needs to be informed by up-to-date and timely information on key indicators of the state of the climate system and of the human influence on the global climate system. However, successive IPCC reports are published at intervals of 5-10 years, creating potential for an information gap between report cycles. We follow methods as close as possible to those used in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Working Group One (WGI) report. We compile monitoring datasets to produce estimates for key climate indicators related to forcing of the climate system: emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived climate forcers, greenhouse gas concentrations, radiative forcing, surface temperature changes, the Earth's energy imbalance, warming attributed to human activities, the remaining carbon budget, and estimates of global temperature extremes. The purpose of this effort, grounded in an open data, open science approach, is to make annually updated reliable global climate indicators available in the public domain (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8000192, Smith et al., 2023a). As they are traceable to IPCC report methods, they can be trusted by all parties involved in UNFCCC negotiations and help convey wider understanding of the latest knowledge of the climate system and its direction of travel. The indicators show that human-induced warming reached 1.14 [0.9 to 1.4]?°C averaged over the 2013-2022 decade and 1.26 [1.0 to 1.6]?°C in 2022. Over the 2013-2022 period, human-induced warming has been increasing at an unprecedented rate of over 0.2?°C per decade. This high rate of warming is caused by a combination of greenhouse gas emissions being at an all-time high of 54?±?5.3?GtCO2e over the last decade, as well as reductions in the strength of aerosol cooling. Despite this, there is evidence that increases in greenhouse gas emissions have slowed, and depending on societal choices, a continued series of these annual updates over the critical 2020s decade could track a change of direction for human influence on climate.
95 essd.copernicus.org/artic... ESSD - Indicators of Global Climate Change 2022: annual update of large-scale indicators of the state of the climate system and human influence 6/8/23 11/5/23
The escalating climate crisis requires rapid action to reduce the concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases and lower global surface temperatures. Methane will play a critical role in near-term warming due to its high radiative forcing and short
96 essopenarchive.org/doi/fu... Exploring potential atmospheric methane removal approaches: an example research roadmap for chlorine radical enhancement 11/8/23 11/8/23
ABSTRACT As the most common phrase associated with the velocity and impact of climate change is now “faster than expected” it is immediately important that we as a species craft a response predicated on the most accurate assessment of this looming crisis as possible. To that end, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established by the United Nations in 1988 with the purpose of being a global leader on evaluating both present and future climate conditions and to serve as a universal resource for policymakers. Unfortunately, it has become apparent that there exists a gap between the realities of our world and the assessment reports provided by the IPCC. This paper will ascertain whether the IPCC can be trusted as the preeminent global climate change information and policy recommendation outlet while testing the argument that the IPCC has been instrumental in perpetuating a narrative downplaying climate change. The primary research method is pluralistic as well as observational, conducting a comprehensive literature review on the theme and making it being dualistically issue-specific: a) the methodology employed by the IPCC to analyze and present data and b) the implications of said methodology on empirical policy examples which we can use to benchmark the utility of IPCC data. Ultimately, we have found that there exists a schism in the IPCC between scientists and the economists who have, since the IPCC’s inception, dominated the narratives provided to policymakers and dramatically underrepresented the true speed and concomitant implications of climate change.
97 myccnews.org/noac/documen... FASTER THAN EXPECTED: THE IPCC’S ROLE IN EXACERBATING CLIMATE CHANGE 1/1/22 11/8/23
98 Fiztopv12 Fiztop design & op'n (2018) 11/28/23
99 Fiztopv12 Fiztop design & op'n (2018) 10/13/23
100 Nanobubblesereprint-1(1) FO nanobubble gen'n (2011) 10/13/23
Phase I of the Frozen Arctic Conservation project was a literature review to identify and and document the range of interventions that have been proposed to reverse, stabilize, or delay climate change impacts in the northern and Arctic regions. A total of 61 interventions were identified in six categories: ice sheets and glaciers, sea ice and icebergs, atmosphere and radiation management, marine measures, land-based measures, and industry. The interventions were evaluated according to a set of 12 criteria: technological readiness level, scalability, timeliness for near future effects, potential to make a difference in Arctic and northern regions given enough time, potential to make a global difference given enough time, cost to benefit comparison, likelihood of environmental risks, effects on Indigenous/local communities, ease of reversibility, and likelihood of termination shock. the aim is to follow up this initial evaluation with in-depth analyses of the most promising schemes according to clear, understandable, bias-free, and comparable metrics, including from a right-based approach.
101 zenodo.org/records/8408608 FROZEN ARCTIC. A compendium of interventions to slow down, halt, and reverse the effects of climate change in the Arctic and northern regions 10/4/23 10/24/23
102 new.uarctic.org/media/to0... FROZEN ARCTIC: Compendium of interventions to slow down, halt, and reverse the effects of climate change in the Arctic and northern regions 7/1/23 11/5/23
103 OrganicMaricultureAndBios... Full BFOF description, including those for non-technical, technical, deep technical, political and business reasoning (~2014, updated 2020) 10/13/23
A new study debunks the idea that solar geoengineering is a temporary measure to reduce warming and meet climate targets
104 scientificamerican.com/ar... Geoengineering Is Not a Quick Fix for the Climate Crisis, New Analysis Shows 4/3/23 11/8/23
A Practical, Get-Your-Hands-in-the-Soil Manual Global climate change, increasing pollution, and continued rapid population growth is wreaking havoc on the planet. Stabilizing the environment at safe levels requires a large-scale restoration of damaged ecosystems. Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase outlines the basic concepts of geotherapy and highlights the importance of healing the biosphere's ability to store soil ca
105 crcpress.com/product/isbn... Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon S 11/5/23
Our Ocean’s Carbon Removal Power The ocean is a massive sink for CO2 as one-third of all CO2 emissions end up in the ocean. Since the industrial revolution, the excess amount of CO2 in the air has led to ocean acidification. The concentration of (dissolved) carbon in the ocean is more than 150 times higher than in the air. This makes the ocean a powerful source for CO2 capture.
106 seao2.nl/ Giga-ton scalable Carbon Dioxide Removal Technology 11/1/23
James E. Hansen ABSTRACT Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change implies that fastfeedback equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is 1.2 ± 0.3°C (2s) per W/m2 . Consistent analysis of temperature over the full Cenozoic era – including “slow” feedbacks by ice sheets and trace gases – supports this ECS and implies that CO2 was about 300 ppm in the Pliocene and 400 ppm at transition to a nearly ice-free planet, thus exposing unrealistic lethargy of ice sheet models. Equilibrium global warming including slow feedbacks for today’s human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) climate forcing (4.1 W/m2 ) is 10°C, reduced to 8°C by today’s aerosols. Decline of aerosol emissions since 2010 should increase the 1970-2010 global warming rate of 0.18°C per decade to a post-2010 rate of at least 0.27°C per decade. Under the current geopolitical approach to GHG emissions, global warming will likely pierce the 1.5°C ceiling in the 2020s and 2°C before 2050. Impacts on people and nature will accelerate as global warming pumps up hydrologic extremes. The enormity of consequences demands a return to Holocene-level global temperature. Required actions include: 1) a global increasing price on GHG emissions, 2) EastWest cooperation in a way that accommodates developing world needs, and 3) intervention with Earth’s radiation imbalance to phase down today’s massive human-made “geo-transformation” of Earth’s climate. These changes will not happen with the current geopolitical approach, but current political crises present an opportunity for reset, especially if young people can grasp their situation.
107 arxiv.org/pdf/2212.04474.... Global warming in the pipeline 11/1/23 11/5/23
Abstract. Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change yields Charney (fast-feedback) equilibrium climate sensitivity 1.2 ± 0.3°C (2s
108 academic.oup.com/oocc/art... Global warming in the pipeline 2/14/23 11/5/23
109 Seatomiserdraftgraphicv3 Graphic description (2021) 10/13/23
These guidance notes are intended to assist Lead Authors of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) in the consistent treatment of uncertainties across all three Working Groups. These notes define a common approach and calibrated language that can be used broadly for developing expert judgments and for evaluating and communicating the degree of certainty in findings of the assessment process. These notes refine background material provided to support the Third and Fourth Assessment Reports 1,2,3; they represent the results of discussions at a Cross-Working Group Meeting on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties convened in July 2010. They also address key elements of the recommendations made by the 2010 independent review of the IPCC by the InterAcademy Council.4 Review Editors play an important role in ensuring consistent use of this calibrated language within each Working Group report. Each Working Group will supplement these notes with more specific guidance on particular issues consistent with the common approach given here.
110 ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploa... Guidance Note for Lead Authors of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Consistent Treatment of Uncertainties 7/7/20 11/5/23
A collapse would bring catastrophic climate impacts but scientists disagree over the new analysis
111 theguardian.com/environme... Gulf Stream could collapse as early as 2025, study suggests 7/26/23 11/5/23
James Hansen and his colleagues contend that global heating is accelerating. Michael Mann disagrees. One of them is right.
112 cleantechnica.com/2023/11... Hansen Vs. Mann - Is Global Warming Linear Or Exponential? - CleanTechnica 11/3/23 11/5/23
When economists model climate impacts, they look to what past weather shocks have done to the economy. But this does not remotely capture what climate change could do.
113 theconversation.com/have-... Have some economists severely underestimated the financial hit from climate change? Recent evidence suggests yes 10/3/23 11/8/23
The Healthy Planet Action Coalition is an international organization that advocates for an urgent and more ambitious global response to climate change. The world needs a climate restoration plan that will limit global warming to below 1° C. An effective and responsible plan will integrate three approaches: 1. Cooling the planet, particularly the polar regions and the Himalayas, 2. Reducing GHG emissions, including methane and other short-lived warming agents, and 3. Removing legacy CO2, methane, and other GHGs from the atmosphere.
114 healthyplanetaction.org/ Healthy Planet Action Coalition 1/3/24
This report comprehensively examines a wide range o marine geoengineering techniques to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or boost the reflection of incoming solar radiation to space (albedo modification) or in some cases both. Further, the report recommends a) that a coordinated framework for proposing marine geoengineering activities, submitting supporting evidence and integrating independent expert assessment must be developed and b) that a greater expertise on wider societal issues is sought with the aim to establish a knowledge base and provide a subsequent analysis of the major gaps in socio-economics and geopolitics.
115 gesamp.org/publications/h... High Level Review of a Wide Range of Proposed Marine Geoengineering Techniques 10/24/23
116 EnhancingAlbedo How buoyant flakes can cool the planet (2023) 10/13/23
117 Methanotrophdraftgraphicv2 How to turn marine methane into biomass (2022) 10/13/23
The drive for global temperature change is Earth’s energy imbalance (EEI), the difference between the energy Earth receives from the Sun and energy Earth reflects and radiates back to space. We have good measurement of EEI today based on precise satellite data for change of reflected and emitted radiation calibrated by decadal ocean heat content change measured by deep-diving Argo floats. Interpretation of global temperature change and prediction of future temperature requires knowledge of the principal forcings that now affect EEI: human-made greenhouse gases (GHGs) and atmospheric aerosols (fine airborne particles). Aerosol climate forcing is not being measured, but information on aerosol forcing can be extracted from an ongoing “great inadvertent aerosol experiment” as a result of discrete changes in International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations on the sulfur content of ship fuels. These limited assessment tools are threatened by the absence of firm plans to continue direct EEI observations. A shortcoming of our climate science is failure to communicate well what is known from existing data. Global warming in the pipeline and emissions in the pipeline assure that the goal of the Paris Agreement – to keep global warming well below 2°C – is already dead, if policy is constrained only to emission reductions plus uncertain and unproven CO2 removal methods.
118 columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailin... How We Know that Global Warming is Accelerating and that the Goal of the Paris Agreement is Dead 11/10/23 11/11/23
119 IceShieldsDocuments4HPAC HPAC reading lists (2023) 10/13/23
120 FiztopDocuments4HPAC HPAC reading lists (2023) 10/13/23
121 SeatomiserDocuments4HPAC HPAC reading lists (Jun 2023) 10/13/23
122 BuoyantFlakeDocuments4HPAC HPAC reading lists (Jun 2023) 10/13/23
For climate change, 2023 was an “unprecedented” year, “absolutely gobsmackingly bananas” and “scary” and “frightening”. And that was what climate scientists said! The UN Secretary General called it the year in which humanity crossed into a new climate era — an age of “global boiling”. Climate disruption shocked climate scientists in 2023. “Surprising. Astounding. Staggering. Unnerving. Bewildering. Flabbergasting. Disquieting. Gobsmacking. Shocking. Mind boggling,” said Prof. Ed Hawkins when September 2023 exceeded the previous September record by a huge 0.5°C. The decline in Antarctic sea-ice extent was much greater than model projections, leading the National Snow and Ice Data Centre’s Walt Meier to exclaim: “It’s so far outside anything we’ve seen, it’s almost mind- blowing.” Many records were set for new climate extremes — record heat, rainfall and floods — with some of it driven by the destabilisation of the polar jet stream. “We are hitting record breaking extremes much sooner than I expected. That’s frightening, scary, and concerning, and it really suggests that we’re not as aware of what’s coming as we thought we were,” said Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick of the University of NSW.
123 johnmenadue.com/humanitys... Humanity's new era of "global boiling": Climate's 2023 annus horribilis 1/24/24 1/29/24
Energy from the sun heats up the surface of the ocean. As that heat irradiates up and fuels storms, they can become ever more dangerous hurricanes. Reducing
124 nextbigfuture.com/2011/04... Hurricane suppression system - Salter Sink 4/7/27 11/5/23
Abstract. We use numerical climate simulations, paleoclimate data, and modern observations to study the effect of growing ice melt from Antarctica and Greenland. Meltwater tends to stabilize the ocean column, inducing amplifying feedbacks that increase subsurface ocean warming and ice shelf melting. Cold meltwater and induced dynamical effects cause ocean surface cooling in the Southern Ocean and North Atlantic, thus increasing Earth’s energy imbalance and heat flux into most of the global ocean’s surface. Southern Ocean surface cooling, while lower latitudes are warming, increases precipitation on the Southern Ocean, increasing ocean stratification, slowing deepwater formation, and increasing ice sheet mass loss. These feedbacks make ice sheets in contact with the ocean vulnerable to accelerating disintegration. We hypothesize that ice mass loss from the most vulnerable ice, sufficient to raise sea level several meters, is better approximated as exponential than by a more linear response. Doubling times of 10, 20 or 40 years yield multi-meter sea level rise in about 50, 100 or 200 years. Recent ice melt doubling times are near the lower end of the 10–40-year range, but the record is too short to confirm the nature of the response. The feedbacks, including subsurface ocean warming, help explain paleoclimate data and point to a dominant Southern Ocean role in controlling atmospheric CO2, which in turn exercised tight control on global temperature and sea level. The millennial (500–2000-year) timescale of deep-ocean ventilation affects the timescale for natural CO2 change and thus the timescale for paleo-global climate, ice sheet, and sea
125 acp.copernicus.org/articl... Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2 ?C global warming could be dangerous 3/22/26 1/6/24
Record growth in clean energy technology, including solar panels and electric vehicles, means it is still possible to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit), the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Tuesday.
126 apple.news/ANKbCeA1zTFqGc... IEA says route to net zero requires more cash and less politics 11/8/23 11/8/23
On exploding EVs, bird-killing windmills, and why it's easy to demonize the new
127 open.substack.com/pub/bil... Ignore that bomb, someone lit a fire-cracker! 11/5/23
Most of the $2 trillion in annual climate investments in developing countries needed by 2030 will have to come from the private sector, the IMF said, warning that governments risk high debts if they try to reach net-zero goals with public funds.
128 reuters.com/sustainabilit... IMF says private sector needs to shoulder most of climate investment burden 11/8/23 11/8/23
129 journals.ametsoc.org/view... Impacts of Stratospheric Sulfate Geoengineering on Global Solar Photovoltaic and Concentrating Solar Power Resource in: Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology Volume 56 Issue 5 (2017) 5/1/27 11/5/23
130 ScalabilityUpdate Improving flake capability (2023) 10/13/23
BENGALURU, India - Sanjay Chauhan witnessed monsoon rains lash down over his home and farm in the Indian Himalayas this year with a magnitude and intensity he's never experienced before.
