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Anzai Kantentsu - nanobubble technology
株式会社 安斉管鉄
1 r4rJKypLijA (9) [NHK] Nanobubble technology 3/3/24 11/5/23
plain language description from a professional climatologist
some key studies on solar irradiance and volcanic issues
Schmutz, W., Changes in the Total Solar Irradiance and climatic effects, https://doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2021016
Dudok de Wit T, Ermolli I, Haberreiter M, Kambezidis H, Lam MM, et al. 2016. Earth"™s climate response to a changing Sun. EDP Sciences, France ISBN 978-2-7598-1733-7. https://doi.org/10.1051/978-2-75981733-7
Owens MJ, Lockwood M, Hawkins E, Usoskin I, Jones GS, Barnard L, Schurer A, Fasullo J. 2017. The Maunder minimum and the Little Ice Age: an update from recent reconstructions and climate simulations. J Space Weather Space Clim 7: A33. https://doi.org/10.1051/swsc/2017034
2 LYdvn2pGyOw (12) 5 factors behind the Global Heatwave 2023, and it's not just El Nino 8/4/23 11/5/23
Presentation by Alan Gadian of his Marine Cloud Brightening research at the Healthy Planet Action Coalition General Meeting. Alan is a Visiting Professor of Dynamical Meteorology at the University of Leeds and Senior Scientist at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS). In addition to pursuing his own MCB modelling research, Alan is working closely with Stephen Salter and others on trying to move this potentially important direct climate cooling method forward.
3 lRJqQfrbgP0 (1:27) Alan Gadian Marine Cloud Brightening HPAC 5 October 2023 10/8/23 11/5/23
On behalf of renowned climate scientist, Dr. James Hansen, we are pleased to share this virtual event entitled "An Intimate Conversation with Leading Climate Scientists To Discuss Ground-breaking New Research on Global Warming".
Ahead of the upcoming COP28, renowned climate scientist, Dr. James Hansen, and his co-authors present the novel findings of his new paper "Global Warming in the Pipeline."
Read the paper: https://academic.oup.com/oocc/article/3/1/kgad008/7335889
The event was moderated by Professor Jeffrey Sachs and features interventions by the following individuals:
- Dr. James Hansen, Lead Author and Director, Climate Science, Awareness, and Solutions, Columbia University Earth Institute
- Leon Simons, The Club of Rome Netherlands, "˜s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
- Dr. Norman G. Loeb, CERES Principal Investigator, NASA
-Dr. George Tselioudis, Author and Research Physical Scientist, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
- Dr. Pushker Kharecha, Author and Associate Research Scientist, Director, Climate Science, Awareness, and Solutions, Columbia Climate School
About the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN):
The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) was set up in 2012 under the auspices of the UN Secretary-General. SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement. SDSN works closely with United Nations agencies, multilateral financing institutions, the private sector, and civil society.
Connect with us:
4 NXDWpBlPCY8 (1:13) An Intimate Conversation with Leading Climate Scientists To Discuss New Research on Global Warming 11/2/23 11/4/23
Stanford Professor Chris Field, an advisor to the Climate Overshoot Commission (COC) is our guest at the Healthy Planet Action Coalition meeting Thursday, September 21 for 90 minutes.
Mike MacCracken moderated the conversation.
Access to previous HPAC meeting conversations is at https://www.healthyplanetaction.org/
The Commission, a private entity sponsored by the Paris Peace Forum, has 12 members from all over the planet drawn mostly from those who previously held high-level governmental positions, including several with strong backgrounds in climate change.
Their previous Director Dr Jesse Reynolds spoke with HPAC in January.
Jesse Reynolds
The COC report Reducing the Risks of Climate Overshoot was released on September 14.
While the COC did not solicit public input it did hold a series of meetings to learn and discuss the full range of questions facing the international community in dealing with the risk of climate overshoot.
Their 4-part high-level recommendations were summarized in the acronym CARE, for Cut (emissions), Adapt, Remove (CO2), and Explore (SRM).
Specifically, its recommendation on climate intervention advocated expanding research while placing
5 RATVY9v7vsI (1:25) Chris Field Conversation with Healthy Planet Action Coalition 21 September 2023 9/26/23 11/5/23
The ocean is one of the principal regulators of global climate, but much of what it does occurs out of sight, deep beneath the surface. Learn about the biological carbon pump"”the living ocean"™s role in moving carbon out of the atmosphere and into the depths"”and the ways humans can help or hinder this natural, vital part of Earth"™s carbon cycle.
