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Gigablue is accelerating the return to balance, by elegantly combining science, AI and nature’s way to secure our planet's future. We believe the climate challenge demands massive action, on a massive scale. Implementation barriers must be drastically lowered to achieve a price point that is both affordable and feasible to operate. Most importantly, however, the solution must be effective and long-lasting, for our generation and all those to come. One planet, one last chance, one solution.
1 gigablue.co/ Affordable, planetary-scale carbon capture and removal. 11/1/23 11/15/23
The Blue Cooling Initiative is about buying time for humanity to bring our ways of living in harmony with the earth’ carrying capacity. We want to achieve this by temporarily cooling the planet via a technology called Marine Cloud Brightening. BCI contributes to the technical development and political/societal acceptance of MCB. BCI wants to deliver the evidence MCB is possible and governable using nature-based solutions. We acquire funds for technical development & organize societal/political landing creating coalitions between scientists, politicians, NGO’s, businesses and the public.
2 bluecooling.org/ Blue Cooling Initiative 11/1/23
Explore a database of 100+ knowledge gaps across the field of durable carbon removal. Find relevant gaps using the filters, add/edit/upvote gaps, and take action to fill them. Learn more about how to use this tool Read an overview of the five types of gaps this tool includes Browse ecosystem resources to find potential collaborators, funding opportunities, or relevant programs View and download the full database content in Airtable This database includes questions that, if addressed, could improve existing carbon removal approaches or lead to entirely new approaches. Please liberally edit existing gaps, or let us know about gaps that are missing altogether. Questions? Interested in collaborating on these problems? Email us at info@frontierclimate.com.
3 gaps.frontierclimate.com/ Carbon removal knowledge gaps 10/26/23
Carbon dioxide receives a lot of attention because it is warming the climate. However, we think it’s also important to understand the cooling processes that occur naturally in the troposphere. For example: What is the process that removes powerful greenhouse warming agents such as methane and soot from the air? What makes bright clouds form in the air? Moreover, could these processes be safely increased to delay or even reverse today’s melting of Earth’s polar ice sheets? If so, they could prevent the catastrophic effects of carbon dioxide not being drawn down fast enough. Our solutions aim to do that using the same or similar methods that have been operating naturally in the troposphere for millions of years.
4 climatearks.com/ Climate Arks 1/1/23 11/20/23
In our weekly podcast and public radio program, Climate One from The Commonwealth Club engages advocates, influencers and policymakers in empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the climate emergency — the individual and the systemic, the scary and the exciting — to deepen your understanding of the most critical issue of our time.
5 https://www.climateone.org/ Climate One - Addressing the climate crisis begins by talking about it. 1/1/24 1/25/24
Earth is a cool place Earth is home to nearly 9 million species of plants and animals, 8 billion humans and surely the most beautiful and diverse nature in the known universe. We can be proud of our incredible planet. Our planet is in need Earth is under threat. Global temperatures have risen by around 1.2 degrees since the industrial revolution; the consequences of this warming are already dramatic, but they are minor in comparison to what lies ahead.
6 https://cool-planet.earth/ Cool Planet Earth 1/1/24 2/1/24
Envisionation is a unique thinktank and consulting group made up of an international network of critical system thinkers, climate scientists, economists, business entrepreneurs and journalists, working to understand the functioning of the Whole Earth System and the full extent of the human impact on it. We draw the individual components together to provide an overarching view of the whole, providing our clients with essential information to navigate the future, enabling them to identify threats, contingent liabilities and the vast opportunities that restoring Earth’s biosphere present.
7 https://www.envisionation.org/ Envisionation -Foreseeing and Forming the Future 1/1/24 1/24/24
Our Ocean’s Carbon Removal Power The ocean is a massive sink for CO2 as one-third of all CO2 emissions end up in the ocean. Since the industrial revolution, the excess amount of CO2 in the air has led to ocean acidification. The concentration of (dissolved) carbon in the ocean is more than 150 times higher than in the air. This makes the ocean a powerful source for CO2 capture.
8 seao2.nl/ Giga-ton scalable Carbon Dioxide Removal Technology 11/1/23
The Healthy Planet Action Coalition is an international organization that advocates for an urgent and more ambitious global response to climate change. The world needs a climate restoration plan that will limit global warming to below 1° C. An effective and responsible plan will integrate three approaches: 1. Cooling the planet, particularly the polar regions and the Himalayas, 2. Reducing GHG emissions, including methane and other short-lived warming agents, and 3. Removing legacy CO2, methane, and other GHGs from the atmosphere.
9 healthyplanetaction.org/ Healthy Planet Action Coalition 1/3/24
Planetary Health is a solutions-oriented, transdisciplinary field and social movement focused on analyzing and addressing the impacts of human disruptions to Earth’s natural systems on human health and all life on Earth.
10 planetaryhealthalliance.o... Planetary Health Allaince 11/1/23
PRAG’s MISSION is to identify means and promote action for planetary restoration: restoring norms of temperature, climate and sea level rise close to late Holocene norms, such as to achieve a sustainable, biodiverse, productive and safe state for our planet.
11 planetaryrestorationactio... Planetary Restoration Action Group 11/1/23
Project Save the World provides this meeting place for activists and researchers working to save our world from these global problems: war and weapons, global warming, famine, pandemics, radioactive risks, cyber risks, economic, governmental and human rights risks, and civil society risks. We offer you a choice of forums that we’ve produced (watch them as videos, listen as audio podcasts, or read transcripts and summaries), columns to discuss aspects of these nine global dangers, and an events listing for you to publicize upcoming events, and learn about other public activities.
12 tosavetheworld.ca/ Project Save The World 1/1/24 1/25/24
Rebrighten.org is a not for profit organization newly established to study, promote and deploy Marine Cloud Brightening (MCB) as the most effective, safe and rapid available method to reverse global warming. We seek to raise USD $5 million to implement our proposal to prove the feasibility of MCB as a way to cool and re-brighten the planet, alongside broader existing efforts to mitigate warming by cutting and removing greenhouse gases. Help us create a brighter, safer future for the planet & humanity by supporting this crucial project.
13 rebrighten.org/ Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Ocean Surface and Reduce Global Warming 11/1/23 11/14/23
Our Solution We enhance this natural process to remove large quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere, adding to the amount that is sequestered naturally.
14 seafields.eco Seafields - Healing the Climate - Restoring our Oceans 11/8/23
15 amr.earth/technology/ Technology - AMR - atmospheric methane removal 11/5/23
16 climatefoundation.org/ The Climate Foundation 11/7/23
GESAMP is a group of independent scientific experts that provides advice to the UN system on scientific aspects of marine environmental protection.
17 gesamp.org/ The Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection 11/2/23
Yale Climate Connections is a news service that aims to help you understand the reality of climate change and what you can do about it. Through our website, YouTube channel, and national radio program, which airs each day on hundreds of stations, we reach millions of people like you each year.
18 https://yaleclimateconnections.org/ Yale Climate Connections 1/1/24 1/25/24