131 columbian.com/news/2023/o... India's devastating monsoon season is a sign of things to come, as climate and poor planning combine 10/9/23 11/8/23
132 Flakes99v2 Indian Buoyant Flakes Plan (~2016) 10/13/23
133 oceaniron.org/wp-content/... Indian Mesocosm Experiment (2022) 10/13/23
Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration offers a ray of hope in an increasingly gloomy scenario. This book is the first presentation of revolutionary new methods for restoring damaged marine ecosystems. It discusses new techniques for greatly increasing the recruitment, growth, survival, and resistance to stress of marine ecosystems, fisheries, and eroding shorelines, maintaining biodiversity and productivity where it would be lost. The book provides experimental proof that mild elect
134 crcpress.com/product/isbn... Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration 11/5/23
Attending: Franz, Robert, John, Clive, Kevin, Doug, Jane, Peter F, Susan Lee, Bru Pearce, Andrew Lockley, Felix Taubert, David Koween, Jim Elsworth, Wilson Hago
135 LJWee8vO6FQ (1:16) ISA Presentation 7/4/20 10/13/23
Global warming is so rampant that some scientists say we should begin altering the stratosphere to block incoming sunlight, even if it jeopardizes rain and crops
136 scientificamerican.com/ar... It's Time to Engineer the Sky 10/1/23 11/5/23
137 eprints.utas.edu.au/2667/ Jabour-GreenOIFLaw (2002) 10/13/23
A team of scientists led by former NASA climate researcher James Hansen, who formally raised the alarm about climate change to U.S. government leaders in his 1988 testimony to Congress, is working on a new study that warns of a possible short-term spike of planetary heating 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels by 2050. In […]
138 insideclimatenews.org/new... James Hansen Warns of a Short-Term Climate Shock Bringing 2 Degrees of Warming by 2050 5/26/23 11/5/23
Prof. Kevin Anderson - excerpt from main interview titled Climate Failures \u0026 Phantasies.
View whole interview: https://youtu.be/Vb33oVGg7xA
In all of the scenarios, all of the high level scenarios, in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, what is called Working Group 3 of the IPCC, all of their scenarios, and indeed, really all of them, all of the major global high-level scenarios, and these are scenarios about the future, in terms of energy and emissions, they all rely on some form of carbon dioxide removal. And these terms now, trip off our tongue, as if they're perfectly reasonable things to discuss. Carbon Dioxide Removal, negative emission technologies, and increasingly even the language of geoengineering. But these things aren't material, particularly the negative emissions and the geoengineering, they're not actually material things you can go out and get and buy at scale. They are at very best, very small pilot schemes that capture a few thousand tonnes here and there, but set against the fact is, we're emitting around about 36 to 37 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide every year from burning fossil fuels. These technologies are just capturing just a few 1000 tonnes, there's absolutely no way that you can scale these things up from just being very small pilot schemes, often with a very chequered technical history, that you can scale these things up in a timeline that matches the carbon budgets that come out of the science that relate to 1.5 and two degrees centigrade. And yet we evoke them as if somehow they are, they can be aligned, they cannot be aligned. In fact, they've undermined the narrative, I would argue for the last at least 10 to 15 years, if not 20 years. So the adoption of these sorts of technologies, and it's not they're not the only ones, not only these technologies that are planned to remove on our carbon dioxide, to suck the carbon dioxide, hundreds of billions of tonnes, up to half a trillion tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and bury it securely underground in a timely manner. The assumption of that is actually done the oil companies job for them. It has allowed us to postulate ongoing fossil fuel use, to avoid major profound political and social change. I have made this point before; I think, what I've often referred to as integrated assessment models, whilst I think a lot of the modellers are good people doing as objective work as they can, the the boundaries they work within are deeply subjective. And they have actually done the job of Exxon for the last 20 years by undermining the narratives we've needed to have to start to address climate change. So and I think that these have been so normalised now that when you talk about them, and that they may not work, as is assumed you almost seem to be an extremist, so you are an extremist, because you're pointing out that these technologies that barely exist, are completely relied on in the models; that is seen to be the extreme position, rather than the extreme position being, how on earth can it be that virtually every single model run that we have, rely on these, either technologies or some other use of, the awful term of nature based solutions. The language we use, it sort of captures something and makes it all sound so neat that we can simply put it into the accountancy spreadsheet that underpins these models, and hey, presto, we can evoke wonderful low carbon futures that occur almost overnight. And the journalists have allowed this to happen. A lot of the senior academics have allowed this to happen. And I think it comes back to the my point earlier that actually, often as experts, we're very good at reductionist thinking but we're not very good at Systems Thinking
139 qbOBDasUzi4 (4) Kevin Anderson on CDR and NETs - Reductionist versus systems thinking 10/23/23 11/8/23
140 Constructing a Low-cost C... Lab to establish Proof of Concept (2018) 10/13/23
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) has been identified as a critical climate mitigation response that raises distinct legal and governance questions under the Paris A
141 papers.ssrn.com/sol3/pape... Large-Scale Carbon Dioxide Removal Under the Paris Agreement: Towards a Principled Approach by Alastair Neil Craik :: SSRN 11/1/23 11/10/23
142 Generic SERF Experiments Low-cost Expt Equipment (2017) 10/13/23
Many feedback loops significantly increase warming due to greenhouse gas emissions. However, not all of these feedbacks are fully accounted for in climate models. Thus, associated mitigation pathways could fail to sufficiently limit temperatures. A targeted expansion of research and an accelerated reduction of emissions are needed to minimize risks.
143 scientistswarning.forestr... Many risky feedback loops amplify the need for climate action 2/17/23 1/2/24
Climate scientists, in an effort to stave off despair, aren't telling the truth about our warming planet. In reality, we're incredibly close to the point of no return: when rising seas drown island nations and almost all coral reefs die. I'm here to tell climate scientists - and my fellow climate journalists - to knock it off, writes Barbara Moran.
144 wbur.org/cognoscenti/2023... Many scientists don't want to tell the truth about climate change. Here's why 10/3/23 11/8/23
There is clear scientific consensus that carbon dioxide removal (CDR) — alongside a strong prioritization of greenhouse gas emissions reduction — will be required at an immense, multi-gigatonne (Gt) annual scale by mid-century to limit warming to 1.5 or even 2°C.1 Covering 71% of the planet’s surface, the ocean has served as a critically important sink for anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), absorbing over 25% of annual emissions.2 The ocean has also absorbed about 90% of the heat that has accumulated in the Earth system due to rising atmospheric CO2. 3 The ocean thus provides a vital climate mitigation function, but this has come at significant, and increasing, cost to ocean health, marine ecosystems, and biodiversity
145 21053102.fs1.hubspotuserc... Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal 1/1/24 1/27/24
Special guests, Stephen Salter and Peter Wadhams, join Paul Beckwith and Regina Valdez to discuss Marine Cloud Brightening. Stephen Salter is one of the leading voices of the Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) movement.
As average global temperatures rise, increasing the reflectivity of clouds over the ocean has been studied as a geoengineering method to reflect more solar radiation away from the Earth thus reducing and reversing the warming caused by excess CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
This CEF program was recorded at COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, in the Durdle Door press conference room on November 4th, 2021, and published on December 13th, 2021. This presentation is brought to you through a collaboration with FacingFuture.TV https://www.youtube.com/c/FacingFuture.
Topics discussed include the following:
- Why some clouds, such as cumulonimbus are dark, and some are light
- Using nozzles installed on ships to spray very small drops of filtered seawater 0.8 microns in diameter.
- Ships spraying filtered droplets of sea water could be deployed to reverse sea level rise and/or save the Arctic sea ice.
- Governments of countries could decide on targets for sea-surface temperatures
- Cost estimates to deploy a fleet of 800 spray vessels/ships
- Advantages of MCB as a geoengineering technique to prevent the worst extremes of climate change
- How we can change the reflectivity of clouds in areas that will most benefit the Earth.
Earth is dimming due to climate change
Special Guests:
Stephen Salter - Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design at the University of Edinburgh and is responsible for creating the concept of the mechanical enhancement of clouds to increase their reflectivity. Professor Salter is a Member of the Order of the British Empire.
Dr. Peter Wadhams - ScD, is emeritus professor of Ocean Physics, and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. He is best known for his work on sea ice.
Regular Panelists:
Paul Beckwith
- Climate Systems Scientist. Professor at the University of Ottawa in the Paleoclimatology Laboratory as well as at Carleton University
Regina Valdez
- Program Director, Climate Reality Project, NYC. GreenFaith Fellow and LEED Green Associate
Video Production:
COP26 Media Crew in the Durdle Door Press Conference Room
Charles Gregoire
- Electrical Engineer, Webmaster and IT prime for FacingFuture.Earth \u0026 the Climate Emergency Forum; Climate Reality Leader
Heidi Brault
- Video production and website assistant, Organizer and convener, Metadata technician, BA (Psychology), COP26 team lead for FacingFuture.Earth and the Climate Emergency Forum; Climate Reality Leader
Thanks to the following organizations for making this program possible:
- Buddhist Tzu-Chi Foundation
- Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development
- International Society of Ecological Economics
Background Music:
- Title: Through the City II
- Author: Crowander
- Source: Free Music Archive
- License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Image and Video: https://climateemergencyforum.org/assets/attributions/2021-12-13-marine-cloud-brightening.html
146 o-0h14RFq4M (31) Marine Cloud Brightening 12/13/21 1/10/24
Marine Cloud Brightening Marine cloud brightening refers to an albedo modification technique that aims to increase the reflectivity, and possibly even the lifetimes, of certain clouds in order to reflect more sunlight back into space and partially offset some of the impacts of climate change. The most common proposal for achieving such a goal is to inject naturally occurring sea salt into cloud updrafts. But a variety of methods are being researched.
147 myccnews.org/NOAC/mcb.aspx Marine Cloud Brightening 11/1/23 11/19/23
148 wwwcdn.imo.org/localresou... Marine Geoengineering (2015) 10/13/23
149 drive.google.com/drive/fo... MCB missions - Google Drive 1/28/24
150 barrierreef.org/news/blog... MCB news article by the GBRF (2021) 10/13/23
Tipping elements are components of the Earth system which may respond nonlinearly to anthropogenic climate change by transitioning toward substantially different long-term states upon passing key thresholds or “tipping points.” In some cases, such changes could produce additional greenhouse gas emissions or radiative forcing that could compound global warming. Improved understanding of tipping elements is important for predicting future climate risks and their impacts. Here we review mechanisms, predictions, impacts, and knowledge gaps associated with 10 notable Earth system components proposed to be tipping elements. We evaluate which tipping elements are approaching critical thresholds and whether shifts may manifest rapidly or over longer timescales. Some tipping elements have a higher risk of crossing tipping points under middle-of-the-road emissions pathways and will possibly affect major ecosystems, climate patterns, and/or carbon cycling within the 21st century. However, literature assessing different emissions scenarios indicates a strong potential to reduce impacts associated with many tipping elements through climate change mitigation. The studies synthesized in our review suggest most tipping elements do not possess the potential for abrupt future change within years, and some proposed tipping elements may not exhibit tipping behavior, rather responding more predictably and directly to the magnitude of forcing. Nevertheless, uncertainties remain associated with many tipping elements, highlighting an acute need for further research and modeling to better constrain risks.
151 agupubs.onlinelibrary.wil... Mechanisms and Impacts of Earth System Tipping Elements 2/15/23 11/7/23
152 MesocosmRiskManagement Mesocosm Planning (2021) 10/13/23
153 KrillCaptureDevicev3 Method for the MRV of krill CDR (2022) 10/13/23
154 MethanotrophExptMineralRe... Mix calculation (2021) 10/13/23
155 msn.com/en-us/weather/top... MSN 11/17/23
156 Nanobubbles (ultrafine bu... Nanobubbles (2007) 10/13/23
John N – BBC News says 1.5C will arrive twice as soon as previously thought.
- Letter to Guardian re Hansen Global warming in pipeline paper
Chris V – Report from Chatham House – focusing on 1.5 is flawed, focus on tipping points
Hugh H – MCB and controlling hurricanes
Chris V – Compendium of interventions – in the chat
Sev – NOAC website progress – integration of Blue Cooling Initiative, HPAC ,PRAG
Ron – Comments on bunker fuel letter?
Clive – Just Have A Think – recent video very good.
– Radiative forcing to -0.26 W/m2 waterfall chart demo.
20:06:23 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : Carbon emissions threaten 1.5C climate threshold sooner than thought – report - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-67242386
20:07:16 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : Global warming: Why focusing on 1.5C is flawed - https://www.chathamhouse.org/publications/the-world-today/2023-10/global-warming-why-focusing-15c-flawed?utm_source=Chatham%20House&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=14169358_CH%20-%20Content%20Newsletter%20-%2017.10.23&utm_content=Global-Title&dm_i=1S3M,8FP5A,NODY6,YTVON,1
20:10:08 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : FROZEN ARCTIC: Compendium of interventions to slow down, halt, and reverse the effects of climate change in the Arctic and northern regions - https://new.uarctic.org/media/to0bjpal/frozen-arctic-rra-compendium.pdf
20:10:48 From Ron Baiman : First part of Sharpe's book is very good on risk analysis and climate.
20:12:43 From Ron Baiman : Bunker fuel letter link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WNsRI8GbyZgdso39ptKuKFI2HA6ZuBni/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116465941111195452408&rtpof=true'sd=true
20:13:23 From Herb Simmens : The Nov 16th HPAC meeting will feature Mike McCracken discussing the differing approaches to addressing risk that various professions and institutions take
20:15:28 From Herb Simmens : This Thursday Nov 2 HPAC meeting at 3:30 PM EDT 19:30 PM GMT will feature Doug MacMartin of Cornell on SRM/SAI..
20:17:00 From Robert Chris : https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01848-5
20:19:42 From Herb Simmens : This blog post has a link to the paper in the first sentence https://scienceisshiny.wordpress.com/2023/10/30/carbon-budgets-how-hard-is-the-paris-agreement-now/
20:21:37 From Bill Chapman, Brooklyn : I was horrified when Trump and some Republicans started talking about
157 S1cXAM7SAO8?t=842 (1:57) NOAC meeting 10/30/23 11/8/23
Attending: Franz Oeste, Bru Pearce, Stephen Salter, Brian Von Herzen, Chris Vivian, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Sev Clarke, John Nissen, Doug Grandt, Peter Fiekowsky, Mannajo, Eduardo Greaves, Aaron Franklin, Ron Baiman
158 TpgLFDpFmSs&t=746s (1:44) NOAC meeting 12/6/21 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Brian Von Herzen, Stephen Salter, Joo Eun Yoon, Doug Grandt, Bru Pearce, Chris Vivian, Mannajo
159 pM4NK0mEoKQ&t=4401s (1:44) NOAC meeting 12/20/21 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John MacDonald, Clive Elsworth, Hugh Hunt, Sev Clarke, Stephen Salter, Brian Von Herzen, Chris Vivian, Aria McKenna, Bru Pearce, Doug Grandt, Ron Baiman
160 kBQaTvetJCs&t=4158s (1:59) NOAC meeting 1/10/22 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, Robert Tulip, John MacDonald, Clive Elsworth, Stephen Salter, Peter Wadhams, Bru Pearce, Hugh Hunt, Dermott Reilly, Brian von Herzen, Sev Clarke, Ron Baiman, MannaJo, John Nissen
161 APYLBeoeA0M (1:47) NOAC meeting 1/24/22 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John Nissen, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Bru Pearce, Sev Clarke, Grant Gower, Michael Routh, Manna Jo, Brian Von Herzen, Doug Grandt, Ron Baiman, Oswald Petersen
162 kOx2ZA4HHHg (1:49) NOAC meeting 2/7/22 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, Robert Tulip, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Peter Wadhams, Shaun Fitzgerald, Sev Clarke, MannaJo (Clearwater), Grant Gower, Bob Fry, Sam Chaudhary, Bru Pearce, Doug Grandt, Ron Baiman, John Nissen
163 -L1VsobM7ig&t=880s (1:51) NOAC meeting 2/21/22 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Stephen Salter, John Nissen, Sev Clarke, MannaJo, Doug Grandt, Ron Baiman, Brian Von Herzen, Bru Pearce, Grant Gower,
164 dz3vm_1PC5c (1:38) NOAC meeting 3/7/22 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Stephen Salter, John Nissen, Sev Clarke, MannaJo Green, Doug Grandt, Ron Baiman, Brian Von Herzen, Bru Pearce, Grant Gower, Chris Vivian, David Henckel-Wallis
165 kIciM5KWv6k (1:52) NOAC meeting 3/22/22 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Sev Clarke, MannaJo Green, Doug Grandt, Ron Baiman, Brian Von Herzen, Bru Pearce, Grant Gower, Peter Wadhams, Eduardo Greave, Herb Simmens
166 PdjcivSL5AE&t=1786s (1:45) NOAC meeting 4/4/22 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Robert Tulip, Sev Clarke, MannaJo Green, Doug Grandt, Ron Baiman, Brian Von Herzen, Grant Gower, Chris Vivian, David Henckel Wallace
167 vxlpnLnEJP8&t=872s (1:49) NOAC meeting 4/18/22 1/28/24
At the very beginning Franz Oeste mentioned a new way he has discovered of formulating Iron Salt Aerosol, that may deplete largescale atmospheric methane (and other GHGs) with only 10% of the iron previously thought to be needed.