Kristina Gjerde
Senior High Seas Advisor, IUCN, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
Ken Buesseler
Marine Radiochemist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Deborah Steinberg
Ecology Professor, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Kakani Katijaa
Principal Engineer, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Kilaparti Ramakrishna
Director, Marine Policy Center
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Event recorded Friday, September 15, 2023
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
6 fBNAqtT55Y0 (1:35) Climate Hero: The ocean's super-powered carbon pump 9/22/23 11/20/23
Current data on emissions, atmospheric concentrations, global temperatures, and widening impacts are frightening. Even so, some of the most worrying science has been downplayed, while the emissions curve continues to rise. Clearly, such brightsiding, not only limits the climate agenda, but is neither scientific nor ethical. Dr. Jem Bendell exposes the danger of imagining that we can ignore facts, playing games with nature, because nature always wins.
Dr. Ye Tao explains why efforts towards net zero, while essential, have the effect of reducing the global dimming that is the result of polluting particles, which is actually cooling the planet significantly: a terrifying dilemma that has been largely ignored. Yet many influential organizations criticize people for being "˜too negative"™ about the current and future impacts of
7 vw85K7MjwYk (26) Climate Honesty - Ending Climate Brightsiding 11/13/22 11/8/23
Healthy Planet Action Coalition
Title: Model Simulations of Climate Interventions Aiming to Offset Future Warming: Insights and Uncertainties

Speaker: Associate Professor Douglas MacMartin, Cornell University

Talk Overview
Decadal-average global warming is approaching 1.2 C and it is likely that the 1.5 C goal from the Paris Agreement will be passed in the next decade or so. Global warming is now being experienced through the increasing likelihood of severe weather, more intense storms, destabilization of major glacial streams, increasing rate of rise of sea level, and more, all driven by the ongoing emissions of greenhouse gas emissions.
With the present and projected pace of emissions mitigation, global warming is projected to at least double before net-zero emissions are reached up to a few decades after mid-century, with corresponding increased impacts and risks.
With all nations committed to the goal of keeping global warming to no more than 1.5 C and climate intervention becoming the only option for preventing further warming, modeling studies have started looking at climate intervention scenarios that would offset further warming, stabilizing the climate at 1.5C, or restoring back to 1.0C or lower.
Professor MacMartin reports on the status of climate stabilization studies using stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), providing an overview of what would be involved, including options such as more polar-focused deployments, what the resulting stabilized climate would be like and how long it might take to reach a desired cooling, what the key uncertainties are and how they might compare to the types of consequences that might trigger calls for intervention, and what research is needed to provide the firmer information needed for early rather than late-stage emergency intervention to be considered as a potential policy scenario.
The recording includes a powerpoint presentation followed by question and answer with the audience.

Biography (from https://www.mae.cornell.edu/faculty-directory/douglas-macmartin
Douglas MacMartin is an Associate Professor in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Cornell University.
His research focuses on Sunlight Reflection Methods (SRM, also known as climate engineering, solar geoengineering, or climate intervention), with the aim of helping to develop the knowledge base necessary to support informed future societal decisions in this challenging and controversial field.
He has published extensively on the subject, and in addition to public and academic presentations has provided briefings to the UN Environment Program and testimony to the US Congress, and he was a member of the US National Academies panel that made recommendations on both research and governance in March 2021.
Doug received his Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT in 1992; previous positions include United Technologies Research Center (1994-2000) and the California Institute of Technology (2000-2015). His research is funded by NSF and by the Cornell Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future.
8 hVHrTlbfwNQ (1:22) Doug MacMartin HPAC 2 Nov 23 11/2/23 11/5/23
Attending: Franz, Robert, John, Clive, Kevin, Doug, Jane, Peter F, Susan Lee, Bru Pearce, Andrew Lockley, Felix Taubert, David Koween, Jim Elsworth, Wilson Hago
9 LJWee8vO6FQ (1:16) ISA Presentation 7/4/20 10/13/23
Prof. Kevin Anderson - excerpt from main interview titled Climate Failures \u0026 Phantasies.
