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1 GreeningSinaiv4 Cooling and watering coastal deserts (2021) 10/13/23 6
2 ModifiedSeatomiserv26 Cooling with sea salt (2021) 10/13/23 21
3 Seatomiserdraftgraphicv3 Graphic description (2021) 10/13/23 1
4 SeatomiserDocuments4HPAC HPAC reading lists (Jun 2023) 10/13/23 1
Attending: Franz, Robert, John, Clive, Kevin, Doug, Jane, Peter F, Susan Lee, Bru Pearce, Andrew Lockley, Felix Taubert, David Koween, Jim Elsworth, Wilson Hago
5 LJWee8vO6FQ (1:16) ISA Presentation 7/4/20 10/13/23 75mins
6 barrierreef.org/news/blog... MCB news article by the GBRF (2021) 10/13/23 3
7 OOMCalc Outlines three, key cooling methods (2022) 10/13/23 3
Professor Sir David King, Founder of the Centre for Climate Repair, chairs the final summer workshop series on Refreezing the Arctic.
We will hear from experts on the potential of Marine Cloud Brightening - including its use to protect the Great Barrier Reef (Dr Daniel Harrison), atmospheric modelling (Dr Alan Gadian) and its potential to refreeze the Arctic (Dr Hugh Hunt) - as well as localized albedo modification for ice preservation and regeneration (Dr Leslie Field. Please note this is a pre-record and Dr. Field's presentation can also be viewed separately. Due to a technical issue, her face is not visible on the Zoom recording. Here is the link for her talk: https://youtu.be/_8r__lPI1B8).
Sir David King will close the series with his reflections on the opportunities and challenges facing research into climate repair.
8 -FZ5tZxnj4E (2:01) Refreezing the Arctic: Marine Cloud Brightening and other techniques 7/19/21 10/13/23 120mins