We congratulated Brian von-Herzon on his Climate Foundation’s winning of Elon Musk’s X-Prize - $1 million.
Chris Vivian introduced the recent article in Medium on Ocean nutrification. It was quickly established that pumping up sediment from the seabed would likely be catastrophic for sea life, not least filter feeders. We all know there are much better ways. Nonetheless I said it was good to see something accessible to the layman introducing nature-based ocean CDR.
Bru Pearce introduced a project proposing use of Sargassum for C sequestration, headed by Sebastian Stevens (https://seafields.eco/) and involving Victor Smetacek. But since sargassum is already problematically washing up on beaches in huge quantities it was generally thought this was not a good idea either.
Brian introduced the recent ‘Just have a think’ video on a UCLA study on direct ocean C capture, and explained how it would add CO2 to the atmosphere rather than remove it.
John Nissen gave us a brief update on his useful climate scenarios grid.
I asked people (initially Chris Vivian) to suggest topics of ocean research that should be made a priority. Others also suggested research areas, notably Arctic warming. This was all useful and informative.
Chat Links
From Doug Grandt (Vermont) : Alex Carlin wrote a piece in Medium ’National Academy of Sciences Holds Up Key Climate Solution’ on Ocean Pasture Restoration https://medium.com/@pynotic/national-academy-of-science-holds-up-key-climate-solution-b55b56e70f82
From Dr Brian von Herzen : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83953362379
From Dr Brian von Herzen : https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c08561
From Dr Brian von Herzen : UCLA paper for discussion, proposed calcium carbonate precipitation
From Bru Pearce : www.Seafields.eco
From Chris Vivian : This is the doc I just mentioned https://groups.google.com/g/geoengineering/c/btg7FK-Bdos
From Chris Vivian : The American Meteorological Society has just put out a statement on climate intervention that recommends an accelerated and robust climate intervention program https://www.ametsoc.org/index.cfm/ams/about-ams/ams-statements/statements-of-the-ams-in-force/climate-intervention/
From Chris Vivian : Brian, re the Seafields scheme see Steve Rackley's comments in this CDR Google Groups thread https://groups.google.com/g/CarbonDioxideRemoval/c/TCWLLEC1xsY/m/i93oW4GFCAAJ?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer
From Bru Pearce : https://pace.gsfc.nasa.gov/
From Chris Vivian : You may be interested in this event UK Greenhouse Gas Removal Event: Current Innovations & Future Directions - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/uk-greenhouse-gas-removal-event-current-innovations-future-directions-tickets-299099242887?aff=eemailordconf&utm_campaign=order_confirm&utm_medium=email&ref=eemailordconf&utm_source=eventbrite&utm_term=viewevent
168 o66htTcbUVA&t=12s (1:37) NOAC meeting 5/2/22 1/28/24
- We discussed Sev Clarke"™s new idea of measuring largescale ocean CDR by using sonar to measure krill populations.
- Robert Tulip commented on the recent The Hill article on ocean CDR.
- Towards the end we discussed the importance of ocean carbonate chemistry for determining long term sequestration and pH in the ocean. Brian pointed out the ocean"™s natural "˜antacid medicine"™ against acidification: huge carbonate deposits that cover the seafloor and on seamounts down to the carbonate compensation depth.
Brian also mentioned Eddy Covariance, which is explained here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eddy_covariance
169 oCKTqLqZ_iY&t=805s (1:42) NOAC meeting 5/16/22 1/28/24
There was a discussion of Robert Tulip’s graphic of climate solution priorities: 1. Albedo enhancement, 2. GHG removal, 3. Emissions reduction.
Robert commented on the 80/20 pareto rule: Our efforts should be focused where they will make 80% of the difference needed.
Brian commented that the next 20 years of warming will be impacted more by this year’s methane emissions than this year’s CO2 emissions, so the importance of methane reduction and removal should be recognised. E.g. reducing industrial (and war induced) gas leakage would help far more than placing solar panels on school roofs, for example.
Sev listed methods of albedo enhancement in order of safety and affordability. His view: Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB), Buoyant Flakes, Fiztops and lastly Arctic ice thickening. He also advocated splitting methane to produce hydrogen and nanocarbon products (zero carbon). John Nissen insisted on adding Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) to the list.
There was strong agreement that until there is political recognition of the need for albedo enhancement – and ideally a business model to support it – climate catastrophe looms. A possible opportunity: the insurance industry would greatly benefit from reduced hurricane intensity.
Hugh Hunt raised the question of why the Covid 6% reduction of CO2 emissions hasn’t shown up in the Keeling curve. Ocean warming and increased forest fires were put forward as possible reasons.
Brian said there is plenty of room in the ocean for more CO2. (I would comment that the vast majority of CO2 in the ocean exists as dissolved compounds, mainly bicarbonate and organic material. Also, phytoplankton play a major role in ocean CO2 absorption, and reduced nutrients in the increasingly stratified mixed layer are likely inhibiting their role in that regard.)
Shaun explained that more funding is looking likely for CCRC, which will be put into increased work on MCB (leaning heavily on Stephen Salter’s work) and close collaboration with Daniel Harrison who is open minded on droplet size.
Hugh predicted that as Arctic melting accelerates SAI is likely to get deployed if our preferred and more socially acceptable nature based solutions don’t turn out to be effective enough. He and Shaun will soon be attending the Gordon conference in Maine to discuss SRM/SAI. Unofficial, unpublished opinions of scientists (he met at Vienna) are that the Arctic will be ice free in next 15-20 years.
The benefits of short lived, fast acting tropospheric aerosols were discussed by Brian and Stephen. Small, real time interventions based on meteorological predictions could have a powerful effect, especially with the increased computer power coming down the line.
John Nissen argued that an SAI intervention beyond 50o North would be short lived and brighten clouds, but Stephen argued that the aerosol would end up spreading everywhere in that hemisphere, and might end up working in the wrong direction. (He has circulated something on Brewer Dobson that he said supports his claim.) Hugh pointed out that the stratosphere is lower in the Arctic, so an intervention would be easier there.
Daniel and Stephen discussed how optimal Monsoons could be brought about with MCB.
The new Australian government was discussed, and the opportunity of growing renewables there.
The benefits of cold water upwelling powered by OTEC around Australian waters was discussed by Brian and Robert, capital permitting.
Sev explained that ocean brightening might reduce radiative forcing by 1-2 W/m2, but a big research program would be needed to verify that.
John Nissen pointed out that Pinatubo had a noticeable effect on the Keeling curve, without a termination shock. Possible reasons: 1. More diffuse light enhanced photosynthesis, 2. Cooler oceans accommodated more CO2, 3. More dust fertilized phytoplankton growth.
There was laughter about net-zero beer by 2050/2060.
Bru talked about some encouragi
170 s1cWmTlsHmA&t=275s (1:30) NOAC meeting 6/1/22 1/28/24
NOAC Meeting points - 11th July 2022
The whole transcript plus meeting notes is here:
Robert: There is a false orthodoxy that nothing can be done to avoid 1.5 C. Albedo enhancement appears to be taboo or doesn’t exist. There is no serious policy engagement. Climate complications (like medical complications) might be avoided with SRM. It’s ignored because of the moral hazard argument that demonises the fossil fuel (FF) industry. The only thing that could now prevent biodiversity loss, sea level rise (SLR), extreme weather events etc is to increase albedo. Saying otherwise has no scientific basis.
[Albedo enhancement also means Solar Radiation Management – SRM, e.g. Stratospheric Aerosol Injection - SAI, Marine Cloud Brightening – MCB]
Aria: Climate denial to avoid the necessary technology changes is pretty evil. It has already caused millions of deaths.
Robert: Committed warming was in place even during the 1990s.
Aria: It’s important not to oppose reducing emissions.
Robert: Cutting emissions is marginal to stabilising the climate. Too much focus on emissions reduction detracts from what would have more effect. Even greenhouse gas removal (GGR) should not be the primary response.
Aria: We need an ‘all of the above’ approach, and not be adversarial. People should continue operating in their area of expertise. We want to build alliances and not risk masking underlying problems.
Brian: The public need to be brought on board step-by-step that decarbonization is necessary but not sufficient, and planetary albedo needs to be restored. Eg Arctic albedo has reduced from 0.8 to 0.2.
The fossil fuel industry lied for decades, but today they’re not all the same. E.g. Shell has committed to reducing scope 3 (customer) emissions by 45% by 2035. FF and mining companies are among the few with the cash to scale huge technology transformations. That should continue, with maybe 10% of resources going to cooling interventions to avoid the worst effects of warming this century as we get back to a healthy CO2 level, which will take longer.
Robert: Yes, decarbonisation investment should continue, but the priority should move to albedo restoration to avoid the current big risk of Arctic collapse. The public is unaware of the inadequacy of decarbonization.
Brian: Albedo contains many components, but we can say: “Make the planet brighter – and smarter.”
Aria: Yes, I love that framing.
Sev: Brightening is much less painful than emissions reduction. Priorities need reordering: 1. Brightening, 2. GGR, 3. Emissions reduction, 4. Thermal management, (e.g. cirrus cloud thinning), 5. Adaptation - sea walls are only temporarily effective.
Me: Polarisation is less problematic than demonization. (Prof Kotkin)
Robert: Fossil fuels have delivered high standards of living. It’s risky to reduce those. Demonization hampers civilised dialogue.
Sev: You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
Aria: But pollution is damaging to human health. Energy efficiency would ameliorate that.
Brian: We could be at the start of a microbial methane bomb. An atmospheric methane depletion intervention could cut the warming rate in half. Perhaps focus 80% of efforts on that, and rebrightening.
Robert: Increasing Arctic albedo is the best way to slow permafrost methane emissions and curb the accelerating feedback loops.
Ron: I’m trying to compile a document of cooling technologies. 1.2 billion people live in countries that depend on fossil fuel earnings, and the Republican Party has been bought by the FF industry.
Bru: Large environmental groups have insufficient understanding of the problems. Closing down the global economy would cause untold suffering. Planetary brightening is an absolute necessity, as is reducing emissions as fast as we can. Our job is to educate the public, while kee
171 T_dGNgKvEBg?t=583 (1:29) NOAC meeting 7/12/22 1/28/24
Description pending
172 S-Asl-TC4l8?t=170 (1:28) NOAC Meeting 7/25/22 1/28/24
Sev "“ Threats from the hydrogen economy
CE - Titanium Oxide Aerosol "“ TOA
Brian "“ Seaweed "“ full hectare next year. Rebuttals
John N "“ SAI affecting oxidative power of atmosphere
Grant "“ update on his team"™s EHux project
173 PIAsjc4dI8A&t=512s (1:44) NOAC meeting 8/8/22 1/28/24
CE "“ Discussion on Artic cloud formation
Grant "“ brief report on EHux project
John N "“ US short submission for 5 yr plan?
Sev - humidifying the air before seeding with CCN
Any updates / progress?
TOA "“ Titanium Oxide Aerosol "“ for refreezing the Arctic
ARA "“ Aqua Regia Aerosol "“ for cooling the oceans and depleting atmospheric methane at scale
174 1Z6Rv0pZXXo?t=567 (1:33) NOAC meeting 8/22/22 1/28/24
Aaron "“ Greenland blowing up? Arctic conditions
JM "“ Predicted loss of clouds?
Sev "“ Separating humidity from nuclei
CE/Franz Nozzle design "“ Shaun?
Grant "“ Crack in conversation on emissions/CDR/SRM
RT "“ Pakistand Floods "“ S.Salter
175 fQFQTfxqizw?t=973 (1:39) NOAC meeting 9/6/22 1/28/24
Achim "“ Intro "“ Ocean cooling - woxon.com
Chris "“ urgency of cooling "“ articles in chat
Robert T "“ Letter published in The Australian newspaper "“ need for cooling and climate morality
Robert/John N - Cooling credits vs Carbon credits
Sev "“ Towards NOAC "“ consensus on what we think is important to communicate
176 8x88ljrukYc&t=581s (1:36) NOAC meeting 1/9/23 1/28/24
Attending: Sev Clarke, Franz Oeste, John MacDonald, Clive Elsworth, Ron Baiman, Bru Pearce, Rocio Herbert, Herb Simmens, Lynn Russell, Vyt Garnys, Brian von Herzen
177 9yfg1Pg9bys&t=204s (1:55) NOAC meeting 6/17/21 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John Macdonald, Sev Clarke, Clive Elsworth, Daniel Kieve, Vyt Garnys, Daniel, Wilson, Bhaskar, Hugh Hunt, Shaun Fitzgerald, Doug Grandt, Brian Von Herzon, Rocio Herbert, Peter Fiekowsky, Andy Meacham
178 toSpPw05Mk8 (1:33) NOAC meeting 7/5/21 1/28/24
Attending: Anton Alferness, Stephen Salter, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Sev Clarke, Brian Von Herzen, Doug Grandt
179 svJlVJFL6cI?t=765 (1:41) NOAC meeting 8/17/21 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, Robert Tulip, John Macdonald, Clive Elsworth, Stephen Salter, Sev Clarke, Brian Von Herzen, Beth Taylor, Daniel Siromani, Anton Alferness,
180 gEoF2kqBQqM&t=287s (1:47) NOAC meeting 8/30/21 1/28/24
Attending: Bru Pearce, John Macdonald, Stephen Salter, Doug Grandt, Sev Clarke, Chris Vivian, Franz Oeste, John Nissen, Herb Simmens, Hugh Hunt, Robert Tulip
181 VqLArJPtWRY (1:39) NOAC meeting 10/5/21 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John Macdonald, Chris Vivian, Clive Elsworth, Shaun Fitzgerald, Sev Clarke, Bru Pearce, Brian Von Herzen, Will Smith, Elisabet Baltas, Katy
182 2ObZvMK_9y4 (1:48) NOAC meeting 10/12/21 1/28/24
Attending: Franz Oeste, John Nissen, John Macdonald, Sev Clarke, Clive Elsworth, Brian Von Herzen, Shaun Fitzgerald, Hugh Hunt, Eduardo Greaves, Bru Pearce, Stephen Salter, Ron Baiman, Herb Simmens, Doug Grandt
183 1nk5CLZA5DU (1:29) NOAC meeting 10/26/21 1/28/24
Bruce P - NOAC Website
Chris V "“ Marine CDR research projects announced.
Brian VH "“ Jim Hansen"™s Oct note "“ El Nino Fizzles, Earth Sizzles
Stephen S "“ what would doubling of aerosol do?
Clive E "“ What would satellite aerosol measurement do?
Methane PNAS conf "“ Copenhagen papers.