View whole interview: https://youtu.be/Vb33oVGg7xA
In all of the scenarios, all of the high level scenarios, in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, what is called Working Group 3 of the IPCC, all of their scenarios, and indeed, really all of them, all of the major global high-level scenarios, and these are scenarios about the future, in terms of energy and emissions, they all rely on some form of carbon dioxide removal. And these terms now, trip off our tongue, as if they're perfectly reasonable things to discuss. Carbon Dioxide Removal, negative emission technologies, and increasingly even the language of geoengineering. But these things aren't material, particularly the negative emissions and the geoengineering, they're not actually material things you can go out and get and buy at scale. They are at very best, very small pilot schemes that capture a few thousand tonnes here and there, but set against the fact is, we're emitting around about 36 to 37 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide every year from burning fossil fuels. These technologies are just capturing just a few 1000 tonnes, there's absolutely no way that you can scale these things up from just being very small pilot schemes, often with a very chequered technical history, that you can scale these things up in a timeline that matches the carbon budgets that come out of the science that relate to 1.5 and two degrees centigrade. And yet we evoke them as if somehow they are, they can be aligned, they cannot be aligned. In fact, they've undermined the narrative, I would argue for the last at least 10 to 15 years, if not 20 years. So the adoption of these sorts of technologies, and it's not they're not the only ones, not only these technologies that are planned to remove on our carbon dioxide, to suck the carbon dioxide, hundreds of billions of tonnes, up to half a trillion tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and bury it securely underground in a timely manner. The assumption of that is actually done the oil companies job for them. It has allowed us to postulate ongoing fossil fuel use, to avoid major profound political and social change. I have made this point before; I think, what I've often referred to as integrated assessment models, whilst I think a lot of the modellers are good people doing as objective work as they can, the the boundaries they work within are deeply subjective. And they have actually done the job of Exxon for the last 20 years by undermining the narratives we've needed to have to start to address climate change. So and I think that these have been so normalised now that when you talk about them, and that they may not work, as is assumed you almost seem to be an extremist, so you are an extremist, because you're pointing out that these technologies that barely exist, are completely relied on in the models; that is seen to be the extreme position, rather than the extreme position being, how on earth can it be that virtually every single model run that we have, rely on these, either technologies or some other use of, the awful term of nature based solutions. The language we use, it sort of captures something and makes it all sound so neat that we can simply put it into the accountancy spreadsheet that underpins these models, and hey, presto, we can evoke wonderful low carbon futures that occur almost overnight. And the journalists have allowed this to happen. A lot of the senior academics have allowed this to happen. And I think it comes back to the my point earlier that actually, often as experts, we're very good at reductionist thinking but we're not very good at Systems Thinking
10 qbOBDasUzi4 (4) Kevin Anderson on CDR and NETs - Reductionist versus systems thinking 10/23/23 11/8/23
Special guests, Stephen Salter and Peter Wadhams, join Paul Beckwith and Regina Valdez to discuss Marine Cloud Brightening. Stephen Salter is one of the leading voices of the Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) movement.
As average global temperatures rise, increasing the reflectivity of clouds over the ocean has been studied as a geoengineering method to reflect more solar radiation away from the Earth thus reducing and reversing the warming caused by excess CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.
This CEF program was recorded at COP26, Glasgow, Scotland, in the Durdle Door press conference room on November 4th, 2021, and published on December 13th, 2021. This presentation is brought to you through a collaboration with FacingFuture.TV https://www.youtube.com/c/FacingFuture.
Topics discussed include the following:
- Why some clouds, such as cumulonimbus are dark, and some are light
- Using nozzles installed on ships to spray very small drops of filtered seawater 0.8 microns in diameter.
- Ships spraying filtered droplets of sea water could be deployed to reverse sea level rise and/or save the Arctic sea ice.
- Governments of countries could decide on targets for sea-surface temperatures
- Cost estimates to deploy a fleet of 800 spray vessels/ships
- Advantages of MCB as a geoengineering technique to prevent the worst extremes of climate change
- How we can change the reflectivity of clouds in areas that will most benefit the Earth.
