Frequently Asked Questions

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Are Climate Catalyst particles toxic?
Are you against renewables?
Can action to refreeze the Arctic be delayed while more evidence is gathered?
Can ocean biology be harnessed to cool the oceans?
Could Climate catalyst cause damaging effects?
Could Climate Catalyst enact 'cloud thinning' to refreeze the Artic during winter months?
Could Climate Catalyst refreeze the Arctic?
Could climate catalyst weaken the natural methane sink by its removal of ozone?
Do clouds affect the climate?
Do you have other ideas for cooling the climate?
Does Cl atom destruction of tropospheric ozone result in less OH radicals?
Does haze do much cooling?
How are Climate Catalyst particles formed?
How are today's global warming influences expected to change over time?
How can black carbon aerosol particles travel so far through Earth's atmosphere?
How can climate catalyst remove black carbon aerosol particles?
How can removing SLCFs cool the climate if doing so releases CO2?
How can the hygroscopicity of climate catalyst particles be controlled?
How could such a small thing as dust cool the whole Earth?
How did loess dust cool the Earth during the glacial periods?
How do aerosols affect the stratospheric ozone layer?
How do you see energy systems becoming low carbon in the future?
How does a nitric acid coat increase the methane depletion rate?
How does Climate Catalyst form clouds and haze?
How does Climate Catalyst mimic the oxidative chemistry of Loess dust?
How does Iron Salt Aerosol relate to Climate Catalyst?
How effective is climate catalyst at removing SLCFs?
How is CO2 naturally removed from the atmosphere?
How much must the temperature increase be limited to avoid a catastrophic slow down/halting of the AMOC?
How much will the AMOC need to slow in order to have a measurable effect on Europeā€™s temperature?
How quickly can SAI be implemented?
If the AMOC stops, how will it take to get it started again?
In what way is Climate Catalyst safer than loess dust?
Is Climate Catalyst sufficiently effective to be able to stabilize Earth's climate?
Is CO2 a Short-Lived Climate Forcer?
Is it possible to make Climate Catalyst do just one thing?
Is it safe to use the ocean as a carbon sink?
Is smoke warming the climate as well?
Is the Climate Catalyst technology patented?
Is there a benefit to photocatalysts producing Cl atoms rather than OH radicals?
The AMOC has slowed considerably in the last 100 years. Has there been any measurable effect on Europeā€™s temperature?
What amount of slowing down (by 2050 and 2100) must be avoided ā€œat all costsā€}?
What are cascading tipping points?
What are climate catalyst particles made of?
What are Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN)?
What are interacting climate feedback cycles?
What are the main influences driving global warming today?
What are the near-term tipping points that should be avoided?
What difference can Climate Catalyst make to each climate forcing component?
What exactly is an aerosol?
What happens to Climate Catalyst after it gets rained out?
What happens when climate catalyst is dispersed?
What is a photocatalytic cycle?
What is loess dust?
What is oxidation and what are oxidant radicals?
What is the best way to measure the strength of the AMOC?
What is the problem with the oceans warming?
What is the problem with the polar ice melting?
What natural process does Climate Catalyst mimic?
What normally forms marine clouds?
What produces oxidant radicals in the air?
What research is needed to make Climate Catalyst a reality?
What would be the effect on ocean biomass of increasing phytoplankton growth in the open ocean?
Where should climate catalyst be dispersed?
Which of those climate forcers is addressed by Climate Catalyst?
Why do Climate Catalyst particles begin their life with an acidic coat?
Why do Short Lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs) have short lives in the atmosphere?
Why does brightening clouds provide a cooling influence?
Why has ocean iron fertilization become so controversial?
Why is global warming accelerating?
Why not emit chlorine gas into the air to remove methane?
Why not just disperse loess dust into the air to cool the climate?
Why not just pursue Net Zero emissions policies? Isn't that enough?
Why not just reduce existing methane emissions?
Why not just use Marine Cloud Brightening to cool the climate?
Why not use Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) to cool the climate?
Would Climate Catalyst acidify the ocean or cause acid rain?
Would climate catalyst destroy the ozone layer?
Would climate catalyst particles themselves reach the stratosphere?
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