21:07:22 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : US Announcements on marine CDR:\rWhite House Forms Committee On Marine Carbon Removal - https://carbonherald.com/white-house-forms-committee-on-marine-carbon-removal/\rMarine Carbon Dioxide Removal: Potential Ways to Harness the Ocean to Mitigate Climate Change - https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2023/10/06/marine-carbon-dioxide-removal-potential-ways-to-harness-the-ocean-to-mitigate-climate-change/ \rMarine Carbon Dioxide Removal Fast Track Action Committee - https://www.noaa.gov/sites/default/files/2023-10/mCDR_FTAC_charter_2023_09_19_approved.pdf\rAnnouncing $24.3m Investment Advancing Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal Research - https://oceanacidification.noaa.gov/focus_areas/carbon-dioxide-removal/\r21:08:50 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : Hansen paper https://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/2023/ElNinoFizzles.13October2023.pdf\r21:44:09 From Clive Elsworth : https://seao2-cdr.eu/\r21:47:15 From Clive Elsworth : http://www.gesamp.org/site/assets/files/1723/ocean_climate_intervention_projects_sept_2023.xlsx\r22:05:07 From baiman"™s iPhone : Yes!! Especially if aviation can emit enough aerosol to have a significant cooling impact/. Apologies I"™m with grandson so can"™t participate in person !\r22:11:20 From Hugh Hunt : https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/jet-zero-aviations-non-co2-impacts-on-the-climate/?utm_medium=email\u0026utm_source=govdelivery\r22:11:31 From Hugh Hunt : That's the JetZero link\r22:13:37 From Hugh Hunt : Maybe this one can be used for Oceans:\r\rhttps://www.ukri.org/opportunity/pushing-the-frontiers-of-environmental-research-jan-2024/\r22:21:52 From baiman"™s iPhone : Thank you Hugh\r22:31:33 From John Macdonald : Also there"™s lthe Methane Tracker 2020
184 saaVAw7Kyzg?t=929 (1:47) NOAC meeting 10/17/23 1/28/24
Clive - the role of black carbon to Arctic warming by Arctic Haze, the additionally accelerated ice melt by its snow and ice discoloration, and its potential removal near its source with Iron Salt Aerosol
- the potential role of floating habitat and nutrition in the deep ocean to producing fast sinking organic and carbonate particles.
- Human waste from ships
- Do hygroscopic aerosols get rained out within days or weeks? And where?
Chris "“ AR6 synthesis report
21:38:06 From Robert Tulip : Here is the SPM https://report.ipcc.ch/ar6syr/pdf/IPCC_AR6_SYR_SPM.pdf
185 HucH_GI77Cs&t=801s (1:42) NOAC meeting 3/20/23 1/28/24
Clive "“ Simplified graphics making case for MCB
Sev "“ Project updates from Rebecca, John, Bru, Clive
John N "“ Tipping points
20:07:40 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : Global heating will pass 1.5C threshold this year, top ex-Nasa scientist says https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/jan/08/global-temperature-over-1-5-c-climate-change?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
20:13:45 From Ursula Head : Happy New Year, everyone!
20:14:41 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/futuretense/who-are-the-beneficiaries-of-climate-change-/102960772?utm_campaign=abc_listen\u0026utm_content=link\u0026utm_medium=content_shared\u0026utm_source=abc_listen
20:34:18 From Bru Pearce : https://emagazine.com/energy-imbalance/
20:44:47 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : Rebrighten.org
20:49:42 From Bru Pearce : https://www.gcsp.ch/Equity4Humanity
20:59:26 From Shaun Fitzgerald : Sorry i arrived v late, and alas i can't stay tonight. But good to see you. Best wishes, Shaun
21:03:18 From Bru Pearce : www.envisionation.org
21:03:51 From Bru Pearce : http://icesfoundation.org/Pages/Home.aspx
21:31:31 From John Macdonald : Apologies, I need to leave now.
Happy to answer any questions on the inventions I mentioned.
186 TbI6SD5WPbU&t=1126s (1:44) NOAC meeting 1/8/24 1/28/24
Metta "“ Symposium - citizens assembly, global in scope, for discussing climate repair?
Sev "“ Is global evapotranspiration good?
John M "“ What are the sources of cloud formation?
20:12:11 From Jonathan Cole : What is a citizens"™ assembly?\rCitizens"™ assemblies are not new, and are gaining popularity around the world. They empower people, communities and entire countries to make important decisions in a fair and deeply democratic way.\r\rThe Citizens"™ Assembly on Climate and Ecological Justice will bring together a "mini public" of everyday people to investigate, discuss and make recommendations on how to respond to the climate emergency. These people will be randomly selected, like a jury, to reflect the whole country in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, education level and geography. They will hear balanced information from experts and those most affected by the emergency and then discuss what they have learned openly and honestly in small groups. Together they will work through their differences before drafting and voting on recommendations. The process is run by non-governmental organisations under independent oversight.\r20:16:35
From Jonathan Cole : ClimateViewer - YouTube\rWebJim is the creator of ClimateViewer Maps on http://climateviewer.org/, where you can monitor our world in real-time on a 3D globe with over 600 unique maps and live\r20:17:44
From Jonathan Cole : I am James Franklin Lee Jr. (Jim Lee) and I help people understand complex ideas by creating maps, timelines, articles, and lectures. I am going to talk about Pollution, Privacy and Propaganda every chance I get because they interest me, affect us, and I care about our Planet. ClimateViewer News is my blog and the central location for all of my research.\r20:25:40
From Jonathan Cole : This Jim Lee seems to be initiating the anti geoengineering push for a statement by the NH state legislature\r20:25:51
From Jonathan Cole : Last month, Republican legislators in New Hampshire introduced a bill that would ban the "intentional release" of chemicals into the air.\r\rThe legislation, called "The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act," prohibits "the intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency, and microwave radiation and making penalties for violation of such prohibition."\r\rIt also provides penalties for violations.\r20:28:28
From Metta Spencer : Https://tosavetheworld.ca\r20:28:41 From Robert Chris : prohibits "the intentional release of polluting emissions, Doesn't that mea no more fossil fuel emissions?\r20:47:28
From Robert Chris : Kevin Anderson\r20:56:20
From Bruce Parker : NOAC Website https://myccnews.org/noac/\r20:57:46
From Jonathan Cole : Great statement: Choose something non controversial enough to get funding.
187 5EbKNEWve6o&t=214s (1:35) NOAC meeting 1/22/24 1/28/24
Sev presented his ideas on boosting methanotrophs in shallow seas, melting tundra and other places.
We also discussed the potentially large carbon sequestration carried out by krill and other Diel Vertically Migrating creatures. If true it is completely unrecognized, and looks to deserve further urgent research, and likely curbed fishing.
Brian spoke of two recent impressive books: Regenesis by George Monbiot (on sustainable farming), and All we can Save, narrated by Jane Fonda (on the stress experienced by climate activists).
We talked about our own stress, and how we remain motivated in the face of huge ignorance of the general public on the issues and potentially strong solutions. The solutions we discuss are generally of both technical and human based. Grant mentioned the power of grandchildren in focusing their grandparents on the big problems coming down the line.
It was a great meeting. Thanks, all who were able to attend.
This time I hosted from a hotel room, which may have made it difficult for some to connect. Apologies if that was the case. I expect to be home again for the next NOAC meeting.
188 8Qz7CSAZD1s&t=825s (1:53) NOAC meeting (Nature based Ocean and Atmospheric Cooling) 6/13/22 1/28/24
Main discussions:
Peter Carter’s recent video warning of today's radiative forcing of over 3 W/m2 spelling climate disaster (see chat link) seems at odds with the figure of 1.7 W/m2 from Prof Julia Slingo (recently retired director of the Hadley centre). 1.7 also aligns more closely with the NASA GISS graph of net forcing after anthropogenic aerosols are taken into account (scroll down to the first graph): https://data.giss.nasa.gov/modelforce/ Steven pointed out (once again) that 1.7 W/m2 is only ½% of the energy arriving from the sun, of 340 W/m2 . This again makes a compelling case for cooling by marine cloud brightening (MCB).
I probably confused many by writing on the agenda “Atmospheric acidity causes more methane”. I meant “more methane depletion” i.e. naturally occurring iron salt aerosol depletes methane more efficiently when the pH is low (between pH 0.5 and 2 ). The loss of SO2 from ships and coal power stations may therefore be leading to higher ocean aerosol pHs, and therefore less atmospheric methane depletion.
Brian pointed out that determining whether methane lifetime is increasing might be done by measuring 14CH4 concentration, because 14C is an unstable carbon isotope produced only in the upper atmosphere. But I've since seen that 14C comes from nitrogen. Perhaps let's discuss next time.
Brian also said a newly increased source of methane seems to be mainly microbial methane, determined by isotopic signature (see chat link below).
We discussed possible use of artificial Iron Salt Aerosol to double up to provide MCB in addition to methane depletion. The rationale would be that it also makes white clouds, and if its technology will already be there, then why not follow the plan Steven promotes of emitting it in the right places at the right times to curb extreme weather events, as well as cooling the oceans?
There were more technical discussions of droplet size, size distribution and Cl atom production from sun irradiated droplets (especially from the 1 hr point).
Carbonyl sulphide (COS) has been proposed as a cooling intervention for the upper atmosphere, but is rather poisonous, and its production of an SO2 based aerosol in the right places at the right time seems haphazard.
Other points:
John N and Ron B asked us to review their temperature trajectory and HPAC documents, that make the case for cooling.
David HW foresaw the Supreme Court decision that was then announced mid last week, crippling the EPA's ability to direct emission reductions. He also pointed out (right at the start) that governments are not set up to address emissions effectively.
Both Brian and David HW said there's no such thing as social licence, just lots of people who say “no”. The best way to gain general acceptance is not through doom and gloom [or finger wagging, CE], but from positive messages.

Chat Links
From Clive Elsworth : Peter Carter’s video on radiative forcing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3-SBXrdjw0
From Dr Brian von Herzen : https://research.noaa.gov/article/ArtMID/587/ArticleID/2769/New-analysis-shows-microbial-sources-fueling-rise-of-atmospheric-methane
From Mannajo Greene : Climate activists elected officials and others need more education on how the global climate system work.
189 -E82IkSC1nM?t=934 (1:33) NOAC meeting (Nature based Ocean and Atmospheric Cooling) 6/27/22 1/28/24
Brian "“ Effects of new record temperatures.
Clive "“ Powerful cloud cooling
Ron B - Lowest hanging fruit "“ Methane? Reinstate Bunker fuel?
"“ Simon Sharpe podcast
Doug "“ Very short messaging "“ Earth"™s fever
Stephen "“ Friendly letter to 120 anti-geoengineering NGOs
21:13:42 From Doug Grandt : So I don"™t forget: comments on posts by Facebook abd Substack bloggers and journalists Bill McKibben (The Crucial Years), Patrick Mazza (The Raven), Dan Rather, Dana Nuccitelli, CCL, @350.org
21:19:53 From Doug Grandt : Mother Eaarth has a high fever. Unthinking, human behavior, hubris and greed. has caused it, so we must change the root cause, which will take decades , time we can ill-afford to wait as the fever continues to rise.
What do doctors, nurses, mothers and grand mothers do for a child or any patient suffering from an elevated fever? They take immediate extraordinary action to cool their child and patient to stave off imminent death: sponge baths, rubbing alcohol, cold shower and ice bath in the extreme. Get the core body temperature down quickly, THEN go to work changing the conditions that brought on the fever.
Mother Eaarth needs immediate triage cooling to stave off tipping points while we spend decades reducing fossil fuel use and the concomitant CO2 and CH4 emissions., and remove past legacy accumulations from the atmosphere and oceans. The editors of the IPCC scientists"™ hard work has deluded us and the cult mantra is simply "Net Zero" which does nothing to reduce global temperatures.
21:30:13 From Robert Chris : This is from IMO 3 days ago: The revised IMO GHG Strategy includes an enhanced common ambition to reach net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping close to 2050, a commitment to ensure an uptake of alternative zero and near-zero GHG fuels by 2030, as well as indicative check-points for 2030 and 2040.
21:31:34 From Aaron Weast : May I ask the twitter handle for the tweet just discussed?
21:32:19 From Anton : "All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
21:35:32 From Herb Simmens : My twitter handle is @herbsimmens GeoengineeringInfo is @geoengineering1
21:35:52 From Aaron Weast : Reacted to
190 tNfX7EDAg0k?t=1058 (1:35) NOAC meeting - 10th July 2023 7/10/23 10/13/23
Sev "“ Annual ocean C sequestration thought experiment
Bruce P "“ Are we already at 1.5C ? A look at the figures.
Jon "“ calculating long wave heat escape "“ Earth"™s Energy budget
John N "“ Declare that COP / IPCC strategy has failed - they have allowed dangerous climate change to occur.
191 Fws2Qbxttq4 (1:50) NOAC meeting - 11th Dec 2023 12/11/23 1/28/24
Chris "“ Mangroves to save the climate - oversold
Chris - Draft AGU position status
Sev - Climate interventions without proper approval
Doug - Feedback on Elephant in room visual
Peter W "“ Burnt forest in Sardinia vs Darkened Greenland ice
Brian - The Earthshot prize winners
Chris - Steve Keen"™s webinar on neoclassical economists getting climate economics wrong
20:24:06 From Chris Vivian : Seychelles https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-63901644. Also, see these articles about blue carbon https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fclim.2022.853666 and https://www.aweimagazine.com/article/challenges-for-blue-carbon-solutions/
20:30:18 From DV Henkel-Wallace : I can't find the Shaun Fitzgerald zoom link -- could someone put in chat please?
20:31:16 From Chris Vivian : AGU https://www.agu.org/Share-and-Advocate/Share/Policymakers/Position-Statements/Draft-Climate-Intervention
20:31:50 From Sev Clarke : Shaun Fitzgerald https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82355048687
192 EMIDLqWRLYI?t=499 (1:33) NOAC meeting - 12 Dec 2022 12/12/22 1/28/24
John M "“ Debrief of CCRC workshop
Doug G "“ Cool the Arctic by cooling the tropics
Ron B "“ strategies for polar cooling
Rebecca B "“ Table of proposed cooling technologies
Anton A "“ What I"™m doing that may be relevant to NOAC
Bruce P "“ Building a NOAC website
Rebecca B "“ Singing from one hymn sheet
21:20:49 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : Here is the presenter who led a discussion on
193 XC-KYTk9OWs?t=647 (1:36) NOAC meeting - 12th June 2023 6/12/23 1/28/24
Robert T "“ Problems with Stratospheric Aerosol Injection SAI? Franz?
Sev "“ Bru: Nitrate fertilization could increase biomass between 3 and 7 times?
Bru "“ Seafields "“ Sargassum farming in Atlantic "“ Sebastian Stevens
Clive "“ Cloud cooling info "“ Alan Gadian
- Biosphere self-regulation by transpiration release of airborne particles
- Interconnection between plants \u0026 fungi "“ c.f. quantum system / entanglement?
- Complex adaptive theory
COP27 "“ News? Anything? HPAC activities.
20:27:04 From Bru Pearce : https://www.theenergymix.com/2022/11/06/free-for-all-carbon-removals-plan-at-cop-27-sidelines-human-rights/
20:27:39 From Bru Pearce : An administrative decision on carbon removals, adopted in the dead of night with no community input, is raising alarm with experts attending the COP 27 climate summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
20:28:15 From Bru Pearce : As well, "including "˜oceans"™ as a possible sink with no further limitations opens the door to dangerous and far-reaching options such as ocean fertilization," ECO writes. "While some niche practices that restore damaged ocean ecosystems (seagrass, salt marshes, mangroves) could play a useful role in removing GHGs through anthropogenic actions, the proposed language is too broad and goes much beyond those activities."