Earth is dimming due to climate change
Special Guests:
Stephen Salter - Emeritus Professor of Engineering Design at the University of Edinburgh and is responsible for creating the concept of the mechanical enhancement of clouds to increase their reflectivity. Professor Salter is a Member of the Order of the British Empire.
Dr. Peter Wadhams - ScD, is emeritus professor of Ocean Physics, and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. He is best known for his work on sea ice.
Regular Panelists:
Paul Beckwith
- Climate Systems Scientist. Professor at the University of Ottawa in the Paleoclimatology Laboratory as well as at Carleton University
Regina Valdez
- Program Director, Climate Reality Project, NYC. GreenFaith Fellow and LEED Green Associate
Video Production:
COP26 Media Crew in the Durdle Door Press Conference Room
Charles Gregoire
- Electrical Engineer, Webmaster and IT prime for FacingFuture.Earth \u0026 the Climate Emergency Forum; Climate Reality Leader
Heidi Brault
- Video production and website assistant, Organizer and convener, Metadata technician, BA (Psychology), COP26 team lead for FacingFuture.Earth and the Climate Emergency Forum; Climate Reality Leader
Thanks to the following organizations for making this program possible:
- Buddhist Tzu-Chi Foundation
- Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development
- International Society of Ecological Economics
Background Music:
- Title: Through the City II
- Author: Crowander
- Source: Free Music Archive
- License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Image and Video: https://climateemergencyforum.org/assets/attributions/2021-12-13-marine-cloud-brightening.html
11 o-0h14RFq4M (31) Marine Cloud Brightening 12/13/21 1/10/24
Oliver Morton, the veteran British science journalist and author of several books, including an excellent book on geoengineering, is guest speaker at the HPAC meeting on 29 June 2023
Oliver"™s 2008 classic The Planet Remade is as fresh and provocative as ever.
The Planet Remade: How Geoengineering Could Change the World
In addition to discussion on the politics, ethics, science and technology of geoengineering, Oliver draws on his long experience as an editor and journalist with The Economist to provide useful ideas and direction for advocacy work.
Those who have read or watched Oliver speak know that he is highly literate, highly knowledgeable and quite witty.
12 w6ODDLIxW1k (1:24) Oliver Morton on Geoengineering, with Healthy Planet Action Coalition 29 June 2023 6/29/23 11/28/23
I was recently in a great video discussion with Peter Wadhams and Stephen Salter, hosted by Metta Spencer, to hash out the cloud brightening technique as conceptualized by Emeritus Professor Stephen Salter in the Engineering and Design Department at the University of Edinburgh over the last couple of decades.
Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) has the potential to cool the planet in a highly controllable fashion. Essentially, sea water is pumped to high pressure through nozzles where it generates water jets that then break apart (via Rayleigh instability) to form tiny water droplets. The nozzle size, number of nozzles, water pressure, etc"¦ are engineered to produce water droplets of 800 nm size (0.8 micron) so that when the water evaporates we are left with 200 nm salt crystals. These salt crystals are then transported within the turbulent boundary layer above the surface of the ocean up to heights about 1 km to 1.5 km where they act as cloud condensation nuclei, ensuring that the clouds that do form are of extremely high albedo (reflectivity) and thus can reflect enough incoming sunlight to cool the surface of the Earth.
The spray nozzles are transported around the oceans of the planet by hydrofoil ships powered by the wind using so-called Flettner Rotors. The ships are sailed to specific areas of the ocean at specific times of the year to brighten the clouds in specific regions to get the desired regional cooling, for example to reduce Atlantic Basin hurricane strength, protect coral reefs, cool the Arctic enough to restore Arctic Sea Ice, and!or modify monsoons or redistribute rainfall to reduce droughts or torrential rainfalls.
This technology has enormous potential to cool the planet enough to buy us time to slash fossil fuel emissions and deploy carbon removal technologies.
Please donate to http://paulbeckwith.net to support my research and videos on abrupt climate change science, consequences, and solutions.
13 c8Ko60kXk6w (16) On the Deployment of Ocean Spraying Vessels to Brighten Marine Clouds to Cool the Planet: 4 of 4 6/23/21 11/20/23
Most countries lack that sort of organizational and financial heft, and are far more subject to the whims and trends of global financial availability. From 1990 through 2020, that wasn"™t much of a problem.
