73 | | Bright Water
Reflecting microbubbles generated in either sea or freshwater can be used to increase cooling albedo or to reduce water loss through evaporation. | |
73 | | Bright Water
Reflecting microbubbles generated in either sea or freshwater can be used to increase cooling albedo or to reduce water loss through evaporation. | |
| Short Description | Reflecting microbubbles generated in either sea or freshwater can be used to increase cooling albedo or to reduce water loss through evaporation. | Description | Prof. Russell Seitz in https://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/4737323/Seitz_BrightWater.pdf proposes generating microbubbles in the surface waters of the ocean and lakes designed to increase its albedo and hence cool the planet. Such bubbles are also being used to lubricate or reduce the hull friction of vessels, thereby either increasing their speed or reducing the fuel required. A second benefit resulting from such microbubbles in freshwater reserves, swamps and rice paddies open to the atmosphere is that it would reduce evaporative losses.
Regarding the generation of microbubbles and their optimal size distribution, it may be that Perlemax's no moving parts Desai Zimmerman Fluidic Oscillators (DZFO), see http://perlemax.com/about , could produce monodisperse (same sized) microbubbles of the optimal size at the lowest energy cost. Generated into water from the surfactant-rich, sea surface microlayer (SSML), no artificial surfactants might be needed. Note however, that nanobubbles generated in the SSML have lives measured in months. | Key Functions | | Innovation Dependencies | | Quantification | | Graphics: | | Technology | Effects | Projects |
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