20:42:29 From Robert Tulip : https://www.blue-economy.co.uk/special-report-blue-carbon
20:43:47 From Robert Tulip : https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2202230119 D. G. MacMartin, D. Visioni , B. Kravitz, J.H. Richter, T. Felgenhauer, W. R. Lee, D. R. Morrow, E. A. Parson, and M. Sugiyama, Scenarios for modeling solar radiation modification, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, August 2022
20:48:05 From Robert Tulip :
194 9Bc8JdpOG_I&t=890s (1:44) NOAC meeting - 14th Nov 2022 11/17/22 1/28/24
Robert T "“ Iron Salt Aerosol not mentioned in GeoMIP - https://youtu.be/oS4jFd5JxgI?t=732
Franz "“ SAI will reduce marine clouds - https://youtu.be/oS4jFd5JxgI?t=1876
Clive "“ Cooking stoves, could be important for reducing Arctic BC - https://youtu.be/oS4jFd5JxgI?t=3248
John N "“ Report on F4CR meeting on Saturday - https://youtu.be/oS4jFd5JxgI?t=3723
Sev "“ ChatGPT - https://youtu.be/oS4jFd5JxgI?t=3942
Rebecca "“ UNEP report "“ misguided? (Not so much, if you read towards the end.) - https://youtu.be/oS4jFd5JxgI?t=4777
Sev "“ Public availability of email exchanges - https://youtu.be/oS4jFd5JxgI?t=5404
21:03:38 From Sev Clarke : UNEP https://wedocs.unep.org/bitstream/handle/20.500.11822/41903/one_atmosphere.pdf?sequence=3\u0026isAllowed=y
21:05:22 From Robert Tulip : Atmos. Chem. Phys., 23, 5149"“5176, 2023
Opinion: The scientific and community-building roles of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) "“ past, present, and future
Daniele Visioni1, Ben Kravitz2,3, Alan Robock4, Simone Tilmes5, Jim Haywood6,7, Olivier Boucher8,
Mark Lawrence9,19, Peter Irvine10, Ulrike Niemeier11, Lili Xia4, Gabriel Chiodo12, Chris Lennard13,
ShingoWatanabe14, John C. Moore15,16,17, and Helene Muri18
22:03:01 From Robert Chris : Sorry, have to leave. I'll try to catch up on the recording. I'm particularly interested in the ChatGPT discussion.
22:12:44 From Doug Grandt (Vermont) : ""¦while AI's knowledge base can be impressive and extensive, it is crucial to recognize its limitations and the need for human discernment and critical thinking in interpreting and evaluating the information generated by AI."
22:26:12 From Doug Grandt (Vermont) : Daniel Harrison
22:29:04 From Doug Grandt (Vermont) : google Daniel Harrison great barrier reef marine cloud brightening
22:31:13 From Paul Anderson : The podcast linked below is exceptionally informative. All 50 minutes should be heard by anyone interested in planet cooling and Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB).
Includes 2020 pilot at the Great Barrier Reef. And ongoing work. Podcast dated 2023, so it is recent. A welcome ray of hope in the climate struggle.
195 oS4jFd5JxgI?t=732 (1:36) NOAC meeting - 15th May 2023 5/15/23 10/13/23
Chris GESAMP Report Press Release from IMO
BBC Report Big Seaweed Farm Sargassum South Atlantic
Sev - Trichodesmium cyanobacterium
Cost comparison brightening planet v cutting emissions
COP27 "“ Ocean Pavilion
From Chris Vivian to Everyone: 07:09 AM
IMP Press Release - https://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/pages/Marine-geoengineering.aspx
From mycomputer to Everyone: 07:09 AM
From Chris Vivian to Everyone: 07:09 AM
BBC News story about Seafields https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-63200589
From Me to Everyone: 07:30 AM
From Chris Vivian to Everyone: 07:31 AM
From Chris Vivian to Everyone: 07:53 AM
Ocean deserts are growing - https://doi.org/10.1038/news.2008.795
Regional Geoengineering Using Tiny Glass Bubbles Would Accelerate the Loss of Arctic Sea Ice - https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EF002815
From Me to Everyone: 08:00 AM
From Chris Vivian to Everyone: 08:03 AM
You might be interested in this post - Climate scientists: concept of net zero is a dangerous trap - https://theconversation.com/climate-scientists-concept-of-net-zero-is-a-dangerous-trap-157368
196 KR11HxaZUgc?t=365 (1:36) NOAC meeting - 17th Oct 2022 10/17/22 1/28/24
Robert T - Overshoot commission report
Clive "“ 2012 Cost estimate of MCB to stop the ice melting "“ and how to calculate the extra energy reflection needed
John M "“ Why not replace SO2 aerosols with an alternative aerosol?
Herb S "“ COP28 Is anyone going? Plans?
21:26:31 From Robert Tulip : Climate Overshoot Commission Report https://www.overshootcommission.org/
21:32:52 From Robert Tulip : Brian - just go to the link I gave and scroll down one screen for the report
21:38:30 From Robert Chris : Neoliberal capitalism is in its death throes but the successor model is very unlikely to be anything that looks like Soviet communism.
21:40:53 From Hugh Hunt : Here is a report from Sept 2023 by Operaatio Arktis, a Finland youth group. All about Climate Repair. They have written a much better thing that the Overshoot Commission:
21:41:04 From Robert Tulip : Robert, part of the problem is that geoengineering is perceived precisely as a means to enable no systemic change. I use
197 P_C_pz0AD8s?t=1335 (1:48) NOAC meeting - 18 Sep 2023 9/18/23 1/28/24
Sev – attacks on climate restoration proposers
Chris – Sinking seaweed is beyond the science and ethics
Brian – update on field trials – marine permaculture
Sev – Antarctic ice – worsening – biggest shelf now under threat – East Antarctica
Chris – Frozen planet 2 – focusing on Arctic ice (BBC iPlayer)
21:06:20 From Chris Vivian : https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac82ff
21:15:24 From DV Henkel-Wallace : https://archive.ph/OsW9g
21:31:20 From John Nissen : Sea level rise from Antarctica is coming to the fore: https://nypost.com/2022/09/07/antarctica-doomsday-glacier-hanging-on-by-its-fingernails/
21:45:52 From John Nissen : Thwaites could collapse within a few years, producing several feet of SLR.
21:56:04 From Chris Vivian : https://www.science.org/doi/epdf/10.1126/sciadv.abn2465
22:09:31 From Chris Vivian : https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02168-y#:~:text=But%20over%20the%20past%20ten,pinpoint%20the%20processes%20driving%20it.
22:17:03 From DV Henkel-Wallace : Have to drop off — good call this week.
22:26:25 From Chris Vivian : https://methaneaction.org/
22:27:30 From Chris Vivian : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbvK6JuF_tjD9bEBZ1FCfyA - see this recording of the methane action conference
198 iJhlxwuOQuA?t=698 (1:31) NOAC Meeting - 19 Sep 2022 9/20/22 1/28/24
Sev "“ What is Spark Climate looking at for methane removal?
Grant "“ The search for political sponsorship.
Sev "“ Project updates?
Robert C "“ Robert T UK trip.
21:47:02 From Mannajo Greene : I am both a politician and an activist -- not out for political gain (votes) or personal gain. Out for promoting truthful information.
22:04:03 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : Stephen"™s 2m pounds is an ask, not secured funding. I"™m not sure what is in the project proposal; agree need to ask Stephen
22:08:00 From Doug Grandt (Vermont) : Yes, that is my understanding "¦ he said he could build and test for ï¿¡2M
22:11:14 From Robert Tulip : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/29-daniel-harrison-on-marine-cloud-brightening-and-the-rrap/id1593211714?i=1000598417935
22:15:34 From Robert Tulip : UK Visit - I could meet people in London on 20 May, Edinburgh 29 May to 1 June, and London/Cambridge 3-7 June.
22:31:36 From Chris Vivian : https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/151197/kamchatka-erupts
199 UKSnVTtpf2g?t=505 (1:37) NOAC meeting - 1st May 2023 5/1/23 10/13/23
Andrew Lockley - Luke Iseman, Making sunsets balloon
Franz "“ Lee paper, hydrogen peroxide to produce chlorine radicals "“ even from MCB
Iron Salt Aerosol "“ MIT article
Sev "“ NOAC consensus
20:01:59 From Sev Clarke : https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1911883116
20:27:28 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Link to h2o2 paper?
20:27:57 From Sev Clarke : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e6i61Zpy0XI5Dw8gMqZ4_A0o6intOLgp/edit
21:06:51 From Doug Grandt (Vermont) : looks like John is not going to drop in "¦ next time "¦ cheers!
21:10:58 From Robert Tulip : The report defined 'sustainable development' as
200 p34YJ0RvtYI&t=964s (1:39) NOAC meeting - 20th Feb 2023 2/20/23 1/28/24
Anton, Bruce "“ NOAC website
Bru "“ three cheers to Equador
Chris "“ Climate Arks falls under London protocol amendment
- Concepts on how it might be used
21:16:54 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : Regarding DMS, this journal issue that has almost all its papers about the CLAW hypothesis:\rhttps://www.publish.csiro.au/EN/issue/3787/. Also, see this paper Rapid cloud removal of dimethyl sulfide oxidation products limits SO2 and cloud condensation nuclei production in the marine atmosphere - https://www.pnas.org/content/118/42/e2110472118 and https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/10/211011151110.htm.
\r21:44:40 From Anton : Bruce is building it, actually
\r21:51:14 From Hans van der Loo : Instead of videos we use animations on our website\r
21:51:18 From Hans van der Loo : https://youtu.be/MKR925xz_R4\r
21:55:38 From Hans van der Loo : https://www.stopecocide.earth/breaking-news-2023/european-parliament-proposes-including-ecocide-in-eu-law\r
22:25:23 From Robert Tulip : Healthy Planet Action Coalition meeting this Thursday August 24, 4:30 PM EDT (= 9.30 pm UK = 6.30 am Friday Australia AEST )\r
Chris Vivian: Ocean Carbon Dioxide Removal and Governance \rMeeting link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88954851189?pwd=WVZoeTBnN3kyZFoyLzYxZ1JNbDFPUT09\rResume: http://www.gesamp.org/about/members/chris-vivian
201 XBm18kHT9OM&t=1251s (1:44) NOAC meeting - 21 Aug 2023 8/21/23 10/13/23
Stephen "“ Mexican ban on solar geoengineering
Clive "“ critical path to climate stability
Sev "“ NOAC consensus?
202 75HxpgD2chM&t=594s (1:40) NOAC meeting - 23rd Jan 2023 1/23/23 1/28/24
Clive - Climate Catalyst slides, DMS to make more marine clouds? Floating corals?
Ron "“ SO2 loss is warming the oceans? Hausfather doubts it.
Bru "“ The ocean has got greener? In places. Dryden"™s work on ocean surface pollution. Brian "“ changes in ocean temperature affecting phytoplankton population dynamics.
No time to discuss:
John N "“ Reasons for sudden increases in surface temperatures NH and SH, Arctic, Antarctic. Brian "“ Changes in cloud cover,
Bru "“ Fire impacts, Rebecca "“ fire management.
21:29:34 From Herb Simmens : https://news.exeter.ac.uk/faculty-of-environment-science-and-economy/tipping-points-can-be-triggered-unexpectedly-by-dangerous-rates-of-change/
21:30:27 From Ron Baiman : Thanks Herb! Interesting.
21:31:24 From Bru Pearce : https://www.windy.com/-Clouds-clouds?clouds,15.670,163.799,4,i:pressure
21:43:18 From Ron Baiman : This is Hausfather report claiming that DMS in northern hemisphere shipping lanes largely saturates potential of increasing cloud cover with sulfur aerosols: https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-how-low-sulphur-shipping-rules-are-affecting-global-warming/
21:46:46 From Clive Elsworth : Chlorophyl vs Cloud map: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/global-maps/MY1DMM_CHLORA/MODAL2_M_CLD_FR
21:50:08 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Reacted to
203 vIiuHp8wev4&t=879s (1:53) NOAC meeting - 24th July 2023 7/25/23 10/13/23
Anton - Climate solutions website
Clive "“ High Sea Surface Temperatures
Rebecca / Robert C "“ CCRC MCB progress
Sev "“ Turquoise hydrogen
John M "“ Nutrient Upweller
Chris V "“ Co-removing methane CO2
21:01:08 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : Hello Franz, nice to see you :-)
21:03:16 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : This sounds wonderful, thanks Anton.
21:09:37 From mycomputer : https://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2023/06/20/a-new-hydrogen-from-methane-via-pyrolysis-without-the-co2-release/
21:10:01 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-2959117/v1
21:10:11 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : I'm going to turn off my camera as I need to eat breakfast; I'm going to a conference with registration 8-9am. I'll switch it on if I'm going to speak :-)
21:10:51 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : Solar chimney - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0038092X23003675
21:32:01 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : Thank you for such a clear statement of the questions, Anton, and your statement of
204 nmiBMH3p3ho?t=215 (2:01) NOAC Meeting - 26 Jun 2023 6/26/23 10/13/23
Chris V "“ Items in Chat:
- COP28 "“ Ocean related events
- Nature comms paper: Loss of aerosols is worse than GHG
John N/Bruce P - Why do scientists reach different conclusions from same data - champions of the anomalies?
Greg S "“ Is there a cognitive split in the perception of global warming, like there"™s plenty of time?
20:03:46 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : COP28 Dubai Ocean Declaration - https://oceanpavilion-cop.org/dubai-ocean-declaration/\rHow COP28 can help accelerate research around the ocean's carbon removal potential - https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/11/ocean-carbon-dioxide-removal-research-cop28/\rCOP28 - Climate Ocean Pavilion - https://cop28oceanpavilion.vfairs.com/en/hall \rCOP28 - Climate Ocean Pavilion "“ Programme -https://oceanpavilion.app.swapcard.com/event/cop28/plannings/RXZlbnRWaWV3XzY1MjgxOA==?aggregationId=eyJkYXRhIjp7InJhbmdlIjpbMTcwMTQ4OTYwMCwxNzAxNTc2MDAwXX19\r20:07:28 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : See this recent paper Aerosols overtake greenhouse gases causing a warmer climate and more weather extremes toward carbon neutrality - https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-42891-2
205 ArD6qe-BERI?t=1340 (1:40) NOAC meeting - 27 Nov 23. 11/27/23 1/28/24
Chris – COP27
Brian - Grand XPRIZE for carbon removal
Sev – document
John N – paper
20:07:17 From DV Henkel-Wallace : Alliance of Small Island States www.aosis.org
20:14:42 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Aside from PEM membranes, why go from ch4 to h2?
20:15:26 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Wouldn’t green methane be far more valuable?
20:16:07 From Sev Clarke : because the nanocabon co-product would reduce the h2 cost
20:17:38 From Dr Brian von Herzen : But at energy storage cost
20:17:44 From Dr Brian von Herzen : And at energy loss per m3
20:19:02 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Hawaii has hydrogen injection up to 50% over the past decade
20:19:26 From Sev Clarke : you store the methane at low cost then use renewable energy to generate on site on demand bliue green hydrogen
20:19:50 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Or just use the methane directly?
20:21:01 From Sev Clarke : but not to burn as that releases ghg emissions
20:22:33 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Read “moving to higher ground” for a recent discussion of having to abandon islands-
20:26:30 From Chris Vivian : This Guardian article is interesting as I don’t think
Melting point: could ‘cloud brightening’ slow the thawing of the Arctic?
20:29:27 From Dr Brian von Herzen : If you go down 1000 meters, the rise in temperature is much smaller, no?
20:32:41 From Robert Tulip : A brighter planet could increase the ice mass of the cryosphere to reverse sea level rise at century time scale.
20:33:06 From Tara Vamos : Tara@ItsAllAboutMovement.com
20:33:44 From Dr Brian von Herzen : 1 @robert
20:43:19 From Dr Brian von Herzen : First problem is buoyancy?
20:46:07 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Cooling the planet- deep cycling results in primary production, resulting in DMS production ,resulting in marine cloud brightening!
20:50:20 From Dr Brian von Herzen : That didn’t stop Greenpeace from suing victor Smetachek in high court in Germany under the London Protocol presumably?
20:51:07 From Dr Brian von Herzen : bicatch
20:53:33 From Dr Brian von Herzen : .06 ignores specular reflection?
21:07:28 From Sev Clarke : no it does not. see how it ws calculated
21:09:53 From Zoom user : Great document Sev. Some of your images with each might help to convey the concepts.
21:11:10 From Chris Vivian : See this paper about MCB: 'Marine cloud brightening; as effective without clouds' - https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/17/13071/2017/acp-17-13071-2017.html
21:13:23 From Zoom user : https://arcticdata.io/catalog/portals/ArcticTides
21:18:04 From Sev Clarke : My Moresolsv4 document provides the graphics
21:18:41 From Chris Vivian : Arctic tidal atlas https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-020-00578-z
206 mE7wdY9WdLA&t=230s (1:40) NOAC meeting - 28th Nov 22 11/28/22 1/28/24
Robert C "“ Hansen 10C warming in the pipeline
John N "“ CO2 removal / warming - which follows which?
