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  # Name
(N/A = Not Available)
Title Ref Date Date Added
1 Design4KenyanBuoyantFlake... A low cost mesocosm design (2023) 10/13/23
2 IceArrayConstruction Aerial View of Ice Array (2017) 10/13/23
3 FlakeProductionDisseminat... BFOF Logistics (2020 updated to Nov 2022) 10/13/23
4 OFBFv2 diagram BFOF sea trials (2016) 10/13/23
5 Presentation for OFS Bru's IMO slidesĀ  (2015) 10/13/23
6 DZFOConstructionv2 Constructing DZFOs (2019) 10/13/23
7 GreeningSinaiv4 Cooling and watering coastal deserts (2021) 10/13/23
8 ModifiedSeatomiserv26 Cooling with sea salt (2021) 10/13/23
9 Constructing the fiztop D... DZFO mass production (2018) 10/13/23
10 ScalingFlakeFormulationMa... Economical phasing of manufacture scaleup (2023) 10/13/23
11 Fiztopv12 Fiztop design & op'n (2018) 10/13/23
12 Seatomiserdraftgraphicv3 Graphic description (2021) 10/13/23
13 Methanotrophdraftgraphicv2 How to turn marine methane into biomass (2022) 10/13/23
14 Flakes99v2 Indian Buoyant Flakes Plan (~2016) 10/13/23
15 Constructing a Low-cost C... Lab to establish Proof of Concept (2018) 10/13/23
16 Generic SERF Experiments Low-cost Expt Equipment (2017) 10/13/23
17 KrillCaptureDevicev3 Method for the MRV of krill CDR (2022) 10/13/23
18 FiztopExperimentv4 PoC Experiment Design (2019) 10/13/23
19 MethanotrophExperimentV2 PoC Expt (2021) 10/13/23
20 SatellitePumpingUnitDesig... Pump design (2021) 10/13/23
21 OceanNanobubblesv5 QuantifiesSolarRefraction (2018) 10/13/23
22 IceShieldInstallationV7 System diagram (2019) 10/13/23