
Nature-based Ocean and Atmospheric Cooling (NOAC) is an international online discussion group concerned with developing solutions to global warming. We believe that a combination of the better direct cooling methods is necessary to prevent more climate tipping points from occurring and to provide time for greenhouse gas removal and an orderly transition to a sustainable net zero emissions economy that preserves life on Earth.

What We Do

  • Document and assess the potential of the more-prospective Direct Climate Cooling (DCC) methods, focussing on oceanic and atmospheric ones.
  • Seek to improve the designs and application of these so that they come to be seen as suitably feasible, scalable, safe, economical, and timely to contribute substantially to climate repair before too many tipping points occur irreversibly.
  • Showcase these methods to parties that might become interested in researching, modelling, funding, supporting/promoting, developing, MRVing (measure, report & verify), approving, governing, and deploying one or more of them.
  • Provide a matchmaking service to such groups, startups, industries, NGOs, and governmental agencies, so that their individual capabilities, interests, and resources can be optimally applied to the problems and opportunities revealed.
  • Disinterestedly monitor the projects established under each Method that communities around the world can observe the progress, contribute to solving any issues arising, and request their own instantiations.
  • Facilitate links to other groups with complementary capabilities such that they may also contribute to the development of a Direct Cooling Movement (DCM) designed to reverse the current, but unscientific and fallacious, paradigm that maintains that emissions reduction alone (ERA) or that, combined with Greenhouse Gas Removal (GGR), are sufficient to restore a liveable climate and bounteous ocean.

Who We Are

We are scientists and activists working on ways to help cool the planet. Our members include:
Bruce Parker
Clive Elsworth
Sev Clarke

Other Organizations Associated with Direct Climate Cooling

    Bright Ice Initiative
    Healthy Planet Action Coalition
    MEER (Mirrors for Earth’s Energy Rebalancing)
    Planetary Restoration Action Group
    Rebrighten (with Marine Cloud Brightening)