Chris V "“ UNFCCC CO2 removal document A6.4 group
Robert T "“ CCRC Tue 6th June conference - Albedo enhance, Arctic refreeze
Rebecca - Bruce Parker "“ emissions projections
Clive "“ Black carbon "“ low hanging fruit
Sev "“ Pinebank assessment, situation and solutions
John N - Changing the narrative to albedo enhancement / SRM
21:15:23 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : What convivial and productive group dynamics we have this morning :-)
21:20:21 From Mannajo Greene : Reacted to
207 ZYqpBYPKV7I?t=62 (1:41) NOAC meeting - 29 May 2023 5/29/23 1/28/24
- Clive – Use of waterspouts to cool the ocean
Atmospheric vortex engine Michaud
- Chris V – Two reports – High level panel, ETC group about seaweed
- Brian – Jim Hansen’s July report
 the climate dice are now heavily loaded
 Flying blind – Aug report
- Hugh H - Methane – discussion – better observations – Ag emissions in China and India are growing (not discussed)
21:06:50 From John Macdonald : Clive
Unfortunately there are many more ‘Infrequently asked questions’!
21:13:19 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : The 2 reports https://oceanpanel.org/publication/ocean-solutions-to-climate-change/#:~:text=Spanish%20Chinese%20French-,The%20Ocean%20as%20a%20Solution%20to%20Climate%20Change:%20Updated%20Opportunities,°C%20pathway%20in%202050. and https://etcgroup.org/content/seaweed-delusion.
21:15:02 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : ETC report again https://etcgroup.org/sites/www.etcgroup.org/files/files/algae_report-en-web-20-sept.pdf
21:16:49 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : Hansen's recent paper 'Global Warming is Accelerating. Why? Will We Fly Blind? https://mailchi.mp/caa/global-warming-is-accelerating-why-will-we-fly-blind?fbclid=IwAR20XAIBpQXY6Av_0CC121ddIPL9KE3UmnvgDyLxRuEGlY7lLBuk352vKhs
21:18:30 From Hugh Hunt : if expts on SAI are impossible (eg SCOPEX) then I can't imagine how we'd get experiments going on water spouts ...
21:40:43 From John Macdonald : Excellent rebuttal Brian!
21:45:09 From Hugh Hunt : CCR is not headed by David King
21:51:36 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Reacted to Excellent rebuttal B... with
208 EbIBcGpqDTo?t=1219 (1:41) NOAC meeting - 2nd Oct 2023 10/2/23 1/28/24
John M - Ocean abundance is problematic?
Clive "“ ocean acidification?
Stephen "“ Energy for MCB vs Energy reflected
"“ Explain insolation diagram
John M - Atmospheric river over Australia, Warm weather in Europe
Sev "“ Who is going to COP27? Hopes?
Stephen "“ SAI conference in Colorado
209 fSzH0nP8bh8&t=595s (1:51) NOAC meeting - 31 Oct 2022 10/31/22 1/28/24
John N "“ Letter to Jim Hansen
Franz "“ Metta Spencer Pugwash show
Clive "“ New fossil fuel extraction "“ China issues 106 GW new of coal permits (China Uncensored video)
John M "“ Sewage discharge to coastal areas. Better to discharge further out?
Sev "“ Better assessment of technologies "“ criteria for better evaluation
John N - Desperately need research on SAI and MCB deployment scenarios
Chris V "“ Hamburg report, ignores tipping points in favour of social tipping point!
Doug "“ beginning to end the climate crisis "“ Michael Mann CDR comment
21:30:22 From Herb Simmens : https://twitter.com/LeonSimons8/status/1642921996211159040?s=20
21:43:39 From Herb Simmens : I see he corrected it in a more recent tweet
22:01:57 From Sev Clarke : Hi Herb,
Further to my last suggestion, HPAC and the rest of us might consider what criteria should be used to prune the number of potential cooling technologies down to a handful which we could suggest to the proposed Advancement Office. Might I suggest that a first draft list would include something like their theoretical (list of criteria), also saved here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19g-fspBsVHEAmUXTkwBonV1JPwo_3uGr8NfH-ZQWL-k/edit?usp=sharing
"¢ LIKELY EFFECTS - POSITIVE, NEUTRAL AND NEGATIVE, including those on other DCC and CDR methods
The attachment may give some ideas as to how some of these criteria might be measured
22:15:27 From Chris Vivian : IPCC uncertainty guidance https://www.ipcc.ch/site/assets/uploads/2017/08/AR5_Uncertainty_Guidance_Note.pdf
22:17:12 From Chris Vivian : See figure 1 in the above report
22:25:49 From Ron Baiman : Probably loaded with Neoclassical (establishment) economists!
22:33:35 From Mannajo Greene : Robert Tulip's presentation this morning 5:30 a.m. my time to the Canberra Region Presbytery Social Justice Group of the Uniting Church in Australia was excellent.
22:33:46 From Herb Simmens : What Ron said is essentially what Zeke said to us last week..as I understand it"¦
210 xSXpiAD7Ly8&t=893s (1:41) NOAC meeting - 3rd April 2023 4/4/23 1/28/24
Bru - feedback from Geneva keynote speech
Bru – New Legislation / research on ocean restoration
Chris – Ocean CDR reporting and verification – useful for permitting, ultimately payment. Good talk – chat link
Clive / Stephen – questions on typhoon moderation - MCB calculations
John N – Question: Who in authority is in favour of SRM – Albedo enhancement: Research? / Deployment?
21:03:12 From Bru Pearce : The US congress has just now had new legislation introduced to put the federal government on board with us with the new “Ocean Restoration Research and Development Act 2022”. https://www.conservamerica.org/latest-news/conservamerica-welcomes-introduction-of-ocean-restoration-legislation
21:04:18 From Chris Vivian : Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal: Essential Science and Problem Solving for Measurement, Reporting, and Verification Workshop - https://www.us-ocb.org/marine-co2-removal-workshop/
21:09:26 From Chris Vivian : Excellent talk ‘MRV for Ocean-Based CDR Methods’ by Dr Jessica Cross, NOAA at https://youtu.be/VXhCa6jKsHQ
21:52:25 From Robert Tulip : Albedo has fallen by half a watt per square metre in the last twenty years. https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2021GL094888
22:04:23 From Bru Pearce : https://www.energy.gov/fecm/articles/us-department-energy-announces-30-million-remove-carbon-dioxide-air-and-oceans-and
22:06:28 From Bru Pearce : https://envisionationorg.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/restorationplan/Shared%20Documents/Released/Biosphere%20Restoration%20Plan%202022.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=8vqzyZ
22:09:00 From Dr Brian von Herzen : SharePoint not accessible
22:13:31 From Chris Vivian : https://theconversation.com/climate-scientists-concept-of-net-zero-is-a-dangerous-trap-157368
22:13:49 From Dr Brian von Herzen : thank you Robert, earthshine paper is very helpful
22:16:17 From John Nissen : Earthshine paper may be biased if looking at reflection from moon, as equator bias.
22:16:45 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Ceres data supports it
22:17:38 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Ceres shows 1w/m² decline over the same period
22:17:59 From Dr Brian von Herzen : satellite observation
22:18:43 From John Nissen : @Brian interesting!
22:19:05 From Dr Brian von Herzen : 👍
22:19:22 From John Nissen : Have they measured IR change?
22:31:51 From Bru Pearce : Good night all I have run out of steam. email me directly if you want a copy of my paper.
211 uuS-qHHFn7A?t=392 (1:38) NOAC meeting - 3rd Oct 2022 10/3/22 1/28/24
Chris V "“ ARIA: Advanced Research and Innovation Agency (New in the UK)
Robert T "“ Arctic Momentum conference (Last week in Finland)
John M "“ Upwelling along the AMOC?
Clive "“ How can new clouds form?
21:17:30 From Robert Tulip : https://www.operaatioarktis.fi/en/arctic-endgame
21:51:03 From Oswald Petersen : I am afraid I have to go. Thanks for an interesting talk!
22:29:41 From Dr Brian von Herzen : Tapio Schneider Caltech
22:30:43 From Clive Elsworth : https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/article-abstract/74/6/44/817123/Accelerating-progress-in-climate?redirectedFrom=fulltext
212 nueDmIZpbTQ&t=957s (1:34) NOAC Meeting - 4th Sep 2023 9/5/23 10/13/23
Brian - Reflection: Surface vs Tropospheric vs Stratospheric
Clive – Why do low lying clouds cool, but high cirrus cloud warm?
Bru – Biofuels from sargassum at scale – e.g. for aviation
Sev – NOAC consensus document
Dr Brian von Herzen : https://www.fondriest.com/environmental-measurements/parameters/weather/photosynthetically-active-radiation/#:~:text=Of%20the%20light%20that%20reaches,different%20impact%20on%20the%20environment
Grant Gower : Got to go. Might be able to rejoin in 30 minutes
Dr Brian von Herzen : https://www.fondriest.com/environmental-measurements/parameters/weather/photosynthetically-active-radiation/#:~:text=Of%20the%20light%20that%20reaches,different%20impact%20on%20the%20environment
Ron Baiman : Or more generally DCC
Dr Brian von Herzen : Need to go in 5 minutes... Great connecting today
Dr Brian von Herzen : Let's edit this on Google docs in suggestion mode?
Dr Brian von Herzen : Faster for most edits
Dr Brian von Herzen : And we can discuss the rest
Mohammad Tanvir Anjum : It would also be nice if I could receive the meeting notes please!
213 cdkXroiKv9A&t=786s (1:40) NOAC meeting - 6th Feb 2023 2/6/23 1/28/24
Franz "“ UV loss from SAI, affecting tropospheric oxidative capacity
Robert T "“ Albedo effects of Iron Salt Aerosol
Chris V "“ 60-70 scientists call for SRM research
John M "“ template for outreach
20:06:27 From Shaun Fitzgerald : Letter
214 eAPObMAXW70&t=796s (1:37) NOAC Meeting - 6th March 2023 3/6/23 1/28/24
Sev "“ Scope of Anton"™s climate solution evaluation website "“ NOAC or wider?
Anton "“ Asked Chris V how he would direct research on ocean iron fertilization (OIF)
Herb "“ UN Human Rights report on climate interventions falls short
Ron B "“ Open letter on research on climate impact of bunker fuel restrictions
Chris V "“ Brief mention of shipping transition to non GHG emitting fuels
21:09:41 From Ron Baiman : Daleanne et al., If you haven't seen this?: https://www.scribd.com/document/656516741/The-Case-for-Urgent-Direct-Climate-Cooling-Final-Version-6-19-2023
215 2v6G4IhvFk4&t=1320s (1:39) NOAC meeting - 7 Aug 2023 8/8/23 10/13/23
Doug "“ Does climate sensitivity matter in the short term?
Sev "“ Greenknights "“ putting Buoyant flakes before US Congress
Rebecca "“ MCB Great barrier reef "“ status Stephen?
Doug "“ Beneath the Polar Sun
Doug "“ Kamchatka volcano "“ effects measurement?
Clive "“ Greenland "“ grayland BBC video.
Peter - pictures of Greenland
Mannajo "“ comment on Greenland
Sev "“ Cartoon
21:01:22 From Sev Clarke : https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/apr/17/hey-dont-krill-yourself-humanity?utm_term=643d18a6ed47af625f01d0443e5baa44\u0026utm_campaign=BestOfGuardianOpinionAUS\u0026utm_source=esp\u0026utm_medium=Email\u0026CMP=opinionau_email
21:01:27 From Sev Clarke : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dpytym6Pq3g1UkrnSLE7zHRxYyimlxfkj7jYGzaX95I/edit
21:15:01 From Doug Grandt (Vermont) : PBS's movie
216 E6DeWxuCYbE&t=1643s (1:41) NOAC meeting 17 April 2023 4/17/23 1/28/24
Robert T "“ Marine Cloud brightening
"“ Tipping points
Ron B "“ Open letter to IMO "“ please sign it, and spread the word!
John M "“ Cooling credit market: e.g. aerosols, sea surface, etc
Bruce P ¬"“ NOAC website demo
Chris V "“ NREL "“ Renewable energy to power marine CDR
"“ COP 28 "“ Virtual Ocean Pavillion
20:07:06 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : Mission Analysis for Marine Renewable
Energy To Provide Power for Marine
Carbon Dioxide Removal - https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy23osti/87165.pdf
20:09:32 From Chris Vivian - GESAMP WG 41 : COP28 Virtula Ocean Pavilion - https://cop28oceanpavilion.vfairs.com/
20:14:30 From Robert Tulip : https://rebrighten.org/
20:23:02 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : Professor Symes said: "As an electrochemist, I"™ve spent the last 15 years developing sustainable fuels and chemical processes in the drive towards net zero. Now, as an ARIA Programme Director I want to explore technologies for actively reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and for climate intervention at the regional and global scale.
"Limiting further increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels by achieving net zero is necessary but insufficient to prevent the worst consequences of climate change. The full effects of delaying action will be felt by our children and grandchildren. We need to know what our options are for responsible climate intervention technologies, and if, where and when we should deploy them. If we are serious about combating climate change, we need to evaluate these technologies now."
20:23:17 From Rebecca Bishop - Gadigal lands : https://www.gla.ac.uk/news/headline_1001798_en.html
20:27:20 From Doug Grandt : Financial Times notification this morning: Bit.ly/GoreFT25Oct23 "¦ inspired me to post on Facebook "In nearly a year, Al Gore hasn"™t got Dr. Hansen"™s message"”still spewing I.P.C.C. \u0026 Dr. Mann-think.
(heads up at 6:18"“7:00)
20:32:08 From Jonathan Cole : What is it? What is distracting everyone, what do they really concentrate on?
20:40:44 From Jonathan Cole : Perhaps the subject, global temperature, is in the same category of concern to individuals as
217 rKPBHoPyXas (1:21) NOAC meeting- 13th Nov 2023 - MCB, Tipping points, Open letter to IMO, Cooling credits, Website demo 11/13/23 1/28/24
Unless there is a large change in salinity the world’s oceans have a higher temperature at the surface than in deeper water. If a wind blows the warm surface to one side it will be replaced by cold water rising. The air over the warm area will rise and this will have to be replaced by air from somewhere colder so leading to self-perpetuating temperature differences across the ocean. These have large effects on the rates of evaporation and the flow of nutrients which can continue for months or a year or two. Water that has come from evaporation must come down somewhere so that there are floods as well as droughts on opposite sides. In the Pacific the cycling effect is called El Niño or La Niña Southern Oscillation abbreviated ENSO. In the Indian Ocean it is called the Indian Ocean Dipole or IOD. The map below is from Wikipedia. Sometimes the Pacific and Indian Ocean events get into phase and this led to the 2010 to 2011 floods in Queensland with strong droughts and fires on one side and floods on the other.
218 SSS_Notes on marine Cloud... Notes on marine Cloud Brightening 1/1/23 12/12/23
219 visibleearth.nasa.gov/ima... Ocean Chlorophyll Map (2004) 10/13/23
220 jstor.org/stable/48505149 Ocean Fertilisation Strategies 12/1/26 1/20/24
Alarmingly, the rate of ocean warming has nearly doubled in the past decade compared to the 1990s, according to the study.
221 earth.com/news/ocean-warm... Ocean warming has nearly doubled in the last decade • Earth.com 11/2/23 11/5/23
Ocean warming has accelerated dramatically since the 1990s, nearly doubling during 2010–2020 relative to 1990–2000, according to new UNSW Sydney-led research.
222 phys.org/news/2023-11-oce... Ocean warming is accelerating, and hotspots reveal which areas are absorbing the most heat 11/1/23 11/8/23
223 OceanChallengeSynopsis OceanChallengeSynopsis (~2017) 10/13/23
Oliver Morton, the veteran British science journalist and author of several books, including an excellent book on geoengineering, is guest speaker at the HPAC meeting on 29 June 2023
Oliver"™s 2008 classic The Planet Remade is as fresh and provocative as ever.
