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     Buoyant Flakes

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  # Name
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Title Ref Date Date Added Page length Exec-
tific Advis.
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ations & Logis-
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ance Advis.
1 Design4KenyanBuoyantFlake... A low cost mesocosm design (2023) 10/13/23 7 slides
2 KeepKrill A thought experiment (2022) 10/13/23 1
3 BFOFAbstract Abstract (2015) 10/13/23 1
4 CounteringWOFObjectionsv2 Answers to likely objections (2014) 10/13/23 ~4
5 imo.org/en/OurWork/Enviro... Assessment Framework (2019) 10/13/23 2
6 OOMCalc BF order of magnitude effects (2022) 10/13/23 3
7 OceanFertilisationCondens... BFOF Condensed (2014) 10/13/23 5
8 FlakeEconomicsv4 BFOF Economics (2014) 10/13/23 4
9 BuoyantFlakeExperimentation BFOF Experimentation (2016) 10/13/23 3
10 OIFValidatingExptsv2 BFOF Experiments (2014) 10/13/23 ~2
11 FlakeProductionDisseminat... BFOF Logistics (2020 updated to Nov 2022) 10/13/23 4 slides
12 DraftMinicoyExptOutline BFOF Phased Trials (2016) 10/13/23 2
13 MinicoyDeliveries BFOF Phases (2016) 10/13/23 1
14 OFBFv2 diagram BFOF sea trials (2016) 10/13/23 1
15 BFOF draft BFOFProjectDraft (~2017) 10/13/23 18
16 BuoyantFlakeFertilisation6 Brief to the UN (~2014) 10/13/23 2
17 vimeo.com/128378154 Bru Pearce's IMO audio presn (2015) 10/13/23 12min
18 Presentation for OFS Bru's IMO slidesĀ  (2015) 10/13/23 15 slides
19 BFTheses Buoyant Flake Theses (2022) 10/13/23 1
The ocean is one of the principal regulators of global climate, but much of what it does occurs out of sight, deep beneath the surface. Learn about the biological carbon pump"ā€the living ocean"ā„¢s role in moving carbon out of the atmosphere and into the depths"ā€and the ways humans can help or hinder this natural, vital part of Earth"ā„¢s carbon cycle.
Kristina Gjerde
Senior High Seas Advisor, IUCN, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey
Ken Buesseler
Marine Radiochemist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Deborah Steinberg
Ecology Professor, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Kakani Katijaa
Principal Engineer, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Kilaparti Ramakrishna
Director, Marine Policy Center
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Event recorded Friday, September 15, 2023
ƂĀ© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
20 fBNAqtT55Y0 (1:35) Climate Hero: The ocean's super-powered carbon pump 9/22/23 11/20/23
21 OceanFertilisationMethodC... Compares the traditional method that uses ferrous sulphate with that of buoyant flakes with multiple nutrients (~2014, updated 2020) 10/13/23 2
22 ThePinebankAssessment Contextualises BFOF with other climate methods 10/13/23 3
23 ArcticMethaneControlv2 Controlling CH4 ebullition (2018) 10/13/23 3
24 ScalingFlakeFormulationMa... Economical phasing of manufacture scaleup (2023) 10/13/23 6 slides
25 climategamechangers.org/w... Elsworth BFOF Recap (2018) 10/13/23 38
26 OrganicMaricultureAndBios... Full BFOF description, including those for non-technical, technical, deep technical, political and business reasoning (~2014, updated 2020) 10/13/23 54 1-5, 18, 21-24
27 EnhancingAlbedo How buoyant flakes can cool the planet (2023) 10/13/23 1
28 Methanotrophdraftgraphicv2 How to turn marine methane into biomass (2022) 10/13/23 1 slide
29 BuoyantFlakeDocuments4HPAC HPAC reading lists (Jun 2023) 10/13/23 1
30 ScalabilityUpdate Improving flake capability (2023) 10/13/23 1
31 Flakes99v2 Indian Buoyant Flakes Plan (~2016) 10/13/23 17 slides
32 oceaniron.org/wp-content/... Indian Mesocosm Experiment (2022) 10/13/23 6 slides
33 eprints.utas.edu.au/2667/ Jabour-GreenOIFLaw (2002) 10/13/23
34 wwwcdn.imo.org/localresou... Marine Geoengineering (2015) 10/13/23 26 17 17 17 17 17 17 17
35 MesocosmRiskManagement Mesocosm Planning (2016) 10/13/23 2
36 MesocosmRiskManagement Mesocosm Planning (2021) 10/13/23 1
37 KrillCaptureDevicev3 Method for the MRV of krill CDR (2022) 10/13/23 2 slides
38 MethanotrophExptMineralRe... Mix calculation (2021) 10/13/23 1
39 visibleearth.nasa.gov/ima... Ocean Chlorophyll Map (2004) 10/13/23 1
40 jstor.org/stable/48505149 Ocean Fertilisation Strategies 12/1/26 1/20/24
41 OceanChallengeSynopsis OceanChallengeSynopsis (~2017) 10/13/23 5
42 MethanotrophExperimentV2 PoC Expt (2021) 10/13/23 4 slides
43 researchgate.net/publicat... PositionAnalysisOceanFertilisation (2008) 10/13/23 20
44 BFOFMarineScientistTeamPr... (N/A) Potential Consortium membersĀ  (2015) 10/13/23 6
45 MeasuringMarineCDR Potential krill CDR (2022) 10/13/23 2
46 MeasuringMarineCDR Potential krill CDR (2022) 10/13/23 2
47 ProgrammeBuoyantFlakes Programme proposal to NIO (2015) 10/13/23 3
48 JurisdictionalSeas Prospective areas for ocean fertilisation (2014) 10/13/23 2
49 PilotFlakeProductionv2 Recipe for making small quantities of flake (2014) 10/13/23 4
50 TheBuoyantFlakeConcept Short description (2023) 10/13/23 2
51 OIFStrategyV15 Strategies for different oceanic regions (2014 partly updated to 2022) 10/13/23 10
52 BuoyantFlakesCapabilities... (N/A) Suggested roles (2015) 10/13/23 3