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Advice to WMO on COP29 Planetary Albedo Discussion (9/3/2024 2:50:36 PM Tom Goreau)

All of this (tipping points, aerosol masking, black carbon, etc.) was understood when UNFCC was signed in 1992, not to mention the potential of a methane bomb from melting Arctic peat!

But all was ignored by governments who refused to require GHG gas source and sink monitoring essential for sound climate management.

Those were in the draft treaty the UN presented to governments, but were removed.

The final treaty was designed by deliberate omission to be unable to meet its own goals, and to foist the problem off on future generations.

Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD
President, Global Coral Reef Alliance

Chief Scientist, Blue Regeneration SL
President, Biorock Technology Inc.

Technical Advisor, Blue Guardians Programme, SIDS DOCK

37 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139

Skype: tomgoreau
Tel: (1) 617-864-4226 (leave message)


Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase


Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration


Geotherapy: Regenerating ecosystem services to reverse climate change

No one can change the past, everybody can change the future

It’s much later than we think, especially if we don’t think

Those with their heads in the sand will see the light when global warming and sea level rise wash the beach away

“When you run to the rocks, the rocks will be melting, when you run to the sea, the sea will be boiling”, Peter Tosh, Jamaica’s greatest song writer

Deliberate Omission in COP: Advice to WMO on COP29 Planetary Albedo Discussion (9/4/2024 4:51:00 AM Tom Goreau )

All of this (tipping points, aerosol masking, black carbon, etc.) was understood when UNFCC was signed in 1992, not to mention the potential of a methane bomb from melting Arctic peat!

But all was ignored by governments who refused to require GHG gas source and sink monitoring essential for sound climate management.

Those were in the draft treaty the UN presented to governments, but were removed.

The final treaty was designed by deliberate omission to be unable to meet its own goals, and to foist the problem off on future generations.

Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD
President, Global Coral Reef Alliance

Chief Scientist, Blue Regeneration SL
President, Biorock Technology Inc.

Technical Advisor, Blue Guardians Programme, SIDS DOCK

37 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139

Skype: tomgoreau
Tel: (1) 617-864-4226 (leave message)


Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase


Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration


Geotherapy: Regenerating ecosystem services to reverse climate change

No one can change the past, everybody can change the future

It’s much later than we think, especially if we don’t think

Those with their heads in the sand will see the light when global warming and sea level rise wash the beach away

“When you run to the rocks, the rocks will be melting, when you run to the sea, the sea will be boiling”, Peter Tosh, Jamaica’s greatest song writer

Arctic and Greenland ice, on the rocks (9/5/2024 6:36:52 AM Tom Goreau)

A few years ago I posted a series of photographs I took of the Greenland Ice Cap from the air. You could clearly see that the top surface was covered with a layer of black soot, which absorbs heat, and concentrates on the surface as the ice melts under it.

The soot was darkest around vertical melt sinkholes on the surface of the Ice Cap, which go all the way to the underlying rock surface, creating under-ice rivers that lubricate glacial slipping and sliding.

At the southern edge of the Ice Cap you could see that the land had been very recently glaciated, but the glaciers were completely gone, with each vanished glaciers that had completely covered the land marked by their unmistakable dry valley cwms (or cirques, look it up).

I can post the photos again if anyone is interested.

The recent massive unreported and unexplained combustion event in the Russian Arctic between August 11-22 dumped large amounts of particulate matter and aerosols on the Arctic Ice Cap.

We will see its effects later this year and next, even if it was an invisible event.

Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD
President, Global Coral Reef Alliance

Chief Scientist, Blue Regeneration SL
President, Biorock Technology Inc.

Technical Advisor, Blue Guardians Programme, SIDS DOCK

37 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139

Skype: tomgoreau
Tel: (1) 617-864-4226 (leave message)


Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase


Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration


Geotherapy: Regenerating ecosystem services to reverse climate change

No one can change the past, everybody can change the future

It’s much later than we think, especially if we don’t think

Those with their heads in the sand will see the light when global warming and sea level rise wash the beach away

“When you run to the rocks, the rocks will be melting, when you run to the sea, the sea will be boiling”, Peter Tosh, Jamaica’s greatest song writer

Advice to WMO on COP29 Planetary Albedo Discussion (9/6/2024 2:00:00 PM Tom Goreau)

Yes, Jasechko et al. was my source, they say 80-90% of land water transport to the atmosphere is transpiration, not evaporation, and I think suggested it might be an underestimate for methodological reasons. So perhaps 90% is a good round number estimate, or slightly high.

At any rate water flow from land to air should properly be described as transpiration, not evaporation (as occurs from oceans and lakes), the mechanisms and controls are entirely different. The distinction is important, and should be clearly made, just as latent heat and sensible heat need to be distinguished.

In severe drought, such has taken place across Amazonia for the last two years, plants shut their stomata, shrivel, and stop pumping moisture and latent heat into the atmosphere, so the land warms up further.

I saw this myself in the 1984 Amazon drought (nothing compared to recent ones) at my clearcut sites where small plants withered brown and died in deforested areas, bare ground was baked into a hard crust, while 100 meters away in the undisturbed rain forest the air was cool, the ground was moist, and a green carpet of moisture-requiring clubmosses, Selaginella and Lycopodium, grew on the forest floor. At the same time Manaus, the center of a large urban deforested area, was in drought, backyard plants died, and the city was surrounded by baking pastures with starving cattle wandering around withered grass, every rib clearly visible in their lean flanks.

This feedback triggers further drying and heating, see just published Koppa et al., 2024, Dryland self-expansion enabled by land-atmosphere feedbacks, Science, 385:967-972.

The process of desertification is described in its essence in these attached figures from a great book by Robert Goodland in 1975 that was my first guide to Amazonian ecosystem changes.

Thomas J. F. Goreau, PhD
President, Global Coral Reef Alliance

Chief Scientist, Blue Regeneration SL
President, Biorock Technology Inc.

Technical Advisor, Blue Guardians Programme, SIDS DOCK

37 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139

Skype: tomgoreau
Tel: (1) 617-864-4226 (leave message)


Geotherapy: Innovative Methods of Soil Fertility Restoration, Carbon Sequestration, and Reversing CO2 Increase


Innovative Methods of Marine Ecosystem Restoration


Geotherapy: Regenerating ecosystem services to reverse climate change

No one can change the past, everybody can change the future

It’s much later than we think, especially if we don’t think

Those with their heads in the sand will see the light when global warming and sea level rise wash the beach away

“When you run to the rocks, the rocks will be melting, when you run to the sea, the sea will be boiling”, Peter Tosh, Jamaica’s greatest song writer