The Planet Remade: How Geoengineering Could Change the World
In addition to discussion on the politics, ethics, science and technology of geoengineering, Oliver draws on his long experience as an editor and journalist with The Economist to provide useful ideas and direction for advocacy work.
Those who have read or watched Oliver speak know that he is highly literate, highly knowledgeable and quite witty.
224 w6ODDLIxW1k (1:24) Oliver Morton on Geoengineering, with Healthy Planet Action Coalition 29 June 2023 6/29/23 11/28/23
I was recently in a great video discussion with Peter Wadhams and Stephen Salter, hosted by Metta Spencer, to hash out the cloud brightening technique as conceptualized by Emeritus Professor Stephen Salter in the Engineering and Design Department at the University of Edinburgh over the last couple of decades.
Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) has the potential to cool the planet in a highly controllable fashion. Essentially, sea water is pumped to high pressure through nozzles where it generates water jets that then break apart (via Rayleigh instability) to form tiny water droplets. The nozzle size, number of nozzles, water pressure, etc"¦ are engineered to produce water droplets of 800 nm size (0.8 micron) so that when the water evaporates we are left with 200 nm salt crystals. These salt crystals are then transported within the turbulent boundary layer above the surface of the ocean up to heights about 1 km to 1.5 km where they act as cloud condensation nuclei, ensuring that the clouds that do form are of extremely high albedo (reflectivity) and thus can reflect enough incoming sunlight to cool the surface of the Earth.
The spray nozzles are transported around the oceans of the planet by hydrofoil ships powered by the wind using so-called Flettner Rotors. The ships are sailed to specific areas of the ocean at specific times of the year to brighten the clouds in specific regions to get the desired regional cooling, for example to reduce Atlantic Basin hurricane strength, protect coral reefs, cool the Arctic enough to restore Arctic Sea Ice, and!or modify monsoons or redistribute rainfall to reduce droughts or torrential rainfalls.
This technology has enormous potential to cool the planet enough to buy us time to slash fossil fuel emissions and deploy carbon removal technologies.
Please donate to http://paulbeckwith.net to support my research and videos on abrupt climate change science, consequences, and solutions.
225 c8Ko60kXk6w (16) On the Deployment of Ocean Spraying Vessels to Brighten Marine Clouds to Cool the Planet: 4 of 4 6/23/21 11/20/23
Instead of receiving funds to address the climate crisis, African nations are borrowing money to rebuild at a cost up to eight times that of the rich world.
226 nytimes.com/2023/10/08/op... Opinion | Africa Needs Its Debts Paused So It Can Prepare for Climate Catastrophe - The New York Times 10/8/23 11/8/23
227 COOLING THE WORLD WITH BU... Overview (2018) 10/13/23
228 Seitz_BrightWater (3) Parent concept (2010) 10/13/23
229 Seitz_BrightWater Parent concept (2010) 11/28/23
We need a new way of talking about global warming. UN Secretary General António Guterres underscored this when he said the “era of global boiling” has arrived. Although we have made remarkable progress on a very complex problem over the past thirty years, we have a long way to go before we can keep the global temperature increase to below 2°C relative to the pre-industrial times. Climate models suggest that this next decade is critical if we are to avert the worst consequences of climate change. The world must continue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and find ways to adapt and build resilience among vulnerable communities. At the same time, we need to find new ways to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in order to chart a “net negative” emissions pathway. Given their large capacity for carbon storage, the oceans must be included in consideration of our multiple carbon dioxide removal (CDR) options (1). This report focused on ocean iron fertilization (OIF) for marine CDR. This is by no means a new scientific endeavor. Several members of ExOIS (Exploring Ocean Iron Solutions) have been studying this issue for decades, but the emergence of runaway climate impacts has motivated this group to consider a responsible path forward for marine CDR. That path needs to ensure that future choices are based upon the best science and social considerations required to reduce human suffering and counter economic and ecological losses, while limiting and even reversing the negative impacts that climate change is already having on the ocean and the rest of the planet. Prior studies have confirmed that the addition of small amounts of iron in some parts of the ocean is effective at stimulating phytoplankton growth. Through enhanced photosynthesis, carbon dioxide can not only be removed from the atmosphere but a fraction can also be transferred to durable storage in the deep sea. However, prior studies were not designed to quantify how effective this storage can be, or how wise OIF might be as a marine CDR approach.
230 oceaniron.org/our-plan/ Paths Forward for Exploring Ocean Iron Fertilization 10/31/23 11/26/23
Most countries lack that sort of organizational and financial heft, and are far more subject to the whims and trends of global financial availability. From 1990 through 2020, that wasn"™t much of a problem.
Capital flight from the former Soviet world, hyperfinancialization out of China, and heavy agricultural subsidies out of Europe and Japan, combined with the ridiculously available and cheap credit made possible by the Boomer Bulge, has deluged agriculturalists the world over with all the financing they could stomach.
But between
231 288ahKTdoyM (24) Peter Zeihan on Agricultural Supply Chains 11/27/23 11/28/23
This study unravels an important daytime Cl2 source in the extra-polar atmosphere and shows that photolysis of particle nitrate at high acidity produced unprecedented levels of Cl2, boosting the oxidative power and air pollutants like O3.
232 nature.com/articles/s4146... Photodissociation of particulate nitrate as a source of daytime tropospheric Cl2 2/17/22 11/5/23
Planetary Health is a solutions-oriented, transdisciplinary field and social movement focused on analyzing and addressing the impacts of human disruptions to Earth’s natural systems on human health and all life on Earth.
233 planetaryhealthalliance.o... Planetary Health Allaince 11/1/23
PRAG’s MISSION is to identify means and promote action for planetary restoration: restoring norms of temperature, climate and sea level rise close to late Holocene norms, such as to achieve a sustainable, biodiverse, productive and safe state for our planet.
234 planetaryrestorationactio... Planetary Restoration Action Group 11/1/23
235 gHxc1w73UvU (1:35) Planetary Restoration Action Group16 July 2023 7/21/23 11/5/23
236 FiztopExperimentv4 PoC Experiment Design (2019) 10/13/23
237 FiztopExperimentv4 PoC Experiment Design (2019) 11/28/23
238 MethanotrophExperimentV2 PoC Expt (2021) 10/13/23
239 researchgate.net/publicat... PositionAnalysisOceanFertilisation (2008) 10/13/23
240 BFOFMarineScientistTeamPr... (N/A) Potential Consortium members  (2015) 10/13/23
241 MeasuringMarineCDR Potential krill CDR (2022) 10/13/23
Climatic Change -
242 link.springer.com/article... Presenting balanced geoengineering information has little effect on mitigation engagement 1/3/24 2/2/24
243 eng.ed.ac.uk/about/news/2... Professor Stephen Salter - Hurricane Sandy Could Have Been Prevented With Car Tyres 11/28/23
244 ProgrammeBuoyantFlakes Programme proposal to NIO (2015) 10/13/23
Project Save the World provides this meeting place for activists and researchers working to save our world from these global problems: war and weapons, global warming, famine, pandemics, radioactive risks, cyber risks, economic, governmental and human rights risks, and civil society risks. We offer you a choice of forums that we’ve produced (watch them as videos, listen as audio podcasts, or read transcripts and summaries), columns to discuss aspects of these nine global dangers, and an events listing for you to publicize upcoming events, and learn about other public activities.
245 tosavetheworld.ca/ Project Save The World 1/1/24 1/25/24
246 JurisdictionalSeas Prospective areas for ocean fertilisation (2014) 10/13/23
247 SatellitePumpingUnitDesig... Pump design (2021) 10/13/23
248 OceanNanobubblesv5 QuantifiesSolarRefraction (2018) 10/13/23
249 PilotFlakeProductionv2 Recipe for making small quantities of flake (2014) 10/13/23
Rebrighten.org is a not for profit organization newly established to study, promote and deploy Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) as the most effective, safe and rapid available method to reverse global warming. We seek to raise USD $5 million to implement our proposal to prove the feasibility of MCB as a way to cool and re-brighten the planet, alongside broader existing efforts to mitigate warming by cutting and removing greenhouse gases. Help us create a brighter, safer future for the planet & humanity by supporting this crucial project.
250 rebrighten.org/ Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Ocean Surface and Reduce Global Warming 11/1/23 11/14/23
Professor Sir David King, Founder of the Centre for Climate Repair, chairs the final summer workshop series on Refreezing the Arctic.
We will hear from experts on the potential of Marine Cloud Brightening - including its use to protect the Great Barrier Reef (Dr Daniel Harrison), atmospheric modelling (Dr Alan Gadian) and its potential to refreeze the Arctic (Dr Hugh Hunt) - as well as localized albedo modification for ice preservation and regeneration (Dr Leslie Field. Please note this is a pre-record and Dr. Field's presentation can also be viewed separately. Due to a technical issue, her face is not visible on the Zoom recording. Here is the link for her talk: https://youtu.be/_8r__lPI1B8).
Sir David King will close the series with his reflections on the opportunities and challenges facing research into climate repair.
251 -FZ5tZxnj4E (2:01) Refreezing the Arctic: Marine Cloud Brightening and other techniques 7/19/21 10/13/23
Presentation to the Healthy Planet Action Coalition followed by audience discussion. Please support HPAC at https://www.healthyplanetaction.org/
252 0ks38RvMukI (1:24) Religion and Climate Change Robert Tulip 14 December 2023 12/20/23 1/24/24
This report presents key findings from a workshop on managing the contribution of Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) and Climate Change to Global Catastrophic Risk (GCR) that was hosted by Gideon Futerman and SJ Beard at the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk on March 28th and 29th 2023. The workshop was informed by a participatory futures exercise using the ParEvo technique that explored futures for SRM and SRM governance between 2030 and 2050, which some workshop participants took part in. Initial results of the exercise were shared with workshop participants and full results will be published separately.
253 SRM_workshop_report_003 Report of a workshop on Managing the contribution of Solar Radiation Modification and Climate Change to Global Catastrophic Risk 7/1/23 12/12/23
After years of promises of new climate funding, the developing world is coming to grips with a disappointing reality: The money still isn't coming through.
254 washingtonpost.com/climat... Rich countries promised poor nations billions for climate change. They aren't paying. 10/9/23 11/8/23
Global heating of the Earth system is unequivocal. However, detecting an acceleration of Earth heating has remained elusive to date, despite suggestive evidence of a potential increase in heating rates. In this study, we demonstrate that since 1960, the warming of the world ocean has accelerated at a relatively consistent pace of 0.15± 0.05 (W/m2 )/decade, while the land, cryosphere, and atmosphere have exhibited an accelerated pace of 0.013± 0.003 (W/m2 )/decade. This has led to a substantial increase in ocean warming, with a magnitude of 0.91± 0.80 W/m2 between the decades 1960–1970 and 2010–2020, which overlies substantial decadal-scale variability in ocean warming of up to 0.6 W/m2 . Our fndings withstand a wide range of sensitivity analyses and are consistent across diferent observation-based datasets. The long-term acceleration of Earth warming aligns qualitatively with the rise in CO2 concentrations and the decline in aerosol concentration during the same period, but further investigations are necessary to properly attribute these changes.
255 nature.com/articles/s4159... Robust acceleration of Earth system heating observed over the past six decades 12/27/23 1/29/24
Global heating of the Earth system is unequivocal. However, detecting an acceleration of Earth heating has remained elusive to date, despite suggestive evidence of a potential increase in heating rates. In this study, we demonstrate that since 1960, the warming of the world ocean has accelerated at a relatively consistent pace of 0.15 ± 0.05 (W/m2)/decade, while the land, cryosphere, and atmosphere have exhibited an accelerated pace of 0.013 ± 0.003 (W/m2)/decade. This has led to a substantial increase in ocean warming, with a magnitude of 0.91 ± 0.80 W/m2 between the decades 1960-1970 and 2010-2020, which overlies substantial decadal-scale variability in ocean warming of up to 0.6 W/m2. Our findings withstand a wide range of sensitivity analyses and are consistent across different observation-based datasets. The long-term acceleration of Earth warming aligns qualitatively with the rise in CO2 concentrations and the decline in aerosol concentration during the same period, but further investigations are necessary to properly attribute these changes.
256 nature.com/articles/s4159... Robust acceleration of Earth system heating observed over the past six decades 12/27/23 1/29/24
Abstract The Gulf Stream is a vital limb of the North Atlantic circulation that influences regional climate, sea level, and hurricane activity. Given the Gulf Stream's relevance to weather and climate, many studies have attempted to estimate trends in its volumetric transport from various data sets, but results have been inconclusive, and no consensus has emerged whether it is weakening with climate change. Here we use Bayesian analysis to jointly assimilate multiple observational data sets from the Florida Straits to quantify uncertainty and change in Gulf Stream volume transport since 1982. We find with virtual certainty (probability P > 99%) that Gulf Stream volume transport through the Florida Straits declined by 1.2 ± 1.0 Sv in the past 40 years (95% credible interval). This significant trend has emerged from the data set only over the past ten years, the first unequivocal evidence for a recent multidecadal decline in this climate-relevant component of ocean circulation.
257 agupubs.onlinelibrary.wil... Robust Weakening of the Gulf Stream During the Past Four Decades Observed in the Florida Straits 9/25/23 11/8/23
Intellectual Ventures inventors, including wave energy
expert Stephen H. Salter, an emeritus professor at the University
of Edinburgh, have patented the Salter Sink, which may offer a more feasible and affordable way to drain energy from hurricanes and typhoons.
258 oVJznfgYGds (2) Salter Sink Animation 2009-10-22 6/13/24 11/5/23
Trees in tropical forests may soon reach a critical temperature at which they begin to fail to take in carbon dioxide.
259 apple.news/AmxD0XtrIR-SAi... Scientists sound alarm after research finds new danger for tropical trees: 'The tip of the iceberg in terms of effects' 9/29/23 11/8/23
Following the review by Latham et al. (Latham et al. 2008 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 366) of a strategy to reduce insolation by exploiting the Twomey effect, the present paper describes in outline the rationale and underlying engineering hardware that may bring the strategy from concept to operation. Wind-driven spray vessels will sail back and forth perpendicular to the local prevailing wind and release micron-sized drops of seawater into the turbulent boundary layer beneath marine stratocumulus clouds. The combination of wind and vessel movements will treat a large area of sky. When residues left after drop evaporation reach cloud level they will provide many new cloud condensation nuclei giving more but smaller drops and so will increase the cloud albedo to reflect solar energy back out to space. If the possible power increase of 3.7?W?m-2 from double pre-industrial CO2 is divided by the 24-hour solar input of 340?W?m-2, a global albedo increase of only 1.1 per cent will produce a sufficient offset. The method is not intended to make new clouds. It will just make existing clouds whiter. This paper describes the design of 300 tonne ships powered by Flettner rotors rather than conventional sails. The vessels will drag turbines resembling oversized propellers through the water to provide the means for generating electrical energy. Some will be used for rotor spin, but most will be used to create spray by pumping 30?kg?s-1 of carefully filtered water through banks of filters and then to micro-nozzles with piezoelectric excitation to vary drop diameter. The rotors offer a convenient housing for spray nozzles with fan assistance to help initial dispersion. The ratio of solar energy reflected by a drop at the top of a cloud to the energy needed to make the surface area of the nucleus on which it has grown is many orders of magnitude and so the spray quantities needed to achieve sufficient global cooling are technically feasible.
260 royalsocietypublishing.or... Sea-going hardware for the cloud albedo method of reversing global warming 8/29/2008 11/20/23
Our Solution We enhance this natural process to remove large quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere, adding to the amount that is sequestered naturally.
261 seafields.eco Seafields - Healing the Climate - Restoring our Oceans 11/8/23
262 TheBuoyantFlakeConcept Short description (2023) 10/13/23
(Conversation recorded on October 16th, 2023)
Show Summary:
On this episode, Nate is joined by climate scientist and policy ambassador Sir David King to unpack the current situation regarding Earth"™s climate system and human response (or lack thereof) to the accelerating heating of the atmosphere. While there are many uncertainties this field still grapples with, the fundamentals of the rising average global temperature as a response to increasing man-made greenhouse emissions are widely recognized by the global scientific community. Yet - especially in the United States - climate change remains a contentious issue, making it an even tougher political topic with no easy solutions. What is the basic science behind our understanding of the atmosphere? Will we resort to geoengineering to avert the worst climate outcomes - and which plans look the most promising? What are the implications of global heating for the coming decades and beyond?
