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Nature-based Ocean and Atmospheric Cooling

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A re-engineered salt water mist spraying system (10/5/2024 1:31:00 AM J GOODWIN)

Dear Restorers,

I'll take a guess that planetary-restoration@googlegroups.comhas been shut down for a year. Perhaps your group has migrated to somewhere in Facebook.

My focus today isn't on a political decision of whether or not a fleet of 1000 ships should be deployed to spray salt water mist into the atmosphere. My engineering focus sets aside the various social and environmental questions about trying this scheme. I only want to know how to do this same job more cost-efficiently.

To this end, you may want to know that I have designed a salt water mist particle spraying barge, sketched out on my own website at https://klinkmansolar.com/ktrees.htm#S4b
. My mister buoy is entirely self-contained in terms of energy use. As designed, it has no fuel on board. My goal is to efficiently add an appropriate mass of seawater mist particles per second into a tall, wide cross section of trade wind that blows past the floating buoy.

You need to hear that my buoy has been optimized to perform a different task than the creation of airborne sea salt particles. I want to add serious amounts of humidity to the local atmosphere in certain climates. For example, adding humidity to the atmosphere offshore from Chile, with trade winds blowing that newly humidified air up a 6000 meter mountain, will help to restore mountain glaciers on the mountain peaks. That said, if your goal is to create airborne microscopic sea salt particles then you'd simply need to drill smaller diameter nozzles into every spray dispersion pipe.

To tow the buoys across the ocean to and from a maintenance port, I also have a zero fuel tugboat at https://klinkmansolar.com/kships.htm#O1

Yours in Hope,

Paul Klinkman

Ships - Klinkman Solar

Trees - Klinkman Solar