Capital flight from the former Soviet world, hyperfinancialization out of China, and heavy agricultural subsidies out of Europe and Japan, combined with the ridiculously available and cheap credit made possible by the Boomer Bulge, has deluged agriculturalists the world over with all the financing they could stomach.
But between
14 288ahKTdoyM (24) Peter Zeihan on Agricultural Supply Chains 11/27/23 11/28/23
15 gHxc1w73UvU (1:35) Planetary Restoration Action Group16 July 2023 7/21/23 11/5/23
Professor Sir David King, Founder of the Centre for Climate Repair, chairs the final summer workshop series on Refreezing the Arctic.
We will hear from experts on the potential of Marine Cloud Brightening - including its use to protect the Great Barrier Reef (Dr Daniel Harrison), atmospheric modelling (Dr Alan Gadian) and its potential to refreeze the Arctic (Dr Hugh Hunt) - as well as localized albedo modification for ice preservation and regeneration (Dr Leslie Field. Please note this is a pre-record and Dr. Field's presentation can also be viewed separately. Due to a technical issue, her face is not visible on the Zoom recording. Here is the link for her talk: https://youtu.be/_8r__lPI1B8).
Sir David King will close the series with his reflections on the opportunities and challenges facing research into climate repair.
16 -FZ5tZxnj4E (2:01) Refreezing the Arctic: Marine Cloud Brightening and other techniques 7/19/21 10/13/23
Presentation to the Healthy Planet Action Coalition followed by audience discussion. Please support HPAC at https://www.healthyplanetaction.org/
17 0ks38RvMukI (1:24) Religion and Climate Change Robert Tulip 14 December 2023 12/20/23 1/24/24
Intellectual Ventures inventors, including wave energy
expert Stephen H. Salter, an emeritus professor at the University
of Edinburgh, have patented the Salter Sink, which may offer a more feasible and affordable way to drain energy from hurricanes and typhoons.
18 oVJznfgYGds (2) Salter Sink Animation 2009-10-22 6/13/24 11/5/23
(Conversation recorded on October 16th, 2023)
Show Summary:
On this episode, Nate is joined by climate scientist and policy ambassador Sir David King to unpack the current situation regarding Earth"™s climate system and human response (or lack thereof) to the accelerating heating of the atmosphere. While there are many uncertainties this field still grapples with, the fundamentals of the rising average global temperature as a response to increasing man-made greenhouse emissions are widely recognized by the global scientific community. Yet - especially in the United States - climate change remains a contentious issue, making it an even tougher political topic with no easy solutions. What is the basic science behind our understanding of the atmosphere? Will we resort to geoengineering to avert the worst climate outcomes - and which plans look the most promising? What are the implications of global heating for the coming decades and beyond?
About Sir David King:
Sir David King is an Emeritus Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Cambridge. He is the Chair of the Climate Crisis Advisory Group, Founder of the Centre for Climate Repair at Cambridge, and an Affiliate Partner of SYSTEMIQ Limited. He was the UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser from 2000-2007 and the Foreign Secretary's Special Representative on Climate Change from 2013-2017. He also spearheaded a collaborative program called Mission Innovation, which involved 25 countries and the EU to create a publicly funded £23bn pa research and development international exercise aimed at delivering all technologies needed to complete the transition into a fossil-fuel-free world economy. He has been a Fellow of the Royal Society since 1991 and a Foreign Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences since 2002. Sir Dave was knighted in 2003 and made
19 u7jETRJrkmk?t=5423 (1:50) Sir David King: "Global Heating: The Science and the Response" The Great Simplification 10/25/23 11/5/23
A super strong El Niño and record high global sea surface temperatures are set to deliver devastating extreme weather events all over the planet in 2024. They will be extremely costly and traumatic for many millions of people around the world. But the real concern is what the consequences of those events will show us about the fragility and vulnerability our global food supply network is. A worrying portent of our near-term future?