About Sir David King:
Sir David King is an Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. He is the Chair of the Climate Crisis Advisory Group, Founder of the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge, and an Affiliate Partner of SYSTEMIQ Limited. He was the UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser from 2000-2007 and the Foreign Secretary's Special Representative on Climate Change from 2013-2017. He also spearheaded a collaborative program called Mission Innovation, which involved 25 countries and the EU to create a publicly funded £23bn pa research and development international exercise aimed at delivering all technologies needed to complete the transition into a fossil-fuel-free world economy. He has been a Fellow of the Royal Society since 1991 and a Foreign Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2002. Sir Dave was knighted in 2003 and made
263 u7jETRJrkmk?t=5423 (1:50) Sir David King: "Global Heating: The Science and the Response" The Great Simplification 10/25/23 11/5/23
Abstract. Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) is increasingly being discussed as a potential tool to reduce global and regional temperatures to buy time for conventional carbon mitigation measures to take effect. However, most simulations to date assume SRM as an additive component to the climate change toolbox, without any physical coupling between mitigation and SRM. In this study we analyse one aspect of this coupling: How renewable energy (RE) capacity, and therefore decarbonization rates, may be affected under SRM deployment by modification of photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) production potential. Simulated 1-hour output from the Earth System Model CNRM-ESM2-1 for scenario-based experiments are used for the assessment. We find that by the end of the century, most regions experience an increased number of low PV and CSP energy weeks per year under SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injections) compared to the moderately ambitiously mitigated scenario SSP245. Compared to the unmitigated SSP585 scenario, while the increase in low energy weeks is still dominant, some areas see fewer low PV or CSP energy weeks under SAI. A substantial part of the decrease in potential with SAI compared to the SSP-scenarios is compensated by optically thinner upper tropospheric clouds under SAI. Our study suggests that using SAI to reduce high-end global warming to moderate global warming could pose increased challenges for meeting energy demand with solar renewable resources.
264 egusphere.copernicus.org/... Solar Radiation Modification challenges decarbonization with renewable solar energy 10/16/23 11/5/23
As highlighted again by the most recent International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report [1, 2], climate change is an unprecedented threat. With every day of
265 academic.oup.com/oocc/art... Solar radiation modification is risky, but so is rejecting it: a call for balanced research 2/14/23 1/2/24
What could go wrong with this idea? Well, quite a lot
266 theguardian.com/commentis... Some say we can 'solar-engineer' ourselves out of the climate crisis. Don't buy it 8/25/21 11/5/23
'Shocking' study finds Amazon rainforest will be unable to sustain itself and transport moisture once 'regime shift' occurs
267 theguardian.com/environme... South American monsoon heading towards 'tipping point' likely to cause Amazon dieback 10/4/23 11/8/23
268 OIFStrategyV15 Strategies for different oceanic regions (2014 partly updated to 2022) 10/13/23
Stratospheric aerosol injection is a solar radiation management (srm) geoengineering or climate engineering approach that uses tiny reflective particles or aerosols to reflect sunlight into space in order to cool the planet and reverse or stop Global Warming. The approach involves spraying reflective sulfate aerosol particles into the stratosphere with high altitude airplanes, tethered balloons, high-altitude blimps or artillery.
269 myccnews.org/NOAC/sai.aspx Stratospheric Aerosol Injection 11/1/23 11/19/23
The passenger pigeon. The Tasmanian tiger. The Baiji, or Yangtze river dolphin. These rank among the best-known recent victims of what many scientists have declared the sixth mass extinction, as human actions are wiping out vertebrate animal species hundreds of times faster than they would otherwise disappear.
270 phys.org/news/2023-09-hum... Study finds human-driven mass extinction is eliminating entire branches of the tree of life 9/18/23 11/8/23
Winter is coming - eventually. And while the Earth is warming, a new study suggests that the atmosphere is being pushed around in ways that cause long bouts of extreme winter cold or wet in some regions.
271 phys.org/news/2023-10-jet... Study identifies jet-stream pattern that locks in extreme winter cold, wet spells 10/4/23 11/8/23
272 BuoyantFlakesCapabilities... (N/A) Suggested roles (2015) 10/13/23
273 IceShieldsAbstract Summary description (2021) 10/13/23
274 IceShieldInstallationV7 System diagram (2019) 10/13/23
275 amr.earth/technology/ Technology - AMR - atmospheric methane removal 11/5/23
Five years on from the creation of Extinction Rebellion, three co-founders reflect on lessons learnt and how to respond to today's rapidly warming world.
276 rebellion.global/it/blog/... Telling the truth so we can learn from mistakes - reflections five years on 10/19/23 11/5/23
277 climatefoundation.org/ The Climate Foundation 11/7/23
Is reaching net zero emissions by 2050 enough to halt warming? One leading scientist says no.
278 theconversation.com/the-d... The disagreement between two climate scientists that will decide our future 12/8/23 12/12/23
A super strong El Niño and record high global sea surface temperatures are set to deliver devastating extreme weather events all over the planet in 2024. They will be extremely costly and traumatic for many millions of people around the world. But the real concern is what the consequences of those events will show us about the fragility and vulnerability our global food supply network is. A worrying portent of our near-term future?
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Video Transcripts available at our website
Research Links
MINTEC - El Niño prediction for 2023 24
IPCC 6th Assessment
2023 US billion dollar disasters
Ocean Heat Absorption
Cheng et al 2022 - Ocean Heating
Bentley et al 2022 - Global wheat supplies
Hedlund et al 2022 - Impacts of climate change on global food trade networks
Callahan et al 2023 - Persistent effects of El Niño on global food supplies
Barclays - Global food systems under mounting pressure
NOAA ENSO Update April 2023
WMO reports
Other media reports on El Niño and food supply network
Check out other YouTube Climate Communicators
zentouro: https://www.youtube.com/user/zentouro
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Levi Hildebrand: https://www.youtube.com/user/The100LH
Simon Clark: https://www.youtube.com/user/SimonOxfPhys
Sarah Karvner: https://www.youtu
279 kQkyouPOrD4 (15) The heat may not kill you, but the global food crisis might! 9/17/23 10/13/23
GESAMP is a group of independent scientific experts that provides advice to the UN system on scientific aspects of marine environmental protection.
280 gesamp.org/ The Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection 11/2/23
Scientists have identified nine so-called 'Earth System boundaries' beyond which life on our planet will become extremely difficult for many species, not least us humans. That analysis has often been met with scepticism, but risk managers at the world's largest financial institutions have been watching the rapid 'real-world' changes in earth's atmosphere and the catastrophic impacts on their asset portfolios, and they're beginning to factor 'Planetary Boundary' science into their spreadsheets. And when the 'money-men' change, the whole world changes!!
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Video Transcripts available at our website
Research Links
The Emperors New Climate Scenarios - Main Paper
A Safe Operating Space for Humanity - Rockström et al
Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries - Richardson et el
Climate Central - flood maps
Global Carbon Project
Carbon Tracker
IPCC AR6 Report
Climate Crisis Advisory Group paper
Chatham House article
'The Conversation' article
Check out other YouTube Climate Communicators
zentouro: https://www.youtube.com/user/zentouro
Climate Adam: https://www.youtube.com/user/ClimateAdam
Kurtis Baute: https://www.youtube.com/user/ScopeofScience
Levi Hildebrand: https://www.youtube.com/user/The100LH
Simon Clark: https://www.youtube.com/user/SimonOxfPhys
Sarah Karvner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwMkTu8sCwOOD6_7QYrZnw
Rollie Williams / ClimateTown: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuVLG9pThvBABcYCm7pkNkA
Jack Harries: https://www.youtube.com/user/JacksGap
Beckisphere: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT39HQq5eDKonaUV8ujiBCQ
Our Changing Climate : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNXvxXpDJXp-mZu3pFMzYHQ
Engineering With Rosie https://www.youtube.com/c/EngineeringwithRosie
Ella Gilbert https://www.youtube.com/c/DrGilbz
Planet Proof https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdtF58iBRQ2C3QPeKKzxwiA
Our Eden https://www.youtube.com/@OurEden
281 X-FJvzgrM00 (17) The money men know the truth about planetary boundaries! 10/29/23 11/13/23
The ocean regulates our climate and can significantly buffer the worst impacts of climate change, absorbing human-induced carbon dioxide emissions and
282 oceanpanel.org/publicatio... The Ocean as a Solution to Climate Change: Updated Opportunities for Action 9/27/23 11/5/23
283 dspace.cvut.cz/bitstream/... The Potential of Liquefied Oxygen Storage for Flexible Oxygen-Pressure Swing Adsorption Unit 10/1/21 11/5/23
284 etcgroup.org/content/seaw... The Seaweed Delusion 9/14/23 11/5/23
285 etcgroup.org/sites/etcgro... THE SEAWEED DELUSION - Industrial seaweed will not cool the climate or save nature 9/20/23 11/5/23
Climate scientists are telling us that we are headed for catastrophe if we keep emitting CO2 and other greenhouse gases. But instead of heeding their warnings, we are asking for proof of the impending disaster.
286 huffingtonpost.com/dan-mi... The Space Shuttle Challenger and Climate Change 4/19/20 11/5/23
Robert E. Kopp, Rachael Shwom, Gernot Wagner, and Jiacan Yuan. 2016.
287 keith.seas.harvard.edu/pu... Tipping elements and climate-economic shocks: Pathways toward integrated assessment 11/7/23
Scientists used to avoid phrases like “climate emergency” and “climate crisis.” No longer.
288 apple.news/ANRoTeWMtS4mPz... To a growing number of scientists, climate change is an 'emergency’ 10/30/23 11/8/23
In an influential cli-fi novel, a desperate government ignores international consensus and pumps aerosols into the atmosphere to cool the world. Could it happen for real?
289 bbc.com/future/article/20... To avert climate disaster, what if one rogue nation dimmed the Sun? 10/10/23 11/20/23
This is the second article in a two-part series. Read the first part here. Climate model scenarios similar to current policies project 2°C of warming before 2050; if James Hansen is right (see Part 1) and warming sharply accelerates, it could be a decade sooner. These outcomes will be driven by the high energy imbalance, continuing high emissions, the accelerating accumulation of heat in the oceans, and decreases in short-term aerosol cooling.
290 johnmenadue.com/part-2-to... Towards an unliveable planet: Climate’s 2023 annus horribilis 1/26/24 1/29/24
This webinar is part of the AIMES, Earth Commission, Future Earth, WCRP Safe Landing Climates Lighthouse Activity, and partners discussion series on tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt changes in the Earth system. The event discussed different concepts for ecological systems change. We investigate regime shifts and resilience loss and if thresholds exist for biodiversity change.
â–º Ecosystems are showing signs of resilience loss - Juan Rocha (Stockholm Resilience Centre)
â–º Are there thresholds for biodiversity change? - Helmut Hillebrand (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg)
Moderated by Awaz Mohamed (University of Hamburg)
291 AFkDzHnXkb8 (1:26) TPDS: Ecological tipping points and resilience: when it may occur and when not ( 10/2/23 11/7/23
We explore the risk that self-reinforcing feedbacks could push the Earth System toward a planetary threshold that, if crossed, could prevent stabilization of the climate at intermediate temperature rises and cause continued warming on a “Hothouse Earth” pathway even as human emissions are reduced. Crossing the threshold would lead to a much higher global average temperature than any interglacial in the past 1.2 million years and to sea levels significantly higher than at any time in the Holocene. We examine the evidence that such a threshold might exist and where it might be. If the threshold is crossed, the resulting trajectory would likely cause serious disruptions to ecosystems, society, and economies. Collective human action is required to steer the Earth System away from a potential threshold and stabilize it in a habitable interglacial-like state. Such action entails stewardship of the entire Earth System—biosphere, climate, and societies—and could include decarbonization of the global economy, enhancement of biosphere carbon sinks, behavioral changes, technological innovations, new governance arrangements, and transformed social values.
292 https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1810141115 Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene 6/29/28 1/29/24
The intensifying impacts of climate change are exceeding projections and amplifying the risk of catastrophic harm to the environment and society throughout the 21st century. Planned and proposed rates of emissions reduction and removal are not proceed
293 doi.org/10.22541/essoar.1... Understanding the Urgent Need for Direct Climate Cooling 10/17/23 11/5/23
United States projected to extract 12.9m barrels of crude oil as countries at Cop28 to push for agreed fossil fuels 'phaseout'
294 theguardian.com/environme... US oil and gas production set to break record in 2023 despite UN climate goals 11/27/23 11/28/23
In 1988 John Martin of the Moss Landing Marine Laboratory triggered a debate with a claim that with half a tanker of iron he could give us a new ice age. This was based on careful work on the concentrations of trace materials needed by phytoplankton and in particular, the concentration of iron. Phytoplankton are microscopic vegetable organisms which form at the start of the marine food chain. Their growth takes very large quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere. Quite a large fraction can end as organic ooze on the sea bed. This paper suggests the design of a vessel to increase plankton growth.
295 Vessel Design for CO2 Rem... Vessel Design for CO2 Removal by Iron Increase. 1/1/21 11/28/23
Corals deep in the ocean were thought to be more resilient to climate change. New research has shown that might not be the case.
296 apple.news/Aoi-EZcUiRiaaV... Warmer oceans have bleached corals at depths previously thought impossible 10/29/23 11/8/23
Global ocean surface temperatures are so high that climate scientists are describing them as
297 T0qRoeEcKtY (17) We need to talk about ANTARCTICA...AGAIN!! 10/15/23 11/8/23
Summary ? The Australian Government received its first climate and security risk assessment, carried out by the Office of National Intelligence (ONI), in late 2022. ? The assessment should inform policymakers and the public on the greatest threat to Australians’ future, but the government has refused to release a declassified version. ? The ONI report is likely to have said that the world is dangerously off track to meet the Paris Agreement goals, the risks are compounding and the impacts will be devastating in the coming decades. ? In the Asia-Pacific region, states will fail and climate impacts will drive political instability, greater national insecurity and forced migration, and fuel conflict. ? There will likely be a further retreat to authoritarian and hyper-nationalist politics, the diminution of instruments of regional cooperation, and increased risks of regional conflict, including over shared water resources from the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau, encompassing India, Pakistan, China and south-east Asian nations.
298 breakthroughonline.org.au... What does Australia’s first climate and security risk assessment say? 8/1/23 11/5/23
299 HplbEZmX_Pw (29) What's Causing the Ocean Heatwave? (With Jeff Berardelli) 6/21/23 11/5/23
The storm burst to Category 5 strength before making a devastating landfall near Acapulco, Mexico.
300 yaleclimateconnections.or... Why did Hurricane Otis get so strong, so fast? » Yale Climate Connections 10/25/23 11/5/23
Yale Climate Connections is a news service that aims to help you understand the reality of climate change and what you can do about it. Through our website, YouTube channel, and national radio program, which airs each day on hundreds of stations, we reach millions of people like you each year.
301 https://yaleclimateconnections.org/ Yale Climate Connections 1/1/24 1/25/24
302 PWGC2il6svU (1:11) Yuri Felshtinsky - Russia Went from Red Terror to a Terrorist State led by the Intelligence Services 11/24/23 11/28/23
Nobody really knows how much it would cost to avoid the worst impacts of climate change. Yet historian Yuval Noah Harari's analysis, based on the work of scientists and economists, indicates that humanity might avert catastrophe by investing the equivalent of just two percent of global GDP into climate solutions. He makes the case that preventing ecological cataclysm will not require the major global disruptions many fear and explains that we already have the resources we need -- it's just a matter of shifting our priorities.
303 ted.com/talks/yuval_noah_... Yuval Noah Harari: The actual cost of preventing climate breakdown 11/8/23
Youtong Zheng, ESSIC Assistant Research Scientist, and Zhanqing Li, Professor at ESSIC and University of Maryland's Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, were recently spotlighted in the U.S. Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) annual report for their paper,
304 news.essic.umd.edu/zheng-... Zheng and Li Clarify Advection in the Marine Boundary Layer 1/21/21 11/5/23