Help support this channels independence at
Or with a donation via Paypal by clicking here
You can also help keep my brain ticking over during the long hours of research and editing via the nice folks at BuyMeACoffee.com
Video Transcripts available at our website
Research Links
MINTEC - El Niño prediction for 2023 24
IPCC 6th Assessment
2023 US billion dollar disasters
Ocean Heat Absorption
Cheng et al 2022 - Ocean Heating
Bentley et al 2022 - Global wheat supplies
Hedlund et al 2022 - Impacts of climate change on global food trade networks
Callahan et al 2023 - Persistent effects of El Niño on global food supplies
Barclays - Global food systems under mounting pressure
NOAA ENSO Update April 2023
WMO reports
Other media reports on El Niño and food supply network
Check out other YouTube Climate Communicators
zentouro: https://www.youtube.com/user/zentouro
Climate Adam: https://www.youtube.com/user/ClimateAdam
Kurtis Baute: https://www.youtube.com/user/ScopeofScience
Levi Hildebrand: https://www.youtube.com/user/The100LH
Simon Clark: https://www.youtube.com/user/SimonOxfPhys
Sarah Karvner: https://www.youtu
20 kQkyouPOrD4 (15) The heat may not kill you, but the global food crisis might! 9/17/23 10/13/23
Scientists have identified nine so-called 'Earth System boundaries' beyond which life on our planet will become extremely difficult for many species, not least us humans. That analysis has often been met with scepticism, but risk managers at the world's largest financial institutions have been watching the rapid 'real-world' changes in earth's atmosphere and the catastrophic impacts on their asset portfolios, and they're beginning to factor 'Planetary Boundary' science into their spreadsheets. And when the 'money-men' change, the whole world changes!!
Help support this channels independence at
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You can also help keep my brain ticking over during the long hours of research and editing via the nice folks at BuyMeACoffee.com
Video Transcripts available at our website
Research Links
The Emperors New Climate Scenarios - Main Paper
A Safe Operating Space for Humanity - Rockström et al
Earth beyond six of nine planetary boundaries - Richardson et el
Climate Central - flood maps
Global Carbon Project
Carbon Tracker
IPCC AR6 Report
Climate Crisis Advisory Group paper
Chatham House article
'The Conversation' article
Check out other YouTube Climate Communicators
zentouro: https://www.youtube.com/user/zentouro
Climate Adam: https://www.youtube.com/user/ClimateAdam
Kurtis Baute: https://www.youtube.com/user/ScopeofScience
Levi Hildebrand: https://www.youtube.com/user/The100LH
Simon Clark: https://www.youtube.com/user/SimonOxfPhys
Sarah Karvner: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRwMkTu8sCwOOD6_7QYrZnw
Rollie Williams / ClimateTown: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuVLG9pThvBABcYCm7pkNkA
Jack Harries: https://www.youtube.com/user/JacksGap
Beckisphere: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT39HQq5eDKonaUV8ujiBCQ
Our Changing Climate : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNXvxXpDJXp-mZu3pFMzYHQ
Engineering With Rosie https://www.youtube.com/c/EngineeringwithRosie
Ella Gilbert https://www.youtube.com/c/DrGilbz
Planet Proof https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdtF58iBRQ2C3QPeKKzxwiA
Our Eden https://www.youtube.com/@OurEden
21 X-FJvzgrM00 (17) The money men know the truth about planetary boundaries! 10/29/23 11/13/23
This webinar is part of the AIMES, Earth Commission, Future Earth, WCRP Safe Landing Climates Lighthouse Activity, and partners discussion series on tipping elements, irreversibility, and abrupt changes in the Earth system. The event discussed different concepts for ecological systems change. We investigate regime shifts and resilience loss and if thresholds exist for biodiversity change.
â–º Ecosystems are showing signs of resilience loss - Juan Rocha (Stockholm Resilience Centre)
â–º Are there thresholds for biodiversity change? - Helmut Hillebrand (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg)
Moderated by Awaz Mohamed (University of Hamburg)
22 AFkDzHnXkb8 (1:26) TPDS: Ecological tipping points and resilience: when it may occur and when not ( 10/2/23 11/7/23
Global ocean surface temperatures are so high that climate scientists are describing them as
23 T0qRoeEcKtY (17) We need to talk about ANTARCTICA...AGAIN!! 10/15/23 11/8/23
24 HplbEZmX_Pw (29) What's Causing the Ocean Heatwave? (With Jeff Berardelli) 6/21/23 11/5/23
25 PWGC2il6svU (1:11) Yuri Felshtinsky - Russia Went from Red Terror to a Terrorist State led by the Intelligence Services 11/24/